#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'fileutils' require 'json' require 'net/http' require 'net/https' require 'open3' require 'optparse' require 'rex/socket' require 'rex/text' require 'sysrandom/securerandom' require 'uri' require 'yaml' @script_name = File.basename(__FILE__) @framework = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) @localconf = "#{ENV['HOME']}/.msf4" @db = "#{@localconf}/db" @db_conf = "#{@localconf}/database.yml" @ws_tag = 'msf-ws' @ws_conf = "#{@localconf}/#{@ws_tag}-config.ru" @ws_ssl_key_default = "#{@localconf}/#{@ws_tag}-key.pem" @ws_ssl_cert_default = "#{@localconf}/#{@ws_tag}-cert.pem" @ws_log = "#{@localconf}/logs/#{@ws_tag}.log" @ws_pid = "#{@localconf}/#{@ws_tag}.pid" @current_user = ENV['LOGNAME'] || ENV['USERNAME'] || ENV['USER'] @msf_ws_user = (@current_user || "msfadmin").to_s.strip @ws_generated_ssl = false @ws_api_token = nil @components = %w[database webservice] @options = { component: :all, debug: false, msf_db_name: 'msf', msf_db_user: 'msf', msftest_db_name: 'msftest', msftest_db_user: 'msftest', db_port: 5433, db_pool: 200, address: 'localhost', port: 8080, ssl: true, ssl_cert: @ws_ssl_cert_default, ssl_key: @ws_ssl_key_default, ssl_disable_verify: false, ws_env: ENV['RACK_ENV'] || 'production', retry_max: 10, retry_delay: 5.0, ws_user: nil } def run_cmd(cmd, input = nil) exitstatus = 0 err = out = "" puts "run_cmd: cmd=#{cmd}, input=#{input}" if @options[:debug] Open3.popen3(cmd) do |stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thr| stdin.puts(input) if input if @options[:debug] err = stderr.read out = stdout.read end exitstatus = wait_thr.value.exitstatus end if exitstatus != 0 if @options[:debug] puts "'#{cmd}' returned #{exitstatus}" puts out puts err end end exitstatus end def run_psql(cmd, db_name: 'postgres') if @options[:debug] puts "psql -p #{@options[:db_port]} -c \"#{cmd};\" #{db_name}" end run_cmd("psql -p #{@options[:db_port]} -c \"#{cmd};\" #{db_name}") end def pw_gen SecureRandom.base64(32) end def tail(file) begin File.readlines(file).last.to_s.strip rescue nil end end def status_db update_db_port if Dir.exist?(@db) if run_cmd("pg_ctl -o \"-p #{@options[:db_port]}\" -D #{@db} status") == 0 puts "Database started at #{@db}" else puts "Database is not running at #{@db}" end else puts "No database found at #{@db}" end end def started_db if run_cmd("pg_ctl -o \"-p #{@options[:db_port]}\" -D #{@db} status") == 0 puts "Database already started at #{@db}" return true end print "Starting database at #{@db}..." run_cmd("pg_ctl -o \"-p #{@options[:db_port]}\" -D #{@db} -l #{@db}/log start") sleep(2) if run_cmd("pg_ctl -o \"-p #{@options[:db_port]}\" -D #{@db} status") != 0 puts 'failed' false else puts 'success' true end end def start_db if !Dir.exist?(@db) puts "No database found at #{@db}, not starting" return end update_db_port while !started_db last_log = tail("#{@db}/log") puts last_log fixed = false if last_log =~ /not compatible/ puts "Please attempt to upgrade the database manually using pg_upgrade." end if !fixed if ask_yn('If your database is corrupt, would you to reinitialize it?') fixed = reinit_db end end if !fixed if !ask_yn('Database not started, try again?') return end end end end def stop_db update_db_port if run_cmd("pg_ctl -o \"-p #{@options[:db_port]}\" -D #{@db} status") == 0 puts "Stopping database at #{@db}" run_cmd("pg_ctl -o \"-p #{@options[:db_port]}\" -D #{@db} stop") else puts "Database is no longer running at #{@db}" end end def restart_db stop_db start_db end def create_db puts "Creating database at #{@db}" Dir.mkdir(@db) run_cmd("initdb --auth-host=trust --auth-local=trust -E UTF8 #{@db}") File.open("#{@db}/pg_hba.conf", 'w') do |f| f.puts "host \"msf\" \"#{@options[:msf_db_user]}\" md5" f.puts "host \"msftest\" \"#{@options[:msftest_db_user]}\" md5" f.puts "host \"postgres\" \"#{@options[:msftest_db_user]}\" trust" f.puts "host \"template1\" all trust" if Gem.win_platform? f.puts "host all all trust" f.puts "host all all ::1/128 trust" else f.puts "local all all trust" end end File.open("#{@db}/postgresql.conf", 'a') do |f| f.puts "port = #{@options[:db_port]}" end end def init_db if Dir.exist?