## # This module requires Metasploit: http://metasploit.com/download # Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework ## require 'msf/core' class Metasploit3 < Msf::Auxiliary include Msf::Exploit::Remote::MSSQL include Msf::Auxiliary::Report def initialize(info = {}) super(update_info(info, 'Name' => 'Microsoft SQL Server Configuration Enumerator', 'Description' => %q{ This module will perform a series of configuration audits and security checks against a Microsoft SQL Server database. For this module to work, valid administrative user credentials must be supplied. }, 'Author' => [ 'Carlos Perez ' ], 'License' => MSF_LICENSE )) end def run print_status("Running MS SQL Server Enumeration...") if mssql_login_datastore == false print_error("Login was unsuccessful. Check your credentials.") disconnect return end # Get Version print_status("Version:") vernum ="" ver = mssql_query("select @@version") sqlversion = ver[:rows].join sqlversion.each_line do |row| print "[*]\t#{row}" end vernum = sqlversion.gsub("\n"," ").scan(/SQL Server\s*(200\d)/m) report_note(:host => datastore['RHOST'], :proto => 'TCP', :port => datastore['RPORT'], :type => 'MSSQL_ENUM', :data => "Version: #{sqlversion}") #------------------------------------------------------- #Check Configuration Parameters and check what is enabled print_status("Configuration Parameters:") if vernum.join != "2000" query = "SELECT name, CAST(value_in_use AS INT) from sys.configurations" ver = mssql_query(query)[:rows] sysconfig = {} ver.each do |l| sysconfig[l[0].strip] = l[1].to_i end else #enable advanced options mssql_query("EXEC sp_configure \'show advanced options\', 1; RECONFIGURE")[:rows] query = "EXECUTE sp_configure" ver = mssql_query(query)[:rows] ver.class sysconfig = {} ver.each do |l| sysconfig[l[0].strip] = l[3].to_i end end #------------------------------------------------------- #checking for C2 Audit Mode if sysconfig['c2 audit mode'] == 1 print_status("\tC2 Audit Mode is Enabled") report_note(:host => datastore['RHOST'], :proto => 'TCP', :port => datastore['RPORT'], :type => 'MSSQL_ENUM', :data => "C2 Audit Mode is Enabled") else print_status("\tC2 Audit Mode is Not Enabled") report_note(:host => datastore['RHOST'], :proto => 'TCP', :port => datastore['RPORT'], :type => 'MSSQL_ENUM', :data => "C2 Audit Mode is Not Enabled") end #------------------------------------------------------- #check if xp_cmdshell is enabled if vernum.join != "2000" if sysconfig['xp_cmdshell'] == 1 print_status("\txp_cmdshell is Enabled") report_note(:host => datastore['RHOST'], :proto => 'TCP', :port => datastore['RPORT'], :type => 'MSSQL_ENUM', :data => "xp_cmdshell is Enabled") else print_status("\txp_cmdshell is Not Enabled") report_note(:host => datastore['RHOST'], :proto => 'TCP', :port => datastore['RPORT'], :type => 'MSSQL_ENUM', :data => "xp_cmdshell is Not Enabled") end else xpspexist = mssql_query("select sysobjects.name from sysobjects where name = \'xp_cmdshell\'")[:rows] if xpspexist != nil print_status("\txp_cmdshell is Enabled") report_note(:host => datastore['RHOST'], :proto => 'TCP', :port => datastore['RPORT'], :type => 'MSSQL_ENUM', :data => "xp_cmdshell is Enabled") else print_status("\txp_cmdshell is Not Enabled") report_note(:host => datastore['RHOST'], :proto => 'TCP', :port => datastore['RPORT'], :type => 'MSSQL_ENUM', :data => "xp_cmdshell is Not Enabled") end end #------------------------------------------------------- #check if remote access is enabled if sysconfig['remote access'] == 1 print_status("\tremote access is Enabled") report_note(:host => datastore['RHOST'], :proto => 'TCP', :port => datastore['RPORT'], :type => 'MSSQL_ENUM', :data => "remote access is Enabled") else print_status("\tremote access is Not Enabled") report_note(:host => datastore['RHOST'], :proto => 'TCP', :port => datastore['RPORT'], :type => 'MSSQL_ENUM', :data => "remote access is not Enabled") end #------------------------------------------------------- #check if updates are allowed if sysconfig['allow updates'] == 1 print_status("\tallow updates is Enabled") report_note(:host => datastore['RHOST'], :proto => 'TCP', :port => datastore['RPORT'], :type => 'MSSQL_ENUM', :data => "allow updates is Enabled") else print_status("\tallow updates is Not Enabled") report_note(:host => datastore['RHOST'], :proto => 'TCP', :port => datastore['RPORT'], :type => 'MSSQL_ENUM', :data => "allow updates is not Enabled") end #------------------------------------------------------- #check