module Msf module Ui module Gtk2 class Stdapi ### # # The system level portion of the standard API extension. # ### class Sys class Ps < Msf::Ui::Gtk2::SkeletonTree PID, NAME, PATH = *(0..3).to_a # # Lists running processes. # def initialize(client) @model =, String, String) super(client.tunnel_peer, @model) @client = client # Renderer renderer_pid = renderer_name = renderer_path = # PID Gtk::TreeViewColumn column_pid = column_pid.set_title("PID") column_pid.pack_start(renderer_pid, true) column_pid.set_cell_data_func(renderer_pid) do |column, cell, model, iter| cell.text = iter[PID] end column_pid.sort_column_id = PID # Name Gtk::TreeViewColumn column_name = column_name.set_title("Name") column_name.pack_start(renderer_name, true) column_name.set_cell_data_func(renderer_name) do |column, cell, model, iter| cell.text = iter[NAME] end # Path Gtk::TreeViewColumn column_path = column_path.set_title("Path") column_path.pack_start(renderer_path, true) column_path.set_cell_data_func(renderer_path) do |column, cell, model, iter| cell.text = iter[PATH] end # Add Gtk::TreeViewColumn self.treeview.append_column(column_pid) self.treeview.append_column(column_name) self.treeview.append_column(column_path) # Selection on the treeview stuff @selection = self.treeview.selection self.treeview.selection.mode = Gtk::SELECTION_BROWSE self.treeview.rules_hint = true # TreeView signals self.treeview.signal_connect('button_press_event') do |treeview, event| if event.kind_of? Gdk::EventButton if (event.button == 3) path, column, x, y = treeview.get_path_at_pos(event.x, event.y) begin iter = self.treeview.model.get_iter(path) treeview.selection.select_path(path) menu = build_menu menu.popup(nil, nil, event.button, event.time) rescue nil end end end end # Populate the treeview cmd_ps() self.default_response = Gtk::Dialog::RESPONSE_NONE show_all and run destroy end # # # def build_menu # Session Gtk::Menu menu_process = migrate_item_shell ="Migrate PID") migrate_image_shell = migrate_image_shell.set(Gtk::Stock::CONVERT, Gtk::IconSize::MENU) migrate_item_shell.set_image(migrate_image_shell) menu_process.append(migrate_item_shell) kill_item_shell ="Kill") kill_image_shell = kill_image_shell.set(Gtk::Stock::STOP, Gtk::IconSize::MENU) kill_item_shell.set_image(kill_image_shell) menu_process.append(kill_item_shell) migrate_item_shell.signal_connect('activate') do |item| if current = @selection.selected cmd_migrate(current.get_value(PID).to_i) end end kill_item_shell.signal_connect('activate') do |item| if current = @selection.selected cmd_kill(current.get_value(PID)) end end return menu_process.show_all end # # Lists running processes. # def cmd_ps processes = @client.sys.process.get_processes if (processes.length == 0) Msf::Dialog::Error("No running processes were found.") else processes.each do |ent| iter = @model.append iter[PID] = ent['pid'].to_s iter[NAME] = ent['name'] iter[PATH] = ent['path'] end end end # # Update the running list process # def update @model.clear() cmd_ps() end # # Kills one or more processes. # def cmd_kill(*args) @client.sys.process.kill(*( { |x| x.to_i })) update() end # # Migrate the server to the supplied process identifier. # def cmd_migrate(pid) old_pid = @client.sys.process.getpid @client.core.migrate(pid) text = "" text << "Migration completed successfully : \n" text << "Old PID :#{old_pid}\n" text << "New PID :#{@client.sys.process.getpid}", text) end end # Ps end end end end end