# -*- coding: binary -*- module Rex module Parser ### # # This class parses the contents of an INI file. # ### class Ini < Hash ## # # Factories # ## # # Creates a new class instance and reads in the contents of the supplied # file path. # def self.from_file(path) ini = Ini.new(path) ini.from_file return ini end # # Creates a new class instance from the supplied string. # def self.from_s(str) ini = Ini.new ini.from_s(str) return ini end # # Initializes an ini instance and tries to read in the groups from the # file if it exists. # def initialize(path = nil) self.path = path # Try to synchronize ourself with the file if we # have one begin self.from_file if (self.path) rescue end end # # Enumerates the groups hash keys. # def each_group(&block) self.keys.each { |k| yield } end # # Adds a group of the supplied name if it doesn't already exist. # def add_group(name = 'global', reset = true) self[name] = {} if (reset == true) self[name] = {} if (!self[name]) return self[name] end # # Checks to see if name is a valid group. # def group?(name) return (self[name] != nil) end ## # # Serializers # ## # # Reads in the groups from the supplied file path or the instance's file # path. # def from_file(fpath = nil) fpath = path if (!fpath) read_groups(fpath) end # # Reads in the groups from the supplied string. # def from_s(str) read_groups_string(str.split("\n")) end # # Writes the group settings to a file. # def to_file(tpath = nil) tpath = path if (!tpath) f = File.new(tpath, "w") f.write(to_s) f.close end # # Converts the groups to a string. # def to_s str = '' keys.sort.each { |k| str << "[#{k}]\n" self[k].each_pair { |var, val| str << "#{var}=#{val}\n" } str << "\n"; } return str end attr_reader :path protected # # Reads in the groups and their attributes from the supplied file # path or from the instance's file path if one was set. # def read_groups(fpath) # :nodoc: if (!fpath) raise ArgumentError, "No file path specified.", caller end # Read in the contents of the file lines = ::IO.readlines(fpath) # Now read the contents from the supplied string read_groups_string(lines) end # # Reads groups from the supplied string # def read_groups_string(str) # :nodoc: # Reset the groups hash self.clear # The active group active_group = nil # Walk each line initializing the groups str.each { |line| next if (line.match(/^;/)) # Eliminate cr/lf line.gsub!(/(\n|\r)/, '') # Is it a group [bob]? if (md = line.match(/^\[(.+?)\]/)) active_group = md[1] self[md[1]] = {} # Is it a VAR=VAL? elsif (md = line.match(/^(.+?)=(.*)$/)) if (active_group) self[active_group][md[1]] = md[2] end end } end attr_writer :path # :nodoc: end end end