# -*- coding:binary -*- require 'rex/post/meterpreter/packet' describe Rex::Post::Meterpreter::Tlv do subject(:tlv) { Rex::Post::Meterpreter::Tlv.new( Rex::Post::Meterpreter::TLV_TYPE_STRING, "test" ) } it "should respond to type" do tlv.should respond_to :type end it "should respond to value" do tlv.should respond_to :value end it "should respond to compress" do tlv.should respond_to :compress end it "should respond to inspect" do tlv.should respond_to :inspect end it "should respond to meta_type?" do tlv.should respond_to :meta_type? end it "should respond to type?" do tlv.should respond_to :type? end it "should respond to value?" do tlv.should respond_to :value? end it "should respond to to_r" do tlv.should respond_to :to_r end it "should respond to from_r" do tlv.should respond_to :from_r end context "A String TLV" do it "should return the correct TLV type" do tlv.type.should == Rex::Post::Meterpreter::TLV_TYPE_STRING end it "should return the correct value" do tlv.value.should == "test" end context "#type?" do it "should return true for STRING" do tlv.type?(Rex::Post::Meterpreter::TLV_TYPE_STRING).should == true end it "should return false for UINT" do tlv.type?(Rex::Post::Meterpreter::TLV_TYPE_UINT).should == false end end context "#value?" do it "should return true for the correct value" do tlv.value?("test").should == true end it "should return false for an incorrect value" do tlv.value?("fake").should == false end end context "#inspect" do it "should return a string representation of the TLV" do tlv_to_s = "#" tlv.inspect.should == tlv_to_s end end context "#to_r" do it "should return the raw bytes of the TLV to send over the wire" do tlv_bytes = "\x00\x00\x00\r\x00\x01\x00\ntest\x00" tlv.to_r.should == tlv_bytes end end context "#from_r" do it "should adjust the tlv attributes from the given raw bytes" do tlv.from_r("\x00\x00\x00\r\x00\x01\x00\ntes2\x00") tlv.value.should == "tes2" end end end context "A Method TLV" do subject(:tlv) { Rex::Post::Meterpreter::Tlv.new( Rex::Post::Meterpreter::TLV_TYPE_METHOD, "test" ) } it "should have a meta type of String" do tlv.meta_type?(Rex::Post::Meterpreter::TLV_META_TYPE_STRING).should == true end it "should show the correct type and meta type in inspect" do tlv_to_s = "#" tlv.inspect.should == tlv_to_s end end context "A String TLV with a number value" do subject(:tlv) { Rex::Post::Meterpreter::Tlv.new(Rex::Post::Meterpreter::TLV_TYPE_STRING,5) } it "should return the string version of the number" do tlv.value.should == "5" end end end describe Rex::Post::Meterpreter::GroupTlv do subject(:group_tlv) { Rex::Post::Meterpreter::GroupTlv.new( Rex::Post::Meterpreter::TLV_TYPE_CHANNEL_DATA_GROUP ) } it "should respond to tlvs" do group_tlv.should respond_to :tlvs end it "should respond to each" do group_tlv.should respond_to :each end it "should respond to each_tlv" do group_tlv.should respond_to :each_tlv end it "should respond to each_with_index" do group_tlv.should respond_to :each_with_index end it "should respond to each_tlv_with_index" do group_tlv.should respond_to :each_tlv_with_index end it "should respond to get_tlvs" do group_tlv.should respond_to :get_tlvs end it "should respond to add_tlv" do group_tlv.should respond_to :add_tlv end it "should respond to add_tlvs" do group_tlv.should respond_to :add_tlvs end it "should respond to get_tlv" do group_tlv.should respond_to :get_tlv end it "should respond to get_tlv_value" do group_tlv.should respond_to :get_tlv_value end it "should respond to get_tlv_values" do group_tlv.should respond_to :get_tlv_values end it "should respond to has_tlv?" do group_tlv.should respond_to :has_tlv? end it "should respond to reset" do group_tlv.should respond_to :reset end it "should respond to to_r" do group_tlv.should respond_to :to_r end it "should respond to from_r" do group_tlv.should respond_to :from_r end it "should return an empty array for tlvs by default" do group_tlv.tlvs.should == [] end context "#add_tlv" do it "should add to the