# -*- coding: binary -*- require "active_record" require 'msf/core' require 'msf/core/db' require 'msf/core/task_manager' require 'fileutils' require 'shellwords' # Provide access to ActiveRecord models shared w/ commercial versions require "metasploit_data_models" # Patches issues with ActiveRecord require "msf/core/patches/active_record" module Msf ### # # The db module provides persistent storage and events. This class should be instantiated LAST # as the active_suppport library overrides Kernel.require, slowing down all future code loads. # ### class DBManager # Mainly, it's Ruby 1.9.1 that cause a lot of problems now, along with Ruby 1.8.6. # Ruby 1.8.7 actually seems okay, but why tempt fate? Let's say 1.9.3 and beyond. def self.warn_about_rubies if ::RUBY_VERSION =~ /^1\.9\.[012]($|[^\d])/ $stderr.puts "**************************************************************************************" $stderr.puts "Metasploit requires at least Ruby 1.9.3. For an easy upgrade path, see https://rvm.io/" $stderr.puts "**************************************************************************************" end end # Only include Mdm if we're not using Metasploit commercial versions # If Mdm::Host is defined, the dynamically created classes # are already in the object space begin include MetasploitDataModels unless defined? Mdm::Host rescue NameError => e warn_about_rubies raise e end # Provides :framework and other accessors include Framework::Offspring # Returns true if we are ready to load/store data def active return false if not @usable # We have established a connection, some connection is active, and we have run migrations (ActiveRecord::Base.connected? && ActiveRecord::Base.connection_pool.connected? && migrated)# rescue false end # Returns true if the prerequisites have been installed attr_accessor :usable # Returns the list of usable database drivers attr_accessor :drivers # Returns the active driver attr_accessor :driver # Stores the error message for why the db was not loaded attr_accessor :error # Stores a TaskManager for serializing database events attr_accessor :sink # Flag to indicate database migration has completed attr_accessor :migrated # Array of additional migration paths attr_accessor :migration_paths def initialize(framework, opts = {}) self.framework = framework self.migrated = false self.migration_paths = [ ::File.join(Msf::Config.install_root, "data", "sql", "migrate") ] @usable = false # Don't load the database if the user said they didn't need it. if (opts['DisableDatabase']) self.error = "disabled" return end initialize_database_support end # # Add additional migration paths # def add_migration_path(path) self.migration_paths.push(path) end # # Do what is necessary to load our database support # def initialize_database_support begin # Database drivers can reset our KCODE, do not let them $KCODE = 'NONE' if RUBY_VERSION =~ /^1\.8\./ @usable = true rescue ::Exception => e self.error = e elog("DB is not enabled due to load error: #{e}") return false end # # Determine what drivers are available # initialize_drivers # # Instantiate the database sink # initialize_sink true end # # Scan through available drivers # def initialize_drivers self.drivers = [] tdrivers = %W{ postgresql } tdrivers.each do |driver| begin ActiveRecord::Base.default_timezone = :utc ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(:adapter => driver) if(self.respond_to?("driver_check_#{driver}")) self.send("driver_check_#{driver}") end ActiveRecord::Base.remove_connection self.drivers << driver rescue ::Exception end end if(not self.drivers.empty?) self.driver = self.drivers[0] end # Database drivers can reset our KCODE, do not let them $KCODE = 'NONE' if RUBY_VERSION =~ /^1\.8\./ end # # Create a new database sink and initialize it # def initialize_sink self.sink = TaskManager.new(framework) self.sink.start end # # Add a new task to the sink # def queue(proc) self.sink.queue_proc(proc) end # # Connects this instance to a database # def connect(opts={}) return false if not @usable nopts = opts.dup if (nopts['port']) nopts['port'] = nopts['port'].to_i end # Prefer the config file's pool setting nopts['pool'] ||= 75 # Prefer the config file's wait_timeout setting too nopts['wait_timeout'] ||= 300 begin self.migrated = false create_db(nopts) # Configure the database adapter ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(nopts) # Migrate the database, if needed migrate # Set the default workspace framework.db.workspace = framework.db.default_workspace # Flag that migration has completed self.migrated = true rescue ::Exception => e self.error = e elog("DB.connect threw an exception: #{e}") dlog("Call stack: #{$@.join"\n"}", LEV_1) return false ensure # Database drivers can reset our KCODE, do not let them $KCODE = 'NONE' if RUBY_VERSION =~ /^1\.8\./ end true end # # Attempt to create the database # # If the database already exists this will fail and we will continue on our # merry way, connecting anyway. If it doesn't, we try to create it. If # that fails, then it wasn't meant to be and the connect will raise a # useful exception so the user won't be in the dark; no need to raise # anything at all here. # def create_db(opts) begin case opts["adapter"] when 'postgresql' # Try to force a connection to be made to the database, if it succeeds # then we know we don't need to create it :) ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(opts) # Do the checkout, checkin dance here to make sure this thread doesn't # hold on to a connection we don't need conn = ActiveRecord::Base.connection_pool.checkout ActiveRecord::Base.connection_pool.checkin(conn) end rescue ::Exception => e errstr = e.to_s if errstr =~ /does not exist/i or errstr =~ /Unknown database/ ilog("Database doesn't exist \"#{opts['database']}\", attempting to create it.") ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(opts.merge('database' => nil)) ActiveRecord::Base.connection.create_database(opts['database']) else ilog("Trying to continue despite failed database creation: #{e}") end end ActiveRecord::Base.remove_connection end # # Disconnects a database session # def disconnect begin ActiveRecord::Base.remove_connection rescue ::Exception => e self.error = e elog("DB.disconnect threw an exception: #{e}") ensure # Database drivers can reset our KCODE, do not let them $KCODE = 'NONE' if RUBY_VERSION =~ /^1\.8\./ end end # # Migrate database to latest schema version # def migrate(verbose=false) temp_dir = ::File.expand_path(::File.join( Msf::Config.config_directory, "schema", "#{Time.now.to_i}_#{$$}" )) ::FileUtils.rm_rf(temp_dir) ::FileUtils.mkdir_p(temp_dir) self.migration_paths.each do |mpath| dir = Dir.new(mpath) rescue nil if not dir elog("Could not access migration path #{mpath}") next end dir.entries.each do |ent| next unless ent =~ /^\d+.*\.rb$/ ::FileUtils.cp( ::File.join(mpath, ent), ::File.join(temp_dir, ent) ) end end success = true begin ::ActiveRecord::Base.connection_pool.with_connection { ActiveRecord::Migration.verbose = verbose ActiveRecord::Migrator.migrate(temp_dir, nil) } rescue ::Exception => e self.error = e elog("DB.migrate threw an exception: #{e}") dlog("Call stack:\n#{e.backtrace.join "\n"}") success = false end ::FileUtils.rm_rf(temp_dir) return true end def workspace=(workspace) @workspace_name = workspace.name end def workspace framework.db.find_workspace(@workspace_name) end def update_all_module_details return if not self.migrated ::ActiveRecord::Base.connection_pool.with_connection { refresh = [] skipped = [] Mdm::ModuleDetail.find_each do |md| unless md.ready refresh << md next end unless md.file and ::File.exists?(md.file) refresh << md next end if ::File.mtime(md.file).to_i != md.mtime.to_i refresh << md next end skipped << [md.mtype, md.refname] end refresh.each {|md| md.destroy } refresh = nil stime = Time.now.to_f [ [ 'exploit', framework.exploits ], [ 'auxiliary', framework.auxiliary ], [ 'post', framework.post ], [ 'payload', framework.payloads ], [ 'encoder', framework.encoders ], [ 'nop', framework.nops ] ].each do |mt| mt[1].keys.sort.each do |mn| next if skipped.include?( [ mt[0], mn ] ) obj = mt[1].create(mn) next if not obj update_module_details(obj) end end nil } end def update_module_details(obj) return if not self.migrated ::ActiveRecord::Base.connection_pool.with_connection { info = module_to_details_hash(obj) bits = info.delete(:bits) || [] md = Mdm::ModuleDetail.create(info) bits.each do |args| otype, vals = args case otype when :author md.add_author(vals[:name], vals[:email]) when :action md.add_action(vals[:name]) when :arch md.add_arch(vals[:name]) when :platform md.add_platform(vals[:name]) when :target md.add_target(vals[:index], vals[:name]) when :ref md.add_ref(vals[:name]) when :mixin # md.add_mixin(vals[:name]) end end md.ready = true md.save md.id } end def remove_module_details(mtype, refname) return if not self.migrated ::ActiveRecord::Base.connection_pool.with_connection { md = Mdm::ModuleDetail.find(:conditions => [ 'mtype = ? and refname = ?', mtype, refname]) md.destroy