if Mail stored procedures are enabled if vernum.join != "2000" if sysconfig['Database Mail XPs'] == 1 print_status("\tDatabase Mail XPs is Enabled") report_note(:host => datastore['RHOST'], :proto => 'TCP', :port => datastore['RPORT'], :type => 'MSSQL_ENUM', :data => "Database Mail XPs is Enabled") else print_status("\tDatabase Mail XPs is Not Enabled") report_note(:host => datastore['RHOST'], :proto => 'TCP', :port => datastore['RPORT'], :type => 'MSSQL_ENUM', :data => "Database Mail XPs is not Enabled") end else mailexist = mssql_query("select sysobjects.name from sysobjects where name like \'%mail%\'")[:rows] if mailexist != nil print_status("\tDatabase Mail XPs is Enabled") report_note(:host => datastore['RHOST'], :proto => 'TCP', :port => datastore['RPORT'], :type => 'MSSQL_ENUM', :data => "Database Mail XPs is Enabled") else print_status("\tDatabase Mail XPs is Not Enabled") report_note(:host => datastore['RHOST'], :proto => 'TCP', :port => datastore['RPORT'], :type => 'MSSQL_ENUM', :data => "Database Mail XPs is not Enabled") end end #------------------------------------------------------- #check if OLE stored procedures are enabled if vernum.join != "2000" if sysconfig['Ole Automation Procedures'] == 1 print_status("\tOle Automation Procedures are Enabled") report_note(:host => datastore['RHOST'], :proto => 'TCP', :port => datastore['RPORT'], :type => 'MSSQL_ENUM', :data => "Ole Automation Procedures are Enabled") else print_status("\tOle Automation Procedures are Not Enabled") report_note(:host => datastore['RHOST'], :proto => 'TCP', :port => datastore['RPORT'], :type => 'MSSQL_ENUM', :data => "Ole Automation Procedures are not Enabled") end else oleexist = mssql_query("select sysobjects.name from sysobjects where name like \'%sp_OA%\'")[:rows] if oleexist != nil print_status("\tOle Automation Procedures is Enabled") report_note(:host => datastore['RHOST'], :proto => 'TCP', :port => datastore['RPORT'], :type => 'MSSQL_ENUM', :data => "Ole Automation Procedures are Enabled") else print_status("\tOle Automation Procedures are Not Enabled") report_note(:host => datastore['RHOST'], :proto => 'TCP', :port => datastore['RPORT'], :type => 'MSSQL_ENUM', :data => "Ole Automation Procedures are not Enabled") end end #------------------------------------------------------- # Get list of Databases on System print_status("Databases on the server:") dbs = mssql_query("select name from master..sysdatabases")[:rows].flatten if dbs != nil dbs.each do |dbn| print_status("\tDatabase name:#{dbn.strip}") print_status("\tDatabase Files for #{dbn.strip}:") if vernum.join != "2000" db_ind_files = mssql_query("select filename from #{dbn.strip}.sys.sysfiles")[:rows] if db_ind_files != nil db_ind_files.each do |fn| print_status("\t\t#{fn.join}") report_note(:host => datastore['RHOST'], :proto => 'TCP', :port => datastore['RPORT'], :type => 'MSSQL_ENUM', :data => "Database: #{dbn.strip} File: #{fn.join}") end end else db_ind_files = mssql_query("select filename from #{dbn.strip}..sysfiles")[:rows] if db_ind_files != nil db_ind_files.each do |fn| print_status("\t\t#{fn.join.strip}") report_note(:host => datastore['RHOST'], :proto => 'TCP', :port => datastore['RPORT'], :type => 'MSSQL_ENUM', :data => "Database: #{dbn.strip} File: #{fn.join}") end end end end end #------------------------------------------------------- # Get list of syslogins on System print_status("System Logins on this Server:") if vernum.join != "2000" syslogins = mssql_query("select loginname from master.sys.syslogins")[:rows] else syslogins = mssql_query("select loginname from master..syslogins")[:rows] end if syslogins != nil syslogins.each do |acc| print_status("\t#{acc.join}") report_note(:host => datastore['RHOST'], :proto => 'TCP', :port => datastore['RPORT'], :type => 'MSSQL_ENUM', :data => "Database: Master User: #{acc.join}") end else print_error("\tCould not enumerate System Logins!") report_note(:host => datastore['RHOST'], :proto => 'TCP', :port => datastore['RPORT'], :type => 'MSSQL_ENUM', :data => "Could not enumerate System Logins") end #------------------------------------------------------- # Get list of disabled accounts on System if vernum.join != "2000" print_status("Disabled Accounts:") disabledsyslogins = mssql_query("select name from master.sys.server_principals where is_disabled = 1")[:rows] if disabledsyslogins != nil disabledsyslogins.each do |acc| print_status("\t#{acc.join}") report_note(:host => datastore['RHOST'], :proto => 'TCP', :