# wmap-autoscan.rc # Author: m-1-k-3 (Web: http://www.s3cur1ty.de / Twitter: @s3cur1ty_de) # This Metasploit RC-File could be used to analyse webapps automatically # first you should use the crawler module or autocrawler resource file # for learning the application if (framework.datastore['WMAP_PROFILE'] == nil) profile = nil elsif (framework.datastore['WMAP_PROFILE'] == "profile") #default profile of the metasploit installation profile = "#{Msf::Config.install_root}/data/wmap/wmap_sample_profile.txt" else #we are able to define an other file as the profile file, for example we are able to #define a file in our .msf4 directory which we use for our webaudits profile = framework.datastore['WMAP_PROFILE'] end #default to 50 Threads if (framework.datastore['THREADS'] == nil) run_single("setg THREADS 50") end #we look in the global datastore for a global VERBOSE option and use it if (framework.datastore['VERBOSE'] == "true") verbose = 1 else verbose = 0 end if (framework.plugins.to_s =~ /[Ww]map/) print_line("Wmap plugin already loaded ...") else print_line("Loading the wmap plugin ...") run_single("load wmap") end # Test and see if we have a database connected begin framework.db.hosts rescue ::ActiveRecord::ConnectionNotEstablished print_error("Database connection isn't established") return end framework.db.hosts.each do |host| host.services.each do |serv| next if not serv.host next if (serv.state != Msf::ServiceState::Open) next if (serv.name !~ /http/) if(verbose == 1) print_line("") print_line("====================================") print_line("IP #{host.address}") print_line("OS #{host.os_name}") print_line("Servicename #{serv.name}") print_line("Service Port #{serv.port.to_i}") print_line("Service Protocol #{serv.proto}") print_line("====================================") print_line("") end print_line("available sites:") run_single("wmap_sites -l") print_line("site which will get analyzed:") run_single("wmap_sites -s #{host.address}:#{serv.port}") run_single("wmap_targets -t #{host.address}:#{serv.port}") serv.web_sites.each do |site| run_single("wmap_targets -t #{site.vhost},#{host.address}:#{serv.port}") end print_line("defined target:") run_single("wmap_targets -l") if(profile != nil) run_single("wmap_run -e #{profile}") else run_single("wmap_run -e") end run_single("wmap_targets -c") print_line("") print_line("Finished analysing the webserver on IP #{host.address.to_s}, Port: #{serv.port.to_s}") print_line("") end end