if md } end def module_to_details_hash(m) res = {} bits = [] res[:mtime] = ::File.mtime(m.file_path) rescue Time.now res[:file] = m.file_path res[:mtype] = m.type res[:name] = m.name.to_s res[:refname] = m.refname res[:fullname] = m.fullname res[:rank] = m.rank.to_i res[:license] = m.license.to_s res[:description] = m.description.to_s.strip m.arch.map{ |x| bits << [ :arch, { :name => x.to_s } ] } m.platform.platforms.map{ |x| bits << [ :platform, { :name => x.to_s.split('::').last.downcase } ] } m.author.map{|x| bits << [ :author, { :name => x.to_s } ] } m.references.map do |r| bits << [ :ref, { :name => [r.ctx_id.to_s, r.ctx_val.to_s].join("-") } ] end res[:privileged] = m.privileged? if m.disclosure_date begin res[:disclosure_date] = m.disclosure_date.to_datetime.to_time rescue ::Exception res.delete(:disclosure_date) end end if(m.type == "exploit") m.targets.each_index do |i| bits << [ :target, { :index => i, :name => m.targets[i].name.to_s } ] end if (m.default_target) res[:default_target] = m.default_target end # Some modules are a combination, which means they are actually aggressive res[:stance] = m.stance.to_s.index("aggressive") ? "aggressive" : "passive" m.class.mixins.each do |x| bits << [ :mixin, { :name => x.to_s } ] end end if(m.type == "auxiliary") m.actions.each_index do |i| bits << [ :action, { :name => m.actions[i].name.to_s } ] end if (m.default_action) res[:default_action] = m.default_action.to_s end res[:stance] = m.passive? ? "passive" : "aggressive" end res[:bits] = bits res end # # This provides a standard set of search filters for every module. # The search terms are in the form of: # { # "text" => [ [ "include_term1", "include_term2", ...], [ "exclude_term1", "exclude_term2"], ... ], # "cve" => [ [ "include_term1", "include_term2", ...], [ "exclude_term1", "exclude_term2"], ... ] # } # # Returns true on no match, false on match # def search_modules(search_string, inclusive=false) return false if not search_string search_string += " " # Split search terms by space, but allow quoted strings terms = Shellwords.shellwords(search_string) terms.delete('') # All terms are either included or excluded res = {} terms.each do |t| f,v = t.split(":", 2) if not v v = f f = 'text' end next if v.length == 0 f.downcase! v.downcase! res[f] ||= [ ] res[f] << v end ::ActiveRecord::Base.connection_pool.with_connection { where_q = [] where_v = [] res.keys.each do |kt| res[kt].each do |kv| kv = kv.downcase case kt when 'text' xv = "%#{kv}%" where_q << ' ( ' + 'module_details.fullname ILIKE ? OR module_details.name ILIKE ? OR module_details.description ILIKE ? OR ' + 'module_authors.name ILIKE ? OR module_actions.name ILIKE ? OR module_archs.name ILIKE ? OR ' + 'module_targets.name ILIKE ? OR module_platforms.name ILIKE ? ' + ') ' where_v << [ xv, xv, xv, xv, xv, xv, xv, xv ] when 'name' xv = "%#{kv}%" where_q << ' ( module_details.fullname ILIKE ? OR module_details.name ILIKE ? ) ' where_v << [ xv, xv ] when 'author' xv = "%#{kv}%" where_q << ' ( module_authors.name ILIKE ? OR module_authors.email ILIKE ? ) ' where_v << [ xv, xv ] when 'os','platform' xv = "%#{kv}%" where_q << ' ( module_targets.name ILIKE ? ) ' where_v << [ xv ] when 'port' # TODO when 'type' where_q << ' ( module_details.mtype = ? ) ' where_v << [ kv ] when 'app' where_q << ' ( module_details.stance = ? )' where_v << [ ( kv == "client") ? "passive" : "active" ] when 'ref' where_q << ' ( module_refs.name ILIKE ? )' where_v << [ '%' + kv + '%' ] when 'cve','bid','osvdb','edb' where_q << ' ( module_refs.name = ? )' where_v << [ kt.upcase + '-' + kv ] end end end qry = Mdm::ModuleDetail.select("DISTINCT(module_details.*)"). joins( "LEFT OUTER JOIN module_authors ON module_details.id = module_authors.module_detail_id " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN module_actions ON module_details.id = module_actions.module_detail_id " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN module_archs ON module_details.id = module_archs.module_detail_id " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN module_refs ON module_details.id = module_refs.module_detail_id " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN module_targets ON module_details.id = module_targets.module_detail_id " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN module_platforms ON module_details.id = module_platforms.module_detail_id " ). where(where_q.join(inclusive ? " OR " : " AND "), *(where_v.flatten)). group("module_details.id, module_details.*") res = qry.all } end end end