@ECHO OFF IF "%VCINSTALLDIR%" == "" GOTO NEED_VS IF "%1"=="x86" GOTO BUILD_X86 IF "%1"=="X86" GOTO BUILD_X86 IF "%1"=="x64" GOTO BUILD_X64 IF "%1"=="X64" GOTO BUILD_X64 ECHO "Building Exploits x64 and x86 (Release)" SET PLAT=all GOTO RUN :BUILD_X86 ECHO "Building Exploits x86 (Release)" SET PLAT=x86 GOTO RUN :BUILD_X64 ECHO "Building Exploits x64 (Release)" SET PLAT=x64 GOTO RUN :RUN ECHO "Building CVE-2010-0232 (KiTrap0D)" PUSHD CVE-2010-0232 msbuild.exe make.msbuild /target:%PLAT% POPD IF "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" ( ECHO "Building CVE-2013-0109 (nvidia_nvsvc)" PUSHD CVE-2013-0109 msbuild.exe make.msbuild /target:%PLAT% POPD ) IF "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" ( ECHO "Building CVE-2013-3660 (ppr_flatten_rec)" PUSHD CVE-2013-3660 msbuild.exe make.msbuild /target:%PLAT% POPD ) IF "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" ( ECHO "Building CVE-2013-3881 (win32k_null_page)" PUSHD CVE-2013-3881 msbuild.exe make.msbuild /target:%PLAT% POPD ) IF "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" ( ECHO "Building CVE-2014-4113 (track_popup_menu)" PUSHD CVE-2014-4113 msbuild.exe make.msbuild /target:%PLAT% POPD ) IF "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" ( ECHO "Building CVE-2015-1701 (copy_client_image)" PUSHD CVE-2015-1701 msbuild.exe make.msbuild /target:%PLAT% POPD ) IF "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" ( ECHO "Building CVE-2013-1300 (schlamperei)" PUSHD CVE-2013-1300 msbuild.exe make.msbuild /target:%PLAT% POPD ) IF "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" ( ECHO "Building bypassuac (on-disk)" PUSHD bypassuac msbuild.exe make.msbuild /target:%PLAT% POPD ) IF "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" ( ECHO "Building bypassuac (in-memory)" PUSHD bypassuac_injection msbuild.exe make.msbuild /target:%PLAT% POPD ) ) IF "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" ( ECHO "Building IE11 Sandbox bypasses" PUSHD IE11SandboxEscapes msbuild.exe make.msbuild /target:%PLAT% POPD ) IF "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" ( ECHO "Building CAPCOM.SYS Driver exec" PUSHD capcom_sys_exec msbuild.exe make.msbuild /target:%PLAT% POPD ) FOR /F "usebackq tokens=1,2 delims==" %%i IN (`wmic os get LocalDateTime /VALUE 2^>NUL`) DO IF '.%%i.'=='.LocalDateTime.' SET LDT=%%j SET LDT=%LDT:~0,4%-%LDT:~4,2%-%LDT:~6,2% %LDT:~8,2%:%LDT:~10,2%:%LDT:~12,6% echo Finished %ldt% GOTO :END :NEED_VS ECHO "This command must be executed from within a Visual Studio Command prompt." ECHO "This can be found under Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 -> Visual Studio Tools" :END