#!/usr/bin/env ruby ### # # This sceript will enumerate download links for Microsoft patches. # # Author: # * sinn3r # ### msfbase = __FILE__ while File.symlink?(msfbase) msfbase = File.expand_path(File.readlink(msfbase), File.dirname(msfbase)) end $:.unshift(File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(msfbase), '..', '..', 'lib'))) require 'rex' require 'nokogiri' require 'uri' require 'json' require 'optparse' module MicrosoftPatchFinder module SiteInfo TECHNET = { ip: '', vhost: 'technet.microsoft.com' } MICROSOFT = { ip: '', vhost: 'www.microsoft.com' } GOOGLEAPIS = { ip: '', vhost: 'www.googleapis.com' } end # This provides whatever other classes need. module Helper # Prints a debug message. # # @param msg [String] The message to print. # @return [void] def print_debug(msg='') $stderr.puts "[DEBUG] #{msg}" end # Prints a status message. # # @param msg [String] The message to print. # @return [void] def print_status(msg='') $stderr.puts "[*] #{msg}" end # Prints an error message. # # @param msg [String] The message to print. # @return [void] def print_error(msg='') $stderr.puts "[ERROR] #{msg}" end # Prints a regular message. # # @param msg [String] The message to print. # @return pvoid def print_line(msg='') $stdout.puts msg end # Sends an HTTP request with Rex. # # @param rhost [Hash] Information about the target host. Use MicrosoftPatchFinder::SiteInfo. # @option rhost [String] :vhost # @option rhost [String] :ip IPv4 address # @param opts [Hash] Information about the Rex request. # @raise [RuntimeError] Failure to make a request. # @return [Rex::Proto::Http::Response] def send_http_request(rhost, opts={}) res = nil opts.merge!({'vhost'=>rhost[:vhost]}) print_debug("Requesting: #{opts['uri']}") cli = Rex::Proto::Http::Client.new(rhost[:ip], 443, {}, true, 'TLS1') tries = 1 begin cli.connect req = cli.request_cgi(opts) res = cli.send_recv(req) rescue ::EOFError, Errno::ETIMEDOUT ,Errno::ECONNRESET, Rex::ConnectionError, OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError, ::Timeout::Error => e if tries < 3 print_error("Failed to make a request, but will try again in 5 seconds...") sleep(5) tries += 1 retry else raise "[x] Unable to make a request: #{e.class} #{e.message}\n#{e.backtrace * "\n"}" end ensure cli.close end res end end # Collects MSU download links from Technet. class PatchLinkCollector include MicrosoftPatchFinder::Helper # Returns a response of an advisory page. # # @param msb [String] MSB number in this format: msxx-xxx # @return [Rex::Proto::Http::Response] def download_advisory(msb) send_http_request(SiteInfo::TECHNET, { 'uri' => "/en-us/library/security/#{msb}.aspx" }) end # Returns the most appropriate pattern that could be used to parse and extract links from an advisory. # # @param n [Nokogiri::HTML::Document] The advisory page parsed by Nokogiri # @return [Hash] def get_appropriate_pattern(n) # These pattern checks need to be in this order. patterns = [ # This works from MS14-001 until the most recent { check: '//div[@id="mainBody"]//div//h2//div//span[contains(text(), "Affected Software")]', pattern: '//div[@id="mainBody"]//div//div[@class="sectionblock"]//table//a' }, # This works from ms03-040 until MS07-029 { check: '//div[@id="mainBody"]//ul//li//a[contains(text(), "Download the update")]', pattern: '//div[@id="mainBody"]//ul//li//a[contains(text(), "Download the update")]' }, # This works from sometime until ms03-039 { check: '//div[@id="mainBody"]//div//div[@class="sectionblock"]//p//strong[contains(text(), "Download locations")]', pattern: '//div[@id="mainBody"]//div//div[@class="sectionblock"]//ul//li//a' }, # This works from MS07-030 until MS13-106 (the last update in 2013) # The check is pretty short so if it kicks in too early, it tends to create false positives. # So it goes last. { check: '//div[@id="mainBody"]//p//strong[contains(text(), "Affected Software")]', pattern: '//div[@id="mainBody"]//table//a' }, ] patterns.each do |pattern| if n.at_xpath(pattern[:check]) return pattern[:pattern] end end nil end # Returns the details page for an advisory. # # @param res [Rex::Proto::Http::Response] # @return [Array] An array of URI objects. def get_details_aspx(res) links = [] page = res.body n = ::Nokogiri::HTML(page) appropriate_pattern = get_appropriate_pattern(n) n.search(appropriate_pattern).each do |anchor| found_link = anchor.attributes['href'].value if /https:\/\/www\.microsoft\.com\/downloads\/details\.aspx\?familyid=/i === found_link begin links << URI(found_link) rescue ::URI::InvalidURIError print_error "Unable to parse URI: #{found_link}" end end end links end # Returns the redirected page. # # @param rhost [Hash] From MicrosoftPatchFinder::SiteInfo # @param res [Rex::Proto::Http::Response] # @return [Rex::Proto::Http::Response] def follow_redirect(rhost, res) opts = { 'method' => 'GET', 'uri' => res.headers['Location'] } send_http_request(rhost, opts) end # Returns the download page of an advisory. # # @param uri [URI::HTTP] # @return [Rex::Proto::Http::Response] def get_download_page(uri) opts = { 'method' => 'GET', 'uri' => uri.request_uri } res = send_http_request(SiteInfo::MICROSOFT, opts) if res.headers['Location'] return follow_redirect(SiteInfo::MICROSOFT, res) end res end # Returns a collection of found MSU download links from an advisory. # # @param page [String] The HTML page of the advisory. # @return [Array] An array of links def get_download_links(page) page = ::Nokogiri::HTML(page) relative_uri = page.search('a').select { |a| a.attributes['href'] && a.attributes['href'].value.include?('confirmation.aspx?id=') }.first return [] unless relative_uri relative_uri = relative_uri.attributes['href'].value absolute_uri = URI("https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/#{relative_uri}") opts = { 'method' => 'GET', 'uri' => absolute_uri.request_uri } res = send_http_request(SiteInfo::MICROSOFT, opts) n = ::Nokogiri::HTML(res.body) n.search('a').select { |a| a.attributes['href'] && a.attributes['href'].value.include?('http://download.microsoft.com/download/') }.map! { |a| a.attributes['href'].value }.uniq end # Returns whether the page is an advisory or not. # # @param res [Rex::Proto::Http::Response] # @return [Boolean] true if the page is an advisory, otherwise false. def has_advisory?(res) !res.body.include?('We are sorry. The page you requested cannot be found') end # Returns whether the number is in valid MSB format or not. # # @param msb [String] The number to check. # @return [Boolean] true if the number is in MSB format, otherwise false. def is_valid_msb?(msb) /^ms\d\d\-\d\d\d$/i === msb end end # A class that searches advisories from Technet. class TechnetMsbSearch include MicrosoftPatchFinder::Helper def initialize opts = { 'method' => 'GET', 'uri' => '/en-us/security/bulletin/dn602597.aspx' } res = send_http_request(SiteInfo::TECHNET, opts) @firstpage ||= res.body end # Returns a collection of found MSB numbers either from the product list, or generic search. # # @param keyword [String] The product to look for. # @return [Array] def find_msb_numbers(keyword) product_list_matches = get_product_dropdown_list.select { |p| Regexp.new(keyword) === p[:option_text] } if product_list_matches.empty? print_debug("Did not find a match from the product list, attempting a generic search") search_by_keyword(keyword) else product_names = [] ids = [] product_list_matches.each do |e| ids << e[:option_value] product_names << e[:option_text] end print_debug("Matches from the product list (#{product_names.length}): #{ product_names * ', ' }") search_by_product_ids(ids) end end # Returns the search results in JSON format. # # @param keyword [String] The keyword to search. # @return [Hash] JSON data. def search(keyword) opts = { 'method' => 'GET', 'uri' => '/security/bulletin/services/GetBulletins', 'vars_get' => { 'searchText' => keyword, 'sortField' => '0', 'sortOrder' => '1', 'currentPage' => '1', 'bulletinsPerPage' => '9999', 'locale' => 'en-us' } } res = send_http_request(SiteInfo::TECHNET, opts) begin return JSON.parse(res.body) rescue JSON::ParserError end {} end # Performs a search based on product IDs # # @param ids [Array] An array of product IDs. # @return [Array] An array of found MSB numbers. def search_by_product_ids(ids) msb_numbers = [] ids.each do |id| j = search(id) msb = j['b'].collect { |e| e['Id']}.map{ |e| e.downcase} msb_numbers.concat(msb) end msb_numbers end # Performs a search based on a keyword # # @param keyword [String] # @return [Array] An array of found MSB numbers def search_by_keyword(keyword) j = search(keyword) j['b'].collect { |e| e['Id']}.map{ |e| e.downcase } end # Returns the product list that Technet currently supports for searching. # # @return [Array] def get_product_dropdown_list @product_dropdown_list ||= lambda { list = [] page = ::Nokogiri::HTML(firstpage) page.search('//div[@class="sb-search"]//select[@id="productDropdown"]//option').each do |product| option_value = product.attributes['value'].value option_text = product.text next if option_value == '-1' # This is the ALL option list << { option_value: option_value, option_text: option_text } end list }.call end attr_reader :firstpage end class GoogleMsbSearch include MicrosoftPatchFinder::Helper # API Doc: # https://developers.google.com/custom-search/json-api/v1/using_rest # Known bug: # * Always gets 20 MSB results. Weird. def initialize(opts={}) @api_key = opts[:api_key] @search_engine_id = opts[:search_engine_id] end # Returns the MSB numbers associated with the keyword. # # @param