## # $Id$ ## ## # This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be subject to # redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Metasploit # Framework web site for more information on licensing and terms of use. # http://metasploit.com/framework/ ## require 'msf/core' require "net/dns/resolver" class Metasploit3 < Msf::Auxiliary include Msf::Auxiliary::Report def initialize(info = {}) super(update_info(info, 'Name' => 'DNS Enumeration Module', 'Description' => %q{ This module can be used to enumerate various types of information about a domain from a specific DNS server. }, 'Author' => [ 'Carlos Perez ' ], 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'Version' => '$Revision$', 'References' => [ ['CVE', '1999-0532'], ['OSVDB', '492'], ] )) register_options( [ OptString.new('DOMAIN', [ true, "The target domain name"]), OptBool.new('ENUM_AXFR', [ true, 'Initiate a zone Transfer against each NS record', true]), OptBool.new('ENUM_TLD', [ true, 'Perform a top-level domain expansion by replacing TLD and testing against IANA TLD list', false]), OptBool.new('ENUM_STD', [ true, 'Enumerate standard record types (A,MX,NS,TXT and SOA)', true]), OptBool.new('ENUM_BRT', [ true, 'Brute force subdomains and hostnames via wordlist', false]), OptBool.new('ENUM_IP6', [ true, 'Brute force hosts with IPv6 AAAA records',false]), OptBool.new('ENUM_RVL', [ true, 'Reverse lookup a range of IP addresses', false]), OptBool.new('ENUM_SRV', [ true, 'Enumerate the most common SRV records', true]), OptPath.new('WORDLIST', [ false, "Wordlist file for domain name brute force.", File.join(Msf::Config.install_root, "data", "wordlists", "namelist.txt")]), OptAddress.new('NS', [ false, "Specify the nameserver to use for queries, otherwise use the system DNS" ]), OptAddressRange.new('IPRANGE', [false, "The target address range or CIDR identifier"]), OptBool.new('STOP_WLDCRD', [ true, 'Stops Brute Force Enumeration if wildcard resolution is detected', false]) ], self.class) register_advanced_options( [ OptInt.new('RETRY', [ false, "Number of times to try to resolve a record if no response is received", 2]), OptInt.new('RETRY_INTERVAL', [ false, "Number of seconds to wait before doing a retry", 2]), ], self.class) end #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def switchdns(target) if not datastore['NS'].nil? print_status("Using DNS Server: #{datastore['NS']}") @res.nameserver=(datastore['NS']) @nsinuse = datastore['NS'] else querysoa = @res.query(target, "SOA") if (querysoa) (querysoa.answer.select { |i| i.class == Net::DNS::RR::SOA}).each do |rr| query1soa = @res.search(rr.mname) if (query1soa and query1soa.answer[0]) print_status("Setting DNS Server to #{target} NS: #{query1soa.answer[0].address}") @res.nameserver=(query1soa.answer[0].address) @nsinuse = query1soa.answer[0].address end end end end end #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def wildcard(target) rendsub = rand(10000).to_s query = @res.query("#{rendsub}.#{target}", "A") if query.answer.length != 0 print_status("This Domain has Wildcards Enabled!!") query.answer.each do |rr| print_status("Wildcard IP for #{rendsub}.#{target} is: #{rr.address.to_s}") if rr.class != Net::DNS::RR::CNAME end return true else return false end end #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def genrcd(target) print_status("Retrieving General DNS Records") query = @res.search(target) if (query) query.answer.each do |rr| next unless rr.class == Net::DNS::RR::A print_status("Domain: #{target} IP Address: #{rr.address} Record: A ") report_note(:host => rr.address.to_s, :proto => 'udp', :sname => 'DNS', :port => 53 , :type => 'DNS_ENUM', :data => "#{rr.address.to_s},#{target},A") end end query = @res.query(target, "SOA") if (query) (query.answer.select { |i| i.class == Net::DNS::RR::SOA}).each