#!/usr/bin/env ruby ## # This module requires Metasploit: http://metasploit.com/download # Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework ## ### # # This script will look up a collection of MD5 hashes (from a file) against the following databases # via md5cracker.org: # authsecu, i337.net, md5.my-addr.com, md5.net, md5crack, md5cracker.org, md5decryption.com, # md5online.net, md5pass, netmd5crack, tmto. # This msf tool script was originally ported from: # https://github.com/hasherezade/metasploit_modules/blob/master/md5_lookup.rb # # To-do: # Maybe as a msf plugin one day and grab hashes directly from the workspace. # # Authors: # * hasherezade (http://hasherezade.net, @hasherezade) # * sinn3r (ported the module as a standalone msf tool) # ### # # Load our MSF API # msfbase = __FILE__ while File.symlink?(msfbase) msfbase = File.expand_path(File.readlink(msfbase), File.dirname(msfbase)) end $:.unshift(File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(msfbase), '..', 'lib'))) require 'msfenv' require 'rex' require 'msf/core' require 'optparse' # # Basic prints we can't live without # # Prints with [*] that represents the message is a status # # @param msg [String] The message to print # @return [void] def print_status(msg='') $stdout.puts "[*] #{msg}" end # Prints with [-] that represents the message is an error # # @param msg [String] The message to print # @return [void] def print_error(msg='') $stdout.puts "[-] #{msg}" end module Md5LookupUtility # This class manages the disclaimer class Disclaimer # @!attribute config_file # @return [String] The config file path attr_accessor :config_file # @!attribute group_name # @return [String] The name of the tool attr_accessor :group_name def initialize self.config_file = Msf::Config.config_file self.group_name = 'MD5Lookup' end # Prompts a disclaimer. The user will not be able to get out unless they acknowledge. # # @return [TrueClass] true if acknowledged. def ack print_status("WARNING: This tool will look up your MD5 hashes by submitting them") print_status("in the clear (HTTP) to third party websites. This can expose") print_status("sensitive data to unknown and untrusted entities.") while true $stdout.print "[*] Enter 'Y' to acknowledge: " if $stdin.gets =~ /^y|yes$/i return true end end end # Saves the waiver so the warning won't show again after ack # # @return [void] def save_waiver save_setting('waiver', true) end # Returns true if we don't have to show the warning again # # @return [Boolean] def has_waiver? load_setting('waiver') == 'true' ? true : false end private # Saves a setting to Metasploit's config file # # @param key_name [String] The name of the setting # @param value [String] The value of the setting # @return [void] def save_setting(key_name, value) ini = Rex::Parser::Ini.new(self.config_file) ini.add_group(self.group_name) if ini[self.group_name].nil? ini[self.group_name][key_name] = value ini.to_file(self.config_file) end # Returns the value of a specific setting # # @param key_name [String] The name of the setting # @return [String] def load_setting(key_name) ini = Rex::Parser::Ini.new(self.config_file) group = ini[self.group_name] return '' if group.nil? group[key_name].to_s end end # This class is basically an auxiliary module without relying on msfconsole class Md5Lookup < Msf::Auxiliary include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HttpClient # @!attribute rhost # @return [String] Should be md5cracker.org attr_accessor :rhost # @!attribute rport # @return [Fixnum] The port number to md5cracker.org attr_accessor :rport # @!attribute target_uri # @return [String] The URI (API) attr_accessor :target_uri # @!attribute ssl # @return [FalseClass] False because doesn't look like md5cracker.org supports HTTPS attr_accessor :ssl def initialize(opts={}) # The user should not be able to modify these settings, otherwise # the we can't guarantee results. self.rhost = 'md5cracker.org' self.rport = 80 self.target_uri = '/api/api.cracker.php' self.ssl = false super( 'DefaultOptions' => { 'SSL' => self.ssl, 'RHOST' => self.rhost, 'RPORT' => self.rport } ) end # Returns the found cracked MD5 hash # # @param md5_hash [String] The MD5 hash to lookup # @param db [String] The specific database to check against # @return [String] Found cracked MD5 hash def lookup(md5_hash, db) res = send_request_cgi({ 'uri' => self.target_uri, 'method' => 'GET', 'vars_get' => {'database' => db, 'hash' => md5_hash} }) get_json_result(res) end private # Parses the cracked result from a JSON input # @param res [Rex::Proto::Http::Response] The Rex HTTP response # @return [String] Found cracked MD5 hash def get_json_result(res) result = '' # Hmm, no proper response :-( return result unless res && res.code == 200 begin json = JSON.parse(res.body) result = json['result'] if json['status'] rescue JSON::ParserError # No json? end result end end # This class parses the user-supplied options (inputs) class OptsConsole # The databases supported by md5cracker.org # The hash keys (symbols) are used as choices for the user, the hash values are the original # database values that md5cracker.org will recognize DATABASES = { :all => nil, # This is shifted before being passed to Md5Lookup :authsecu => 'authsecu', :i337 => 'i337.net', :md5_my_addr => 'md5.my-addr.com', :md5_net => 'md5.net', :md5crack => 'md5crack', :md5cracker => 'md5cracker.org', :md5decryption => 'md5decryption.com', :md5online => 'md5online.net', :md5pass => 'md5pass', :netmd5crack => 'netmd5crack', :tmto => 'tmto' } # The default file path to save the results to DEFAULT_OUTFILE = 'md5_results.txt' # Returns the normalized user inputs # # @param args [Array] This should be Ruby's ARGV # @raise [OptionParser::MissingArgument] Missing arguments # @return [Hash] The normalized options def self.parse(args) parser, options = get_parsed_options # Set the optional datation argument (--database) unless options[:databases] options[:databases] = get_database_names end # Set the optional output argument (--out) unless options[:outfile] options[:outfile] = DEFAULT_OUTFILE end # Now let's parse it # This may raise OptionParser::InvalidOption parser.parse!