keyword [String] The keyword to search for in an advisory. # @return [Array] MSB numbers def find_msb_numbers(keyword) msb_numbers = [] next_starting_index = 1 begin while results = search(keyword: keyword, starting_index: next_starting_index) items = results['items'] items.each do |item| title = item['title'] msb = title.scan(/Microsoft Security Bulletin (MS\d\d\-\d\d\d)/).flatten.first if msb msb_numbers << msb.downcase end end next_starting_index = get_next_index(results) next_page = results['queries']['nextPage'] # Google API Documentation: # https://developers.google.com/custom-search/json-api/v1/using_rest # "This role is not present if the current results are the last page. # Note: This API returns up to the first 100 results only." break if next_page.nil? || next_starting_index > 100 end rescue RuntimeError => e print_error(e.message) return msb_numbers.uniq end msb_numbers.uniq end # Performs a search using Google API # # @param opts [Hash] # @options opts [String] :keyword The keyword to search # @return [Hash] JSON data def search(opts={}) starting_index = opts[:starting_index] search_string = [ opts[:keyword], 'intitle:"Microsoft Security Bulletin"', '-"Microsoft Security Bulletin Summary"' ].join(' ') opts = { 'method' => 'GET', 'uri' => '/customsearch/v1', 'vars_get' => { 'key' => api_key, 'cx' => search_engine_id, 'q' => search_string, 'start' => starting_index.to_s, 'num' => '10', # 10 is max 'c2coff' => '1' # 1 = Disabled, 0 = Enabled } } res = send_http_request(SiteInfo::GOOGLEAPIS, opts) results = parse_results(res) if starting_index == 1 print_debug("Number of search results: #{get_total_results(results)}") end results end # Parse Google API search results # # @param res [Rex::Proto::Http::Response] # @raise [RuntimeError] If Google returns an error # @return [Hash] def parse_results(res) j = JSON.parse(res.body) if j['error'] message = j['error']['errors'].first['message'] reason = j['error']['errors'].first['reason'] raise "Google Search failed. #{message} (#{reason})" end j end # Returns the total results. # # @param j [Hash] JSON data from Google. # @return [Fixnum] def get_total_results(j) j['queries']['request'].first['totalResults'].to_i end # Returns the next index. # # @param j [Hash] JSON data from Google. # @return [Fixnum] def get_next_index(j) j['queries']['nextPage'] ? j['queries']['nextPage'].first['startIndex'] : 0 end # @!attribute api_key # @return [String] The Google API key attr_reader :api_key # @!attribute search_engine_id # @return [String] The Google Custom Search Engine ID attr_reader :search_engine_id end class OptsConsole def self.banner %Q| Usage: #{__FILE__} [options] The following example will download all IE update links: #{__FILE__} -q "Internet Explorer" Searching advisories via Technet: When you submit a query, the Technet search engine will first look it up from a product list, and then return all the advisories that include the keyword you are looking for. If there's no match from the product list, then the script will try a generic search. The generic method also means you can search by MSB, KB, or even the CVE number. Searching advisories via Google: Searching via Google requires an API key and an Search Engine ID from Google. To obtain these, make sure you have a Google account (such as Gmail), and then do the following: 1. Go to Google Developer's Console 1. Enable Custom Search API 2. Create a browser type credential. The credential is the API key. 2. Go to Custom Search 1. Create a new search engine 2. Under Sites to Search, set: technet.microsoft.com 3. In your search site, get the Search Engine ID under the Basics tab. By default, Google has a quota limit of 1000 queries per day. You can raise this limit with a fee. The way this tool uses Google to find advisories is the same as doing the following manually: [Query] site:technet.microsoft.com intitle:"Microsoft Security Bulletin" -"Microsoft Security Bulletin Summary" Dryrun: If you'd like to double check on false positives, you can use the -d flag and manually verify the accuracy of the search results before actually collecting the download links. Download: The following trick demonstrates how you can automatically download the updates: ruby #{__FILE__} -q "ms15-100" -r x86 > /tmp/list.txt && wget -i /tmp/list.txt Patch Extraction: After downloading the patch, you can use the extract_msu.bat tool to automatically extract Microsoft patches. | end def self.get_parsed_options options = {} parser = OptionParser.new do |opt| opt.banner = banner.strip.gsub(/^[[:blank:]]{4}/, '') opt.separator '' opt.separator 'Specific options:' opt.on('-q', '--query ', 'Find advisories that include this keyword') do |v| options[:keyword] = v end opt.on('-s', '--search-engine ', '(Optional) The