require 'spec_helper' require 'msf/ui' require 'msf/ui/console/command_dispatcher/db' describe Msf::Ui::Console::CommandDispatcher::Db do include_context 'Msf::DBManager' include_context 'Msf::UIDriver' subject(:db) do end describe "#cmd_workspace" do describe "-h" do it "should show a help message" do db.cmd_workspace "-h" @output.should =~ [ "Usage:", " workspace List workspaces", " workspace [name] Switch workspace", " workspace -a [name] ... Add workspace(s)", " workspace -d [name] ... Delete workspace(s)", " workspace -r Rename workspace", " workspace -h Show this help information" ] end end end describe "#cmd_hosts" do describe "-h" do it "should show a help message" do db.cmd_hosts "-h" @output.should =~ [ "Usage: hosts [ options ] [addr1 addr2 ...]", "OPTIONS:", " -a,--add Add the hosts instead of searching", " -d,--delete Delete the hosts instead of searching", " -c Only show the given columns (see list below)", " -h,--help Show this help information", " -u,--up Only show hosts which are up", " -o Send output to a file in csv format", " -R,--rhosts Set RHOSTS from the results of the search", " -S,--search Search string to filter by", "Available columns: address, arch, comm, comments, created_at, cred_count, exploit_attempt_count, host_detail_count, info, mac, name, note_count, os_flavor, os_lang, os_name, os_sp, purpose, scope, service_count, state, updated_at, virtual_host, vuln_count" ] end end end describe "#cmd_services" do describe "-h" do it "should show a help message" do db.cmd_services "-h" @output.should =~ [ "Usage: services [-h] [-u] [-a] [-r ] [-p ] [-s ] [-o ] [addr1 addr2 ...]", " -a,--add Add the services instead of searching", " -d,--delete Delete the services instead of searching", " -c Only show the given columns", " -h,--help Show this help information", " -s Search for a list of service names", " -p Search for a list of ports", " -r Only show [tcp|udp] services", " -u,--up Only show services which are up", " -o Send output to a file in csv format", " -R,--rhosts Set RHOSTS from the results of the search", " -S,--search Search string to filter by", "Available columns: created_at, info, name, port, proto, state, updated_at" ] end end describe "-p" do before(:each) do host = FactoryGirl.create(:mdm_host, :workspace => framework.db.workspace, :address => "") FactoryGirl.create(:mdm_service, :host => host, :port => 1024) FactoryGirl.create(:mdm_service, :host => host, :port => 1025) FactoryGirl.create(:mdm_service, :host => host, :port => 1026) end it "should list services that are on a given port" do db.cmd_services "-p", "1024,1025" @output.should =~ [ "Services", "========", "", "host port proto name state info", "---- ---- ----- ---- ----- ----", " 1024 snmp open ", " 1025 snmp open " ] end end describe "-np" do before(:each) do host = FactoryGirl.create(:mdm_host, :workspace => framework.db.workspace, :address => "") FactoryGirl.create(:mdm_service, :host => host, :port => 1024) FactoryGirl.create(:mdm_service, :host => host, :port => 1025) FactoryGirl.create(:mdm_service, :host => host, :port => 1026) end it "should list services that are not on a given port" do pending("refs redmine ticket #4821") { db.cmd_services "-np", "1024" @output.should =~ [ "Services", "========", "", "host port proto name state info", "---- ---- ----- ---- ----- ----", " 1025 snmp open ", " 1026 snmp open " ] } end end end describe "#cmd_vulns" do describe "-h" do it "should show a help message" do db.cmd_vulns "-h" @output.should =~ [ "Print all vulnerabilities in the database", "Usage: vulns [addr range]", " -h,--help Show this help information", " -p,--port List vulns matching this port spec", " -s List vulns matching these service names", " -S,--search Search string to filter by", " -i,--info Display Vuln Info", "Examples:", " vulns -p 1-65536 # only vulns with associated services", " vulns -p 1-65536 -s http # identified as http on any port" ] end end end describe "#cmd_notes" do describe "-h" do it "should show a help message" do db.cmd_notes "-h" @output.should =~ [ "Usage: notes [-h] [-t ] [-n ] [-a] [addr range]", " -a,--add Add a note to the list of addresses, instead of listing", " -d,--delete Delete the hosts instead of searching", " -n,--note Set the data for a new note (only with -a)", " -t Search for a list of types", " -h,--help Show this help information", " -R,--rhosts Set RHOSTS from the results of the search", " -S,--search Regular expression to match for search", " --sort Fields to sort by (case sensitive)", "Examples:", " notes --add -t apps -n 'winzip'", " notes -t smb.fingerprint", " notes -S 'nmap.nse.(http|rtsp)' --sort type,output" ] end end end describe "#cmd_loot" do describe "-h" do it "should show a help message" do db.cmd_loot "-h" @output.should =~ [ "Usage: loot ", " Info: loot [-h] [addr1 addr2 ...] [-t ]", " Add: loot -f [fname] -i [info] -a [addr1 addr2 ...] [-t [type]", " Del: loot -d [addr1 addr2 ...]", " -a,--add Add loot to the list of addresses, instead of listing", " -d,--delete Delete *all* loot matching host and type", " -f,--file File with contents of the loot to add", " -i,--info Info of the loot to add", " -t Search for a list of types", " -h,--help Show this help information", " -S,--search Search string to filter by" ] end end end describe "#cmd_creds" do describe "-h" do it "should show a help message" do db.cmd_creds "-h" @output.should =~ [ "Usage: creds [addr range]", "Usage: creds -a -p -t -u -P ", " -a,--add Add creds to the given addresses instead of listing", " -d,--delete Delete the creds instead of searching", " -h,--help Show this help information", " -o Send output to a file in csv format", " -p,--port List creds matching this port spec", " -s List creds matching these service names", " -t,--type Add a cred of this type (only with -a). Default: password", " -u,--user Add a cred for this user (only with -a). Default: blank", " -P,--password Add a cred with this password (only with -a). Default: blank", " -R,--rhosts Set RHOSTS from the results of the search", " -S,--search Search string to filter by", "Examples:", " creds # Default, returns all active credentials", " creds all # Returns all credentials active or not", " creds # nmap host specification", " creds -p 22-25,445 # nmap port specification", " creds 10.1.*.* -s ssh,smb all" ] end end end describe "#cmd_db_import" do describe "-h" do it "should show a help message" do db.cmd_db_import "-h" @output.should =~ [ "Usage: db_import [file2...]", "Filenames can be globs like *.xml, or **/*.xml which will search recursively", "Currently supported file types include:", " Acunetix XML", " Amap Log", " Amap Log -m", " Appscan XML", " Burp Session XML", " Foundstone XML", " IP360 ASPL", " IP360 XML v3", " Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer", " Nessus NBE", " Nessus XML (v1 and v2)", " NetSparker XML", " NeXpose Simple XML", " NeXpose XML Report", " Nmap XML", " OpenVAS Report", " Qualys Asset XML", " Qualys Scan XML", " Retina XML" ] end end end describe "#cmd_db_export" do describe "-h" do it "should show a help message" do db.cmd_db_export "-h" @output.should =~ [ "Usage:", " db_export -f [-a] [filename]", " Format can be one of: xml, pwdump" ] end end end describe "#db_nmap" do it "should have some specs describing its output" end describe "#db_rebuild_cache" do it "should have some specs describing its output" end end