do |rr| query1 = @res.search(rr.mname) if (query1) query1.answer.each do |ip| print_status("Start of Authority: #{rr.mname} IP Address: #{ip.address} Record: SOA") report_note(:host => ip.address.to_s, :proto => 'udp', :sname => 'DNS', :port => 53 , :type => 'DNS_ENUM', :data => "#{ip.address.to_s},#{rr.mname},SOA") end end end end query = @res.query(target, "NS") if (query) (query.answer.select { |i| i.class == Net::DNS::RR::NS}).each do |rr| query1 = @res.search(rr.nsdname) if (query1) query1.answer.each do |ip| next unless ip.class == Net::DNS::RR::A print_status("Name Server: #{rr.nsdname} IP Address: #{ip.address} Record: NS") report_note(:host => ip.address.to_s, :proto => 'udp', :sname => 'DNS', :port => 53 , :type => 'DNS_ENUM', :data => "#{ip.address.to_s},#{rr.nsdname},NS") end end end end query = @res.query(target, "MX") if (query) (query.answer.select { |i| i.class == Net::DNS::RR::MX}).each do |rr| print_status("Name: #{rr.exchange} Preference: #{rr.preference} Record: MX") report_note(:host => @nsinuse.to_s, :proto => 'udp', :sname => 'DNS', :port => 53 , :type => 'DNS_ENUM', :data => "#{rr.exchange},MX") end end query = @res.query(target, "TXT") if (query) query.answer.each do |rr| print_status("Text: #{rr.txt}, TXT") report_note(:host => @nsinuse.to_s, :proto => 'udp', :sname => 'DNS', :port => 53 , :type => 'DNS_ENUM', :data => "#{rr.txt},TXT") end end end #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def tldexpnd(targetdom,nssrv) target = targetdom.scan(/(\S*)[.]\w*\z/).join target.chomp! if not nssrv.nil? @res.nameserver=(nssrv) end print_status("Performing Top Level Domain Expansion") i, a = 0, [] tlds = [ "com", "org", "net", "edu", "mil", "gov", "uk", "af", "al", "dz", "as", "ad", "ao", "ai", "aq", "ag", "ar", "am", "aw", "ac","au", "at", "az", "bs", "bh", "bd", "bb", "by", "be", "bz", "bj", "bm", "bt", "bo", "ba", "bw", "bv", "br", "io", "bn", "bg", "bf", "bi", "kh", "cm", "ca", "cv", "ky", "cf", "td", "cl", "cn", "cx", "cc", "co", "km", "cd", "cg", "ck", "cr", "ci", "hr", "cu", "cy", "cz", "dk", "dj", "dm", "do", "tp", "ec", "eg", "sv", "gq", "er", "ee", "et", "fk", "fo", "fj", "fi", "fr", "gf", "pf", "tf", "ga", "gm", "ge", "de", "gh", "gi", "gr", "gl", "gd", "gp", "gu", "gt", "gg", "gn", "gw", "gy", "ht", "hm", "va", "hn", "hk", "hu", "is", "in", "id", "ir", "iq", "ie", "im", "il", "it", "jm", "jp", "je", "jo", "kz", "ke", "ki", "kp", "kr", "kw", "kg", "la", "lv", "lb", "ls", "lr", "ly", "li", "lt", "lu", "mo", "mk", "mg", "mw", "my", "mv", "ml", "mt", "mh", "mq", "mr", "mu", "yt", "mx", "fm", "md", "mc", "mn", "ms", "ma", "mz", "mm", "na", "nr", "np", "nl", "an", "nc", "nz", "ni", "ne", "ng", "nu", "nf", "mp", "no", "om", "pk", "pw", "pa", "pg", "py", "pe", "ph", "pn", "pl", "pt", "pr", "qa", "re", "ro", "ru", "rw", "kn", "lc", "vc", "ws", "sm", "st", "sa", "sn", "sc", "sl", "sg", "sk", "si", "sb", "so", "za", "gz", "es", "lk", "sh", "pm", "sd", "sr", "sj", "sz", "se", "ch", "sy", "tw", "tj", "tz", "th", "tg", "tk", "to", "tt", "tn", "tr", "tm", "tc", "tv", "ug", "ua", "ae", "gb", "us", "um", "uy", "uz", "vu", "ve", "vn", "vg", "vi", "wf", "eh", "ye", "yu", "za", "zr", "zm", "zw", "int", "gs", "info", "biz", "su", "name", "coop", "aero" ] tlds.each do |tld| query1 = @res.search("#{target}.#{tld}") if (query1) query1.answer.each do |rr| print_status("Domain: #{target}.#{tld} Name: #{rr.name} IP Address: #{rr.address} Record: A ") if rr.class == Net::DNS::RR::A report_note(:host => rr.address.to_s, :proto => 'udp', :sname => 'DNS', :port => 53, :type => 'DNS_ENUM', :data => "#{rr.address.to_s},#{target}.#{tld},A") if rr.class == Net::DNS::RR::A end end end end #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def dnsbrute(target, wordlist, nssrv) print_status("Running Brute Force against Domain #{target}") arr = [] i, a = 0, [] ::File.open(wordlist, "rb").each_line do |line| if not nssrv.nil? @res.nameserver=(nssrv) end query1 = @res.search("#{line.chomp}.