type of search engine to use (Technet or Google). Default: Technet') do |v| case v.to_s when /^google$/i options[:search_engine] = :google when /^technet$/i options[:search_engine] = :technet else raise OptionParser::MissingArgument, "Invalid search engine: #{v}" end end opt.on('-r', '--regex ', '(Optional) Specify what type of links you want') do |v| options[:regex] = v end opt.on('--apikey ', '(Optional) Google API key. Set this if the search engine is Google') do |v| options[:google_api_key] = v end opt.on('--cx ', '(Optional) Google search engine ID. Set this if the search engine is Google') do |v| options[:google_search_engine_id] = v end opt.on('-d', '--dryrun', '(Optional) Perform a search, but do not fetch download links. Default: no') do |v| options[:dryrun] = true end opt.on_tail('-h', '--help', 'Show this message') do $stderr.puts opt exit end end parser.parse! if options.empty? raise OptionParser::MissingArgument, 'No options set, try -h for usage' elsif options[:keyword].nil? || options[:keyword].empty? raise OptionParser::MissingArgument, '-q is required' end unless options[:search_engine] options[:search_engine] = :technet end if options[:search_engine] == :google if options[:google_api_key].nil? || options[:google_search_engine_id].empty? raise OptionParser::MissingArgument, 'Search engine is Google, but no API key specified' elsif options[:google_search_engine_id].nil? || options[:google_search_engine_id].empty? raise OptionParser::MissingArgument, 'Search engine is Google, but no search engine ID specified' end end options end end class Driver include MicrosoftPatchFinder::Helper def initialize begin @args = MicrosoftPatchFinder::OptsConsole.get_parsed_options rescue OptionParser::InvalidOption, OptionParser::MissingArgument => e print_error(e.message) exit end end # Returns download links. # # @param msb [String] MSB number. # @param regex [String] The regex pattern to use to collect specific download URLs. # @return [Array] Download links def get_download_links(msb, regex=nil) msft = MicrosoftPatchFinder::PatchLinkCollector.new unless msft.is_valid_msb?(msb) print_error "Not a valid MSB format." print_error "Example of a correct one: ms15-100" return [] end res = msft.download_advisory(msb) if !msft.has_advisory?(res) print_error "The advisory cannot be found" return [] end links = msft.get_details_aspx(res) if links.length == 0 print_error "Unable to find download.microsoft.com links. Please manually navigate to the page." return [] else print_debug("Found #{links.length} affected products for this advisory.") end link_collector = [] links.each do |link| download_page = msft.get_download_page(link) download_links = msft.get_download_links(download_page.body) if regex filtered_links = download_links.select { |l| Regexp.new(regex) === l } link_collector.concat(filtered_links) else link_collector.concat(download_links) end end link_collector end # Performs a search via Google # # @param keyword [String] The keyword to search # @param api_key [String] Google API key # @param cx [String] Google Search Engine Key # @return [Array] See MicrosoftPatchFinder::GoogleMsbSearch#find_msb_numbers def google_search(keyword, api_key, cx) search = MicrosoftPatchFinder::GoogleMsbSearch.new(api_key: api_key, search_engine_id: cx) search.find_msb_numbers(keyword) end # Performs a search via Technet # # @param keyword [String] The keyword to search # @return [Array] See MicrosoftPatchFinder::TechnetMsbSearch#find_msb_numbers def technet_search(keyword) search = MicrosoftPatchFinder::TechnetMsbSearch.new search.find_msb_numbers(keyword) end def run links = [] msb_numbers = [] keyword = args[:keyword] regex = args[:regex] ? args[:regex] : nil api_key = args[:google_api_key] cx = args[:google_search_engine_id] case args[:search_engine] when :technet print_debug("Searching advisories that include #{keyword} via Technet") msb_numbers = technet_search(keyword) when :google print_debug("Searching advisories that include #{keyword} via Google") msb_numbers = google_search(keyword, api_key, cx) end print_debug("Advisories found (#{msb_numbers.length}): #{msb_numbers * ', '}") unless msb_numbers.empty? return if args[:dryrun] msb_numbers.each do |msb| print_debug("Finding download links for #{msb}") links.concat(get_download_links(msb, regex)) end unless links.empty? print_status "Found these links:" print_line links * "\n" print_status "Total downloadable updates found: #{links.length}" end end attr_reader :args end end if __FILE__ == $PROGRAM_NAME mod = MicrosoftPatchFinder::Driver.new begin mod.run rescue Interrupt $stdout.puts $stdout.puts "Good bye" end end =begin TODO: * Make a gem * Make it generic in order to manage different kind of patches and providers * Multithreading =end