tlvs array when given basic tlv paramaters" do group_tlv.add_tlv(Rex::Post::Meterpreter::TLV_TYPE_STRING,"test") group_tlv.tlvs.first.type.should == Rex::Post::Meterpreter::TLV_TYPE_STRING group_tlv.tlvs.first.value.should == "test" end it "should replace any existing TLV of the same type when the replace flag is set to true" do group_tlv.add_tlv(Rex::Post::Meterpreter::TLV_TYPE_STRING,"test") group_tlv.add_tlv(Rex::Post::Meterpreter::TLV_TYPE_STRING,"test2", true) group_tlv.tlvs.count.should == 1 group_tlv.tlvs.first.value.should == "test2" end it "should add both if replace is set to false" do group_tlv.add_tlv(Rex::Post::Meterpreter::TLV_TYPE_STRING,"test") group_tlv.add_tlv(Rex::Post::Meterpreter::TLV_TYPE_STRING,"test2", false) group_tlv.tlvs.first.value.should == "test" group_tlv.tlvs.last.value.should == "test2" end end context "#add_tlvs" do it "should be able to add an array of type-value hashes" do tlv_array = [ {'type' => Rex::Post::Meterpreter::TLV_TYPE_STRING, 'value' => "test"}, {'type' => Rex::Post::Meterpreter::TLV_TYPE_STRING, 'value' => "test2"} ] group_tlv.add_tlvs(tlv_array) group_tlv.tlvs.count.should == 2 group_tlv.tlvs.first.value.should == "test" group_tlv.tlvs.last.value.should == "test2" end it "should raise an error when given something other than nil or an array" do pending "RM #7598" group_tlv.add_tlvs("bad value").should raise_error end it "should raise an error when given an array of objects other than hashes" do pending "RM #7598" group_tlv.add_tlvs([1,2,3]).should raise_error end it "should raise an error when any of the hashes are missing a key" do pending "RM #7598" tlv_array = [ {:type => Rex::Post::Meterpreter::TLV_TYPE_STRING, :value => "test"}, {:type => Rex::Post::Meterpreter::TLV_TYPE_STRING} ] group_tlv.add_tlvs(tlv_array).should raise_error end end context "with TLVs added" do before(:each) do group_tlv.reset tlv_array = [ {'type' => Rex::Post::Meterpreter::TLV_TYPE_STRING, 'value' => "test"}, {'type' => Rex::Post::Meterpreter::TLV_TYPE_STRING, 'value' => "test2"}, {'type' => Rex::Post::Meterpreter::TLV_TYPE_UINT, 'value' => 5} ] group_tlv.add_tlvs(tlv_array) @raw_group = "\x00\x00\x00/@\x00\x005\x00\x00\x00\r\x00\x01\x00\ntest\x00\x00\x00\x00\x0E\x00\x01\x00\ntest2\x00\x00\x00\x00\f\x00\x02\x00\v\x00\x00\x00\x05" end it "should empty the array of TLV when reset is called" do group_tlv.reset group_tlv.tlvs.should == [] end it "should convert to raw bytes when to_r is called" do group_tlv.to_r.should == @raw_group end context "#from_r" do it "should build the TLV group when given the propper raw bytes" do group_tlv.reset group_tlv.from_r( @raw_group) group_tlv.tlvs[0].inspect.should == "#" group_tlv.tlvs[1].inspect.should == "#" group_tlv.tlvs[2].inspect.should == "#" end end context "#get_tlvs" do it "should return all TLVs of the supplied type" do tlvs = group_tlv.get_tlvs(Rex::Post::Meterpreter::TLV_TYPE_STRING) tlvs.count.should == 2 tlvs.first.value.should == "test" tlvs.last.value.should == "test2" end it "should return all TLVs when supplied the ANY TLV type" do tlvs = group_tlv.get_tlvs(Rex::Post::Meterpreter::TLV_TYPE_ANY) tlvs.count.should == group_tlv.tlvs.count end it "should return an empty array for a TLV type that isn't present" do group_tlv.get_tlvs(Rex::Post::Meterpreter::TLV_TYPE_BOOL).should == [] end it "should return an empty array for a nonexistant TLV type" do group_tlv.get_tlvs(55555555).should == [] end end context "#get_tlv" do it "should return the first TLV of the specified type by default" do group_tlv.get_tlv(Rex::Post::Meterpreter::TLV_TYPE_STRING).should == group_tlv.tlvs.first group_tlv.get_tlv(Rex::Post::Meterpreter::TLV_TYPE_UINT).should == group_tlv.tlvs.last end it "should return the correct TLV of the specified type for the given index" do group_tlv.get_tlv(Rex::Post::Meterpreter::TLV_TYPE_STRING,1).should == group_tlv.tlvs[1] end it "should return nil if given an out of bounds index" do group_tlv.get_tlv(Rex::Post::Meterpreter::TLV_TYPE_STRING,5).should == nil end it "should return nil if given a non-present TLV type" do group_tlv.get_tlv(Rex::Post::Meterpreter::TLV_TYPE_BOOL).should == nil end end context "#get_tlv_value" do it "should return the value of the first TLV with the given type" do group_tlv.get_tlv_value(Rex::Post::Meterpreter::TLV_TYPE_STRING).should == group_tlv.tlvs.first.value end it "should return the correct TLV value of the specified type for the given index" do group_tlv.get_tlv_value(Rex::Post::Meterpreter::TLV_TYPE_STRING,1).should == group_tlv.tlvs[1].value end it "should return nil if given an out of bounds index" do group_tlv.get_tlv_value(Rex::Post::Meterpreter::TLV_TYPE_STRING,5).should == nil end it "should return nil if given a non-present TLV type" do group_tlv.get_tlv_value(Rex::Post::Meterpreter::TLV_TYPE_BOOL).should == nil end end context "#get_tlv_values" do it "should return an array of values for the designated TLV types" do group_tlv.get_tlv_values(Rex::Post::Meterpreter::TLV_TYPE_STRING).should == ["test", "test2"] end it "should return an empty array for a non-present TLV type" do group_tlv.get_tlv_values(Rex::Post::Meterpreter::TLV_TYPE_BOOL).should == [] end end context "#has_tlv?" do it "should return true if the TLV Type is present" do group_tlv.has_tlv?(Rex::Post::Meterpreter::TLV_TYPE_STRING).should == true end it "should return false if the TLV type is not present" do group_tlv.has_tlv?(Rex::Post::Meterpreter::TLV_TYPE_BOOL).should == false end end end end describe Rex::Post::Meterpreter::Packet do context "Request Packet" do subject(:packet) { Rex::Post::Meterpreter::Packet.new( Rex::Post::Meterpreter::PACKET_TYPE_REQUEST, "test_method" ) } it "should respond to created_at" do packet.should respond_to :created_at end it "should respond to response?" do packet.should respond_to :response? end it "should respond to method?" do packet.should respond_to :method? end it "should respond to method" do packet.should respond_to :method end it "should respond to result?" do packet.should respond_to :result? end it "should respond to result=" do packet.should respond_to :result= end it "should respond to result" do packet.should respond_to :result end it "should respond to rid" do packet.should respond_to :rid end it "should return false for response?" do packet.response?.should == false end it "should evaluate the method correctly" do packet.method?("test_method").should == true packet.method?("blah").should == false end it "should accept new methods" do packet.method= "test_method2" packet.method?("test_method2").should == true end it "should return the correct method" do packet.method.should == "test_method" end it "should not have a result" do packet.result.should == nil end it "should return a valid request id" do packet.rid.should =~ /\A\d{32}\Z/ end it "should be created when Packet.create_request is called" do req = Rex::Post::Meterpreter::Packet.create_request("test_method") req.class.should == Rex::Post::Meterpreter::Packet req.response?.should == false req.method?("test_method").should == true end it "should return the correct raw byte form of the packet" do rid = packet.rid meth = packet.method raw = packet.to_r packet.from_r(raw) packet.rid.should == rid packet.method.should == meth end end context "a response packet" do subject(:packet) { Rex::Post::Meterpreter::Packet.new( Rex::Post::Meterpreter::PACKET_TYPE_RESPONSE, "test_method" ) } before(:each) do packet.add_tlv(Rex::Post::Meterpreter::TLV_TYPE_RESULT, "a-ok") end it "should return the correct result" do packet.result.should == "a-ok" end it "should evaluate result correctly" do packet.result?("a-ok").should == true packet.result?("5by5").should == false end it "should accept a new result" do packet.result = "test2" packet.result.should == "test2" end it "should be created when Packet.create_response is called" do resp = Rex::Post::Meterpreter::Packet.create_response resp.class.should == Rex::Post::Meterpreter::Packet resp.response?.should == true end end end