Meterpreter Service 1.0 by Alexander Sotirov This is a network service wrapper for the Meterpreter. It can be used as a Windows service, or run as a command line application. Compilation: You'll need GNU make and Visual C++. Go to the src directory and run make. Installation: 1. Copy metsvc.exe and metsvc-server.exe from the current directory to the installation directory. 2. Copy metsrv.dll from Metasploit to the installation directory. 3. To register the Meterpreter as a windows service, go to the installation directory and run: metsvc.exe install-service Running: If you registered the the Meterpreter as a Windows service, it will start automatically. Otherwise, you have to start it manually by running metsvc.exe Uninstallation: If you registered the Meterpreter as a Windows service, you need to stop it and remove the service by running: metsvc.exe remove-service Then simply delete all files. Using: Use test.rb to connect to the Meterpreter and run the sysinfo command: $./test.rb 31337 * Initializing Meterpreter * Loading Stdapi * System info: {"OS"=>"Windows XP (Build 2600, Service Pack 2).", "Computer"=>"VM-WINXPPRO"} * Closing socket