(@db) puts "Found a database at #{@db}, checking to see if it is started" start_db return end if File.exist?(@db_conf) if !ask_yn("Found database config at #{@db_conf}, do you want to overwrite it?") return end end # Generate new database passwords msf_pass = pw_gen msftest_pass = pw_gen # Write a default database config file Dir.mkdir(@localconf) unless File.directory?(@localconf) File.open(@db_conf, 'w') do |f| f.puts <<~EOF development: &pgsql adapter: postgresql database: #{@options[:msf_db_name]} username: #{@options[:msf_db_user]} password: #{msf_pass} host: port: #{@options[:db_port]} pool: #{@options[:db_pool]} production: &production <<: *pgsql test: <<: *pgsql database: #{@options[:msftest_db_name]} username: #{@options[:msftest_db_user]} password: #{msftest_pass} EOF end File.chmod(0640, @db_conf) create_db start_db puts 'Creating database users' run_psql("create user #{@options[:msf_db_user]} with password '#{msf_pass}'") run_psql("create user #{@options[:msftest_db_user]} with password '#{msftest_pass}'") run_psql("alter role #{@options[:msf_db_user]} createdb") run_psql("alter role #{@options[:msftest_db_user]} createdb") run_psql("alter role #{@options[:msf_db_user]} with password '#{msf_pass}'") run_psql("alter role #{@options[:msftest_db_user]} with password '#{msftest_pass}'") run_cmd("createdb -p #{@options[:db_port]} -O #{@options[:msf_db_user]} -h -U #{@options[:msf_db_user]} -E UTF-8 -T template0 #{@options[:msf_db_name]}", "#{msf_pass}\n#{msf_pass}\n") run_cmd("createdb -p #{@options[:db_port]} -O #{@options[:msftest_db_user]} -h -U #{@options[:msftest_db_user]} -E UTF-8 -T template0 #{@options[:msftest_db_name]}", "#{msftest_pass}\n#{msftest_pass}\n") puts 'Creating initial database schema' Dir.chdir(@framework) do run_cmd("bundle exec rake db:migrate") end end def update_db_port if File.file?(@db_conf) config = YAML.load(File.read(@db_conf)) if config["production"] && config["production"]["port"] port = config["production"]["port"] if port != @options[:db_port] puts "Using database port #{port} found in #{@db_conf}" @options[:db_port] = port end end end end def ask_yn(question) loop do print "#{question}: " yn = STDIN.gets case yn when /^[Yy]/ return true when /^[Nn]/ return false else puts 'Please answer yes or no.' end end end def ask_value(question, default_value) print "#{question}[#{default_value}]: " input = STDIN.gets.strip if input.nil? || input.empty? return default_value else return input end end def delete_db if Dir.exist?(@db) puts "Deleting all data at #{@db}" stop_db FileUtils.rm_rf(@db) if File.exist?(@db_conf) && ask_yn("Delete database configuration at #{@db_conf}?") File.delete(@db_conf) end else puts "No data at #{@db}, doing nothing" end end def reinit_db delete_db init_db end def status_web_service if File.file?(@ws_pid) ws_pid = tail(@ws_pid) if ws_pid.nil? || !process_active?(ws_pid.to_i) puts "MSF web service PID file found, but no active process running as PID #{ws_pid}" else puts "MSF web service is running as PID #{ws_pid}" end else puts "No MSF web service PID file found at #{@ws_pid}" end end def init_web_service if File.file?(@ws_conf) if !ask_yn("Found web service config at #{@ws_conf}, do you want to overwrite it?") return end end if @options[:ws_user].nil? @msf_ws_user = ask_value("Initial MSF web service account username?", @msf_ws_user) else @msf_ws_user = @options[:ws_user] end # Write a default Rack config file for the web service Dir.mkdir(@localconf) unless File.directory?