#{target}") if (query1) query1.answer.each do |rr| if rr.class == Net::DNS::RR::A print_status("Host Name: #{line.chomp}.#{target} IP Address: #{rr.address.to_s}") report_note(:host => rr.address.to_s, :proto => 'udp', :sname => 'DNS', :port => 53 , :type => 'DNS_ENUM', :data => "#{rr.address.to_s},#{line.chomp}.#{target},A") next unless rr.class == Net::DNS::RR::CNAME end end end end end #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def bruteipv6(target, wordlist, nssrv) print_status("Brute Forcing IPv6 addresses against Domain #{target}") arr = [] i, a = 0, [] arr = IO.readlines(wordlist) if not nssrv.nil? @res.nameserver=(nssrv) end arr.each do |line| query1 = @res.search("#{line.chomp}.#{target}", "AAAA") if (query1) query1.answer.each do |rr| if rr.class == Net::DNS::RR::AAAA print_status("Host Name: #{line.chomp}.#{target} IPv6 Address: #{rr.address.to_s}") report_note(:host => rr.address.to_s, :proto => 'udp', :sname => 'DNS', :port => 53 , :type => 'DNS_ENUM', :data => "#{rr.address.to_s},#{line.chomp}.#{target},AAAA") next unless rr.class == Net::DNS::RR::CNAME end end end end end #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def reverselkp(iprange,nssrv) print_status("Running Reverse Lookup against ip range #{iprange}") if not nssrv.nil? @res.nameserver = (nssrv) end ar = Rex::Socket::RangeWalker.new(iprange) tl = [] while (true) # Spawn threads for each host while (tl.length < @threadnum) ip = ar.next_ip break if not ip tl << framework.threads.spawn("Module(#{self.refname})-#{ip}", false, ip.dup) do |tip| begin query = @res.query(tip) query.each_ptr do |addresstp| print_status("Host Name: #{addresstp} IP Address: #{tip.to_s}") report_note(:host => tip, :proto => 'udp', :sname => 'DNS', :port => 53 , :type => 'DNS_ENUM', :data => "#{addresstp},#{tip},A") end rescue ::Interrupt raise $! rescue ::Rex::ConnectionError rescue ::Exception => e print_error("Error: #{tip}: #{e.message}") elog("Error running against host #{tip}: #{e.message}\n#{e.backtrace.join("\n")}") end end end # Exit once we run out of hosts if(tl.length == 0) break end tl.first.join tl.delete_if { |t| not t.alive? } end end #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #SRV Record Enumeration def srvqry(dom,nssrv) print_status("Enumerating SRV Records for #{dom}") i, a = 0, [] #Most common SRV Records srvrcd = [ "_gc._tcp.","_kerberos._tcp.", "_kerberos._udp.","_ldap._tcp","_test._tcp.", "_sips._tcp.","_sip._udp.","_sip._tcp.","_aix._tcp.","_aix._tcp.","_finger._tcp.", "_ftp._tcp.","_http._tcp.","_nntp._tcp.","_telnet._tcp.","_whois._tcp.","_h323cs._tcp.", "_h323cs._udp.","_h323be._tcp.","_h323be._udp.","_h323ls._tcp.","_h323ls._udp.", "_sipinternal._tcp.","_sipinternaltls._tcp.","_sip._tls.","_sipfederationtls._tcp.", "_jabber._tcp.","_xmpp-server._tcp.","_xmpp-client._tcp.","_imap._tcp.","_certificates._tcp.", "_crls._tcp.","_pgpkeys._tcp.","_pgprevokations._tcp.","_cmp._tcp.","_svcp._tcp.","_crl._tcp.", "_ocsp._tcp.","_PKIXREP._tcp.","_smtp._tcp.","_hkp._tcp.","_hkps._tcp.","_jabber._udp.", "_xmpp-server._udp.","_xmpp-client._udp.","_jabber-client._tcp.","_jabber-client._udp."] srvrcd.each do |srvt| trg = "#{srvt}#{dom}" query = @res.query(trg , Net::DNS::SRV) if query query.answer.each do |srv| print_status("SRV Record: #{trg} Host: #{srv.host} Port: #{srv.port} Priority: #{srv.priority}") if srv.type != "CNAME" end end end end #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #For Performing Zone Transfers def axfr(target, nssrv) print_status("Performing Zone Transfer against all nameservers in #{target}") if not nssrv.nil? @res.nameserver=(nssrv) end @res.tcp_timeout=15 query = @res.query(target, "NS") if (query.answer.length != 0) (query.answer.select { |i| i.class == Net::DNS::RR::NS}).each do |nsrcd| print_status("Testing Nameserver: #{nsrcd.nsdname}") nssrvquery = @res.query(nsrcd.nsdname, "A") begin nssrvip = nssrvquery.answer[0].address.to_s @res.nameserver=(nssrvip) zone = [] zone = @res.query(target,Net::DNS::AXFR) if zone.answer.length != 0 namesrvips = @res.query(nsrcd.nsdname,"A") nsip = namesrvips.answer[0] print_status("Zone Transfer Successful") report_note(:host => nsip.address.to_s, :proto => 'udp', :sname => 'DNS', :port => 53 , :type => 'DNS_ENUM', :data => "Zone Transfer Successful") #Prints each record according to its type zone.answer.each do |rr| case rr.type when "A" print_status("Name: #{rr.name} IP Address: #{rr.address} Record: A ") report_note(:host => rr.address.to_s, :proto => 'udp', :sname => 'DNS', :port => 53 , :type => 'DNS_ENUM', :data => "#{rr.address.to_s},#{rr.name},A") when "SOA" print_status("Name: #{rr.mname} Record: SOA") report_note(:host => nsip.address.to_s, :proto => 'udp', :sname => 'DNS', :port => 53 , :type => 'DNS_ENUM', :data => "#{rr.name},SOA") when "MX" print_status("Name: #{rr.exchange} Preference: #{rr.preference} Record: MX") report_note(:host => nsip.address.to_s, :proto => 'udp', :sname => 'DNS', :port => 53 , :type => 'DNS_ENUM', :data => "#{rr.exchange},MX") when "CNAME" print_status("Name: #{rr.cname} Record: CNAME") report_note(:host => nsip.address.to_s, :proto => 'udp', :sname => 'DNS', :port => 53 , :type => 'DNS_ENUM', :data => "#{rr.cname},CNAME") when "HINFO" print_status("CPU: #{rr.cpu} OS: #{rr.os} Record: HINFO") report_note(:host => nsip.address.to_s, :proto => 'udp', :sname => 'DNS', :port => 53 , :type => 'DNS_ENUM', :data => "CPU:#{rr.cpu},OS:#{rr.os},HINFO") when "AAAA" print_status("IPv6 Address: #{rr.address} Record: AAAA") report_note(:host => rr.address.to_s, :proto => 'udp', :sname => 'DNS', :port => 53 , :type => 'DNS_ENUM', :data => "#{rr.address.to_s}, AAAA") when "NS" print_status("Name: #{rr.nsdname} Record: NS") report_note(:host => nsip.address.to_s, :proto => 'udp', :sname => 'DNS', :port => 53 , :type => 'DNS_ENUM', :data => "#{rr.nsdname},NS") when "TXT" print_status("Text: #{rr.txt} Record: TXT") report_note(:host => nsip.address.to_s, :proto => 'udp', :sname => 'DNS', :port => 53 , :type => 'DNS_ENUM', :data => "#{rr.txt},TXT") when "SRV" print_status("Host: #{rr.host} Port: #{rr.port} Priority: #{rr.priority} Record: SRV") report_note(:host => nsip.address.to_s, :proto => 'udp', :sname => 'DNS', :port => 53 , :type => 'DNS_ENUM', :data => "#{rr.host},#{rr.port},#{rr.priority},SRV") end end else print_error("Zone Transfer Failed") end rescue print_error("Zone Transfer Failed") end end else print_error("Could not resolve domain #{target}") end end def run @res = Net::DNS::Resolver.new() @res.retry = datastore['RETRY'].to_i @res.retry_interval = datastore['RETRY_INTERVAL'].to_i @threadnum = datastore['THREADS'].to_i wldcrd = wildcard(datastore['DOMAIN']) switchdns(datastore['DOMAIN']) if(datastore['ENUM_STD']) genrcd(datastore['DOMAIN']) end if(datastore['ENUM_TLD']) tldexpnd(datastore['DOMAIN'],datastore['NS']) end if(datastore['ENUM_BRT']) if wldcrd & datastore['STOP_WLDCRD'] print_status("Wildcard Record Found!") else dnsbrute(datastore['DOMAIN'],datastore['WORDLIST'],datastore['NS']) end end if(datastore['ENUM_IP6']) if wldcrd & datastore['STOP_WLDCRD'] print_status("Wildcard Record Found!") else bruteipv6(datastore['DOMAIN'],datastore['WORDLIST'],datastore['NS']) end end if(datastore['ENUM_AXFR']) axfr(datastore['DOMAIN'],datastore['NS']) end if(datastore['ENUM_SRV']) srvqry(datastore['DOMAIN'],datastore['NS']) end if(datastore['ENUM_RVL'] and datastore['IPRANGE'] and not datastore['IPRANGE'].empty?) reverselkp(datastore['IPRANGE'],datastore['NS']) end end end