## # This module requires Metasploit: https://metasploit.com/download # Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework ## class MetasploitModule < Msf::Auxiliary include Msf::Exploit::Remote::FtpServer include Msf::Auxiliary::Report def initialize super( 'Name' => 'FTP File Server', 'Description' => %q{ This module provides a FTP service }, 'Author' => ['hdm'], 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'Actions' => [ [ 'Service' ] ], 'PassiveActions' => [ 'Service' ], 'DefaultAction' => 'Service' ) register_options( [ OptString.new('FTPROOT', [ true, "The FTP root directory to serve files from", '/tmp/ftproot' ]), OptString.new('FTPUSER', [ false, "Configure a specific username that should be allowed access"]), OptString.new('FTPPASS', [ false, "Configure a specific password that should be allowed access"]), ]) end def run exploit() end def on_client_command_user(c,arg) @state[c][:user] = arg if(not datastore['FTPUSER'] or (arg == datastore['FTPUSER'])) c.put "331 User name okay, need password...\r\n" else c.put "500 User name invalid\r\n" end return end def on_client_command_pass(c,arg) @state[c][:pass] = arg if(not datastore['FTPPASS'] or (arg == datastore['FTPPASS'])) c.put "230 Login OK\r\n" @state[c][:auth] = true else c.put "500 Password invalid\r\n" @state[c][:auth] = false end return end def on_client_command_retr(c,arg) print_status("#{@state[c][:name]} FTP download request for #{arg}") if(not @state[c][:auth]) c.put "500 Access denied\r\n" return end path = ::File.join(datastore['FTPROOT'], Rex::FileUtils.clean_path(arg)) if(not ::File.exist?(path)) c.put "550 File does not exist\r\n" return end conn = establish_data_connection(c) if(not conn) c.put("425 Can't build data connection\r\n") return end c.put("150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for #{arg}\r\n") conn.put(::File.read(path, ::File.size(path))) c.put("226 Transfer complete.\r\n") conn.close end def on_client_command_list(c,arg) if(not @state[c][:auth]) c.put "500 Access denied\r\n" return end conn = establish_data_connection(c) if(not conn) c.put("425 Can't build data connection\r\n") return end pwd = ::File.join(datastore['FTPROOT'], @state[c][:cwd]) buf = '' begin Dir.new(pwd).entries.each do |ent| path = ::File.join(datastore['FTPROOT'], ent) if(::File.directory?(path)) buf << "drwxr-xr-x 2 0 0 512 Jan 1 2000 #{ent}\r\n" end if(::File.file?(path)) buf << "-rw-r--r-- 1 0 0 #{::File.size(path)} Jan 1 2000 #{ent}\r\n" end end rescue ::Exception end c.put("150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls\r\n") conn.put("total #{buf.length}\r\n" + buf) c.put("226 Transfer complete.\r\n") conn.close end def on_client_command_size(c,arg) if(not @state[c][:auth]) c.put "500 Access denied\r\n" return end path = ::File.join(datastore['FTPROOT'], Rex::FileUtils.clean_path(arg)) if(not ::File.exist?(path)) c.put "550 File does not exist\r\n" return end c.put("213 #{::File.size(path)}\r\n") end def on_client_command_cwd(c,arg) if(not @state[c][:auth]) c.put "500 Access denied\r\n" return end upath = ::File.expand_path(datastore['FTPROOT']) npath = ::File.expand_path(::File.join(datastore['FTPROOT'], @state[c][:cwd], arg)) bpath = npath[upath.length, npath.length - upath.length] # Check for traversal above the root directory if not (npath[0, upath.length] == upath or bpath == '') bpath = '/' end npath = ::File.expand_path(::File.join(datastore['FTPROOT'], bpath)) if not (::File.exist?(npath) and ::File.directory?(npath)) c.put "550 Directory does not exist\r\n" return end bpath = '/' if bpath == '' @state[c][:cwd] = bpath c.put "250 CWD command successful.\r\n" end end