#!/usr/bin/env ruby # # $Id$ # # This script cracks a half-lm challenge/response hash that uses a # a static challenge key. The idea is you use rainbow tables to # crack the first 7 chars and this script to complete a few remaining. # If the password is longer than 10 characters, this script will fail. # # $Revision$ # msfbase = File.symlink?(__FILE__) ? File.readlink(__FILE__) : __FILE__ $:.unshift(File.join(File.dirname(msfbase), '..', 'lib')) require 'rex' def usage $stderr.puts("\n" + " Usage: #{$0} \n" + $args.usage) exit end def try(word,challenge) buf = ::Rex::Proto::NTLM::Crypt.lanman_des(word, challenge) buf.unpack("H*")[0] end hash = pass = chall = nil $args = Rex::Parser::Arguments.new( "-n" => [ true, "The encypted LM hash to crack" ], "-p" => [ true, "The decrypted LANMAN password for bytes 1-7" ], "-s" => [ true, "The server challenge (default value 1122334455667788)" ], "-h" => [ false, "Display this help information" ]) $args.parse(ARGV) { |opt, idx, val| case opt when "-n" hash = val when "-p" pass = val when "-s" chall = val when "-h" usage else usage end } if (not (hash and pass)) usage end if (not chall) chall = ["1122334455667788"].pack("H*") else if not chall =~ /^([a-fA-F0-9]{16})$/ $stderr.puts "[*] Server challenge must be exactly 16 bytes of hexadecimal" exit else chall = [chall].pack("H*") end end if(hash.length != 48) $stderr.puts "[*] LANMAN should be exactly 48 bytes of hexadecimal" exit end if(pass.length != 7) $stderr.puts "[*] Cracked LANMAN password should be exactly 7 characters" exit end pass = pass.upcase hash = hash.downcase cset = [*(1..255)].pack("C*").upcase.unpack("C*").uniq stime = Time.now.to_f puts "[*] Trying one character..." 0.upto(cset.length-1) do |c1| test = pass + cset[c1].chr if(try(test, chall) == hash) puts "[*] Cracked: #{test}" exit end end etime = Time.now.to_f - stime puts "[*] Trying two characters (eta: #{etime * cset.length} seconds)..." 0.upto(cset.length-1) do |c1| 0.upto(cset.length-1) do |c2| test = pass + cset[c1].chr + cset[c2].chr if(try(test, chall) == hash) puts "[*] Cracked: #{test}" exit end end end puts "[*] Trying three characters (eta: #{etime * cset.length * cset.length} seconds)..." 0.upto(cset.length-1) do |c1| 0.upto(cset.length-1) do |c2| 0.upto(cset.length-1) do |c3| test = pass + cset[c1].chr + cset[c2].chr + cset[c3].chr if(try(test, chall) == hash) puts "[*] Cracked: #{test}" exit end end end end puts "[*] Trying four characters (eta: #{etime * cset.length * cset.length * cset.length} seconds)..." 0.upto(cset.length-1) do |c1| 0.upto(cset.length-1) do |c2| 0.upto(cset.length-1) do |c3| 0.upto(cset.length-1) do |c4| test = pass + cset[c1].chr + cset[c2].chr + cset[c3].chr + cset[c4].chr if(try(test, chall) == hash) puts "[*] Cracked: #{test}" exit end end end end end