#!/usr/bin/env ruby $:.unshift(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..')) require 'test/unit' require 'rex/socket' require 'rex/socket/tcp' class Rex::Socket::UnitTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_ip assert_equal(true,Rex::Socket.dotted_ip?(''), 'valid IP min') assert_equal(true,Rex::Socket.dotted_ip?(''), 'valid IP max') assert_equal(false,Rex::Socket.dotted_ip?(''), 'too many sections') assert_equal(false,Rex::Socket.dotted_ip?('0..0.0.0'), 'too many dots') assert_equal(false,Rex::Socket.dotted_ip?('00.0.0'), 'not enough dots') assert_equal(false,Rex::Socket.dotted_ip?(''), 'numbers too big') end def test_create port = 64442 serv = TCPServer.new('', port) sock = nil assert_nothing_raised { sock = Rex::Socket.create( 'PeerHost' => '', 'PeerPort' => port, 'Proto' => 'tcp') } assert_kind_of(Rex::Socket::Tcp, sock, "socket factory creation") sock = nil assert_nothing_raised { sock = Rex::Socket.create_tcp( 'PeerHost' => '', 'PeerPort' => port) } assert_kind_of(Rex::Socket::Tcp, sock, "tcp socket factory creation") serv.close end def test_to_sockaddr assert_equal(([2] + [0]*14).pack("sC*"), Rex::Socket.to_sockaddr(0, 0), "null sockaddr") =begin # This is platform dependent, pain to test if (Rex::Socket.support_ipv6?) # Use the constant for AF_INET6 since it is different per platform # (10 on linux and 28 on BSD) inaddr_any_sockaddr = ([::Socket::AF_INET6, 22] + [0]*24).pack('sSC*') else inaddr_any_sockaddr = ([2, 22] + [0]*12).pack('snC*') end =end assert_equal(([2, 0x16, 1, 2, 3, 4] + [0]*8).pack('snC*'), Rex::Socket.to_sockaddr("", 22), " addr, port 22 sockaddr") end def test_from_sockaddr # 1.9.1 raises ArgumentError if we don't have an af == AF_INET or AF_INET6 af, host, port = Rex::Socket.from_sockaddr(([2, 0] + [0]*12).pack('snC*')) assert_equal(2, af, "af = 2") assert_equal('', host, "zero host") assert_equal(0, port, "zero port") af, host, port = Rex::Socket.from_sockaddr(([2, 22]+[0]*12).pack('snC*')) assert_equal(2, af, "af = 2") assert_equal(22, port, "port = 22") assert_equal('', host, "zero host") af, host, port = Rex::Socket.from_sockaddr(([2, 22, 1, 2, 3, 4] + [0]*8).pack('snC*') ) assert_equal(2, af, "af = 2") assert_equal('', host, "host = ''") assert_equal(22, port, "port = 22") end def test_resolv_nbo assert_equal("\x04\x03\x02\x01", Rex::Socket.resolv_nbo("")) end def test_net2bitmask assert_equal(32, Rex::Socket.net2bitmask('')) assert_equal(28, Rex::Socket.net2bitmask('')) assert_equal(24, Rex::Socket.net2bitmask('')) assert_equal(16, Rex::Socket.net2bitmask('')) end def test_bit2netmask assert_equal("", Rex::Socket.bit2netmask(32)) assert_equal("", Rex::Socket.bit2netmask(31)) assert_equal("", Rex::Socket.bit2netmask(28)) assert_equal("", Rex::Socket.bit2netmask(24)) assert_equal("", Rex::Socket.bit2netmask(16)) end def test_is_internal assert( ! Rex::Socket.is_internal?("")) assert( ! Rex::Socket.is_internal?("")) assert( ! Rex::Socket.is_internal?("")) assert(Rex::Socket.is_internal?("")) assert(Rex::Socket.is_internal?("")) 16.upto(31) do |octet| assert(Rex::Socket.is_internal?("172.#{octet}.3.4")) end end end