(@localconf) File.open(@ws_conf, 'w') do |f| f.puts <<~EOF # #{File.basename(@ws_conf)} # created on: #{Time.now.utc} lib_path = File.expand_path('./lib/', '#{@framework}') $LOAD_PATH << lib_path unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(lib_path) require 'msf/core/db_manager/http/metasploit_api_app' run MetasploitApiApp EOF end File.chmod(0640, @ws_conf) if @options[:ssl] && ((!File.file?(@options[:ssl_key]) || !File.file?(@options[:ssl_cert])) || (@options[:ssl_key] == @ws_ssl_key_default && @options[:ssl_cert] == @ws_ssl_cert_default)) generate_web_service_ssl(key: @options[:ssl_key], cert: @options[:ssl_cert]) end if !start_web_service return end # wait until web service is online retry_count = 0 is_online = web_service_online while !is_online && retry_count < @options[:retry_max] retry_count += 1 if @options[:debug] puts "MSF web service doesn't appear to be online. Sleeping #{@options[:retry_delay]}s until check #{retry_count}/#{@options[:retry_max]}" end sleep(@options[:retry_delay]) is_online = web_service_online end if is_online add_web_service_user else puts "MSF web service does not appear to be online; aborting initialize." end end def start_web_service unless File.file?(@ws_conf) puts "No MSF web service configuration found at #{@ws_conf}, not starting" return false end # daemonize MSF web service puts "Starting MSF web service" if run_cmd("#{thin_cmd} start") == 0 puts "MSF web service started" return true else puts "MSF web service not started" return false end end def stop_web_service ws_pid = tail(@ws_pid) if ws_pid.nil? || !process_active?(ws_pid.to_i) puts "MSF web service is no longer running" if File.file?(@ws_pid) puts "Deleting MSF web service PID file #{@ws_pid}" File.delete(@ws_pid) end else puts "Stopping MSF web service PID #{ws_pid}" run_cmd("#{thin_cmd} stop") end end def restart_web_service stop_web_service start_web_service end def delete_web_service stop_web_service if File.file?(@ws_conf) && ask_yn("Delete MSF web service configuration at #{@ws_conf}?") File.delete(@ws_conf) end end def reinit_web_service delete_web_service init_web_service end def generate_web_service_ssl(key:, cert:) @ws_generated_ssl = true if (File.file?(key) || File.file?(cert)) && !ask_yn("Either MSF web service SSL key #{key} or certificate #{cert} already exist, overwrite both?") return end puts "Generating SSL key and certificate for MSF web service" # @ssl_cert = Rex::Socket::SslTcpServer.ssl_generate_certificate @ssl_key, @ssl_cert, @ssl_extra_chain_cert = Rex::Socket::Ssl.ssl_generate_certificate # write PEM format key and certificate mode = 'wb' mode_int = 0600 File.open(key, mode) { |f| f.write(@ssl_key.to_pem) } File.chmod(mode_int, key) File.open(cert, mode) { |f| f.write(@ssl_cert.to_pem) } File.chmod(mode_int, cert) end def web_service_online msf_version_uri = get_web_service_uri(path: '/api/v1/msf/version') response = http_request(uri: msf_version_uri, method: :get, skip_verify: skip_ssl_verify, cert: get_ssl_cert) puts "web_service_online: response=#{response}" if @options[:debug] !response.nil? && !response.dig(:data, :metasploit_version).nil? end def add_web_service_user puts "Creating MSF web service user #{@msf_ws_user}" # Generate new web service user password msf_ws_pass = pw_gen cred_data = { username: @msf_ws_user, password: msf_ws_pass } # Send request to create new admin user user_data = cred_data.merge({ admin: true }) user_uri = get_web_service_uri(path: '/api/v1/users') response = http_request(uri: user_uri, data: user_data, method: :post, skip_verify: skip_ssl_verify, cert: get_ssl_cert) puts "add_web_service_user: create user response=#{response}" if @options[:debug] if response.nil? || response.dig(:data, :username) != @msf_ws_user puts "Error creating MSF web service user #{@msf_ws_user}" return false end puts "\nMSF web service user: #{@msf_ws_user}" puts "MSF web service password: #{msf_ws_pass}" # Send request to create new API token for the user generate_token_uri = get_web_service_uri(path: '/api/v1/auth/generate-token') response = http_request(uri: generate_token_uri, query: cred_data, method: :get, skip_verify: skip_ssl_verify, cert: get_ssl_cert) puts "add_web_service_user: generate token response=#{response}" if @options[:debug] if response.nil? || (@ws_api_token = response.dig(:data, :token)).nil? puts "Error creating MSF web service user API token" return false end puts "MSF web service user API token: #{@ws_api_token}" puts "Please store these credentials securely." return true end def get_web_service_uri(path: nil) uri_class = @options[:ssl] ? URI::HTTPS : URI::HTTP uri_class.build({host: get_web_service_host, port: @options[:port], path: path}) end def get_web_service_host # user specified any address INADDR_ANY (, return a routable address @options[:address] == '' ? 'localhost' : @options[:address] end def skip_ssl_verify @ws_generated_ssl || @options[:ssl_disable_verify] end def get_ssl_cert @options[:ssl] ? @options[:ssl_cert] : nil end def thin_cmd server_opts = "--rackup #{@ws_conf} --address #{@options[:address]} --port #{@options[:port]}" ssl_opts = @options[:ssl] ? "--ssl --ssl-key-file #{@options[:ssl_key]} --ssl-cert-file #{@options[:ssl_cert]}" : '' ssl_opts << ' --ssl-disable-verify' if skip_ssl_verify adapter_opts = "--environment #{@options[:ws_env]}" daemon_opts = "--daemonize --log #{@ws_log} --pid #{@ws_pid} --tag #{@ws_tag}" all_opts = [server_opts, ssl_opts, adapter_opts, daemon_opts].reject(&:empty?).join(' ') "thin #{all_opts}" end def process_active?(pid) begin # group_id = Process.getpgid(pid) Process.kill(0, pid) true rescue Errno::ESRCH false end end def http_request(uri:, query: nil, data: nil, method: :get, skip_verify: false, cert: nil) headers = { 'User-Agent': @script_name } query_str = (!query.nil? && !query.empty?) ? URI.encode_www_form(query.compact) : nil uri.query = query_str http = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host, uri.port) if uri.is_a?(URI::HTTPS) http.use_ssl = true if skip_verify http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE else # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22093042/implementing-https-certificate-pubkey-pinning-with-ruby http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER user_passed_cert = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new(File.read(cert)) http.verify_callback = lambda do |preverify_ok, cert_store| server_cert = cert_store.chain[0] return true unless server_cert.to_der == cert_store.current_cert.to_der same_public_key?(server_cert, user_passed_cert) end end end begin case method when :get request = Net::HTTP::Get.new(uri.request_uri, initheader=headers) when :post request = Net::HTTP::Post.new(uri.request_uri, initheader=headers) else raise Exception, "Request method #{method} is not handled" end request.content_type = 'application/json' unless data.nil? json_body = data.to_json request.body = json_body end response = http.request(request) unless response.body.nil? || response.body.empty? return JSON.parse(response.body, symbolize_names: true) end rescue EOFError => e puts "No data was returned for HTTP #{method} request #{uri.request_uri}, message: #{e.message}" if @options[:debug] rescue => e puts "Problem with HTTP #{method} request #{uri.request_uri}, message: #{e.message}" if @options[:debug] end end # Tells us whether the private keys on the passed certificates match # and use the same algo def same_public_key?