(args) # Final checks if options.empty? raise OptionParser::MissingArgument, 'No options set, try -h for usage' elsif options[:input].blank? raise OptionParser::MissingArgument, '-i is a required argument' end options end private # Returns the parsed options from ARGV # # raise [OptionParser::InvalidOption] Invalid option found # @return [OptionParser, Hash] The OptionParser object and an hash containg the options def self.get_parsed_options options = {} parser = OptionParser.new do |opt| opt.banner = "Usage: #{__FILE__} [options]" opt.separator '' opt.separator 'Specific options:' opt.on('-i', '--input ', 'The file that contains all the MD5 hashes (one line per hash)') do |v| if v && !::File.exists?(v) raise OptionParser::InvalidOption, "Invalid input file: #{v}" end options[:input] = v end opt.on('-d','--databases ', "(Optional) Select databases: #{get_database_symbols * ", "} (Default=all)") do |v| options[:databases] = extract_db_names(v) end opt.on('-o', '--out ', "(Optional) Save the results to a file (Default=#{DEFAULT_OUTFILE})") do |v| options[:outfile] = v end opt.on_tail('-h', '--help', 'Show this message') do $stdout.puts opt exit end end return parser, options end # Returns the actual database names based on what the user wants # # @param list [String] A list of user-supplied database names # @return [Array] All the matched database names def self.extract_db_names(list) new_db_list = [] list_copy = list.split(',') if list_copy.include?('all') return get_database_names end list_copy.each do |item| item = item.strip.to_sym new_db_list << DATABASES[item] if DATABASES[item] end new_db_list end # Returns a list of all of the supported database symbols # # @return [Array] Database symbols def self.get_database_symbols DATABASES.keys end # Returns a list of all the original database values recognized by md5cracker.org # # @return [Array] Original database values def self.get_database_names new_db_list = DATABASES.values new_db_list.shift #Get rid of the 'all' option return new_db_list end end # This class decides how this process works class Driver def initialize begin @opts = OptsConsole.parse(ARGV) rescue OptionParser::InvalidOption, OptionParser::MissingArgument => e print_error("#{e.message} (please see -h)") exit end @output_handle = nil begin @output_handle = ::File.new(@opts[:outfile], 'wb') rescue # Not end of the world, but if this happens we won't be able to save the results. # The user will just have to copy and paste from the screen. print_error("Unable to create file handle, results will not be saved to #{@opts[:output]}") end end # Main function # # @return [void] def run input = @opts[:input] dbs = @opts[:databases] disclamer = Md5LookupUtility::Disclaimer.new unless disclamer.has_waiver? disclamer.ack disclamer.save_waiver end get_hash_results(input, dbs) do |result| original_hash = result[:hash] cracked_hash = result[:cracked_hash] credit_db = result[:credit] print_status("Found: #{original_hash} = #{cracked_hash} (from #{credit_db})") save_result(result) if @output_handle end end # Cleans up the output file handler if exists # # @return [void] def cleanup @output_handle.close if @output_handle end private # Saves the MD5 result to file # # @param result [Hash] The result that contains the MD5 information # @option result :hash [String] The original MD5 hash # @option result :cracked_hash [String] The cracked MD5 hash # @return [void] def save_result(result) @output_handle.puts "#{result[:hash]} = #{result[:cracked_hash]}" end # Returns the hash results by actually invoking Md5Lookup # # @param input [String] The path of the input file (MD5 hashes) # @yield [result] Gives a hash as the found result # @return [void] def get_hash_results(input, dbs) search_engine = Md5LookupUtility::Md5Lookup.new extract_hashes(input) do |hash| dbs.each do |db| cracked_hash = search_engine.lookup(hash, db) unless cracked_hash.empty? result = { :hash => hash, :cracked_hash => cracked_hash, :credit => db } yield result end # Awright, we already found one cracked, we don't need to keep looking, # Let's move on to the next hash! break unless cracked_hash.empty? end end end # Extracts all the MD5 hashes one by one # # @param input_file [String] The path of the input file (MD5 hashes) # @yield [hash] The original MD5 hash # @return [void] def extract_hashes(input_file) ::File.open(input_file, 'rb') do |f| f.each_line do |hash| next unless is_md5_format?(hash) yield hash.strip # Make sure no newlines end end end # Checks if the hash format is MD5 or not # # @param md5_hash [String] The MD5 hash (hex) # @return [TrueClass/FlaseClass] True if the format is valid, otherwise false def is_md5_format?(md5_hash) (md5_hash =~ /^[a-f0-9]{32}$/i) ? true : false end end end # # main # if __FILE__ == $PROGRAM_NAME driver = Md5LookupUtility::Driver.new begin driver.run rescue Interrupt $stdout.puts $stdout.puts "Good bye" ensure driver.cleanup # Properly close resources end end