#!/usr/bin/env ruby # This file is part of Metasm, the Ruby assembly manipulation suite # Copyright (C) 2007 Yoann GUILLOT # # Licence is LGPL, see LICENCE in the top-level directory # # this script reads a list of elf files, and lists its dependencies recursively # libraries are searched in LD_LIBRARY_PATH, /usr/lib and /lib # includes the elf interpreter # can be useful when chrooting a binary # require 'metasm' paths = ENV['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'].to_s.split(':') + %w[/usr/lib /lib] todo = ARGV.map { |file| (file[0] == ?/) ? file : "./#{file}" } done = [] while src = todo.shift puts src # could do a simple ELF.decode_file, but this is quicker elf = Metasm::ELF.decode_file_header(src) if s = elf.segments.find { |s_| s_.type == 'INTERP' } interp = elf.encoded[s.offset, s.filesz].data.chomp("\0") if not done.include? interp puts interp done << interp end end elf.decode_tags elf.decode_segments_tags_interpret deps = elf.tag['NEEDED'].to_a - done done.concat deps deps.each { |dep| if not path = paths.find { |path_| File.exist? File.join(path_, dep) } $stderr.puts "cannot find #{dep} for #{src}" else todo << File.join(path, dep) end } end