(ref_cert, actual_cert) pkr, pka = ref_cert.public_key, actual_cert.public_key # First check if the public keys use the same crypto... return false unless pkr.class == pka.class # ...and then - that they have the same contents return false unless pkr.to_pem == pka.to_pem true end def parse_args(args) subtext = <<~USAGE Commands: init initialize the component reinit delete and reinitialize the component delete delete and stop the component status check component status start start the component stop stop the component restart restart the component USAGE parser = OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: #{@script_name} [options] " opts.separator('Manage a Metasploit Framework database and web service') opts.separator('') opts.separator('General Options:') opts.on("--component COMPONENT", @components + ['all'], "Component used with provided command (default: all)", " (#{@components.join(', ')})") { |component| @options[:component] = component.to_sym } opts.on("-d", "--debug", "Enable debug output") { |d| @options[:debug] = d } opts.separator('') opts.separator('Database Options:') opts.on("--msf-db-name NAME", "Database name (default: #{@options[:msf_db_name]})") { |n| @options[:msf_db_name] = n } opts.on("--msf-db-user-name USER", "Database username (default: #{@options[:msf_db_user]})") { |u| @options[:msf_db_user] = u } opts.on("--msf-test-db-name NAME", "Test database name (default: #{@options[:msftest_db_name]})") { |n| @options[:msftest_db_name] = n } opts.on("--msf-test-db-user-name USER", "Test database username (default: #{@options[:msftest_db_user]})") { |u| @options[:msftest_db_user] = u } opts.on("--db-port PORT", Integer, "Database port (default: #{@options[:db_port]})") { |p| @options[:db_port] = p } opts.on("--db-pool MAX", Integer, "Database connection pool size (default: #{@options[:db_pool]})") { |m| @options[:db_pool] = m } opts.separator('') opts.separator('Web Service Options:') opts.on("-a", "--address ADDRESS", "Bind to host address (default: #{@options[:address]})") { |a| @options[:address] = a } opts.on("-p", "--port PORT", Integer, "Web service port (default: #{@options[:port]})") { |p| @options[:port] = p } opts.on("--[no-]ssl", "Enable SSL (default: #{@options[:ssl]})") { |s| @options[:ssl] = s } opts.on("--ssl-key-file PATH", "Path to private key (default: #{@options[:ssl_key]})") { |p| @options[:ssl_key] = p } opts.on("--ssl-cert-file PATH", "Path to certificate (default: #{@options[:ssl_cert]})") { |p| @options[:ssl_cert] = p } opts.on("--[no-]ssl-disable-verify", "Disables (optional) client cert requests (default: #{@options[:ssl_disable_verify]})") { |v| @options[:ssl_disable_verify] = v } opts.on("--environment ENV", ['production', 'development'], "Web service framework environment (default: #{@options[:ws_env]})", " (production, development)") { |e| @options[:ws_env] = e } opts.on("--retry-max MAX", Integer, "Maximum number of web service connect attempts (default: #{@options[:retry_max]})") { |m| @options[:retry_max] = m } opts.on("--retry-delay DELAY", Float, "Delay in seconds between web service connect attempts (default: #{@options[:retry_delay]})") { |d| @options[:retry_delay] = d } opts.on("--user USER", "Initial web service admin username (default: #{@options[:ws_user]})") { |u| @options[:ws_user] = u } opts.separator('') opts.separator(subtext) end parser.parse!(args) if args.length != 1 puts parser abort end @options end def invoke_command(commands, component, command) method = commands[component][command] if !method.nil? send(method) else puts "Error: unrecognized command '#{command}' for #{component}" end end if $PROGRAM_NAME == __FILE__ # Bomb out if we're root if !Gem.win_platform? && Process.uid.zero? puts "Please run #{@script_name} as a non-root user" abort end # map component commands to methods commands = { database: { init: :init_db, reinit: :reinit_db, delete: :delete_db, status: :status_db, start: :start_db, stop: :stop_db, restart: :restart_db }, webservice: { init: :init_web_service, reinit: :reinit_web_service, delete: :delete_web_service, status: :status_web_service, start: :start_web_service, stop: :stop_web_service, restart: :restart_web_service } } parse_args(ARGV) command = ARGV[0].to_sym if @options[:component] == :all @components.each { |component| invoke_command(commands, component.to_sym, command) } else invoke_command(commands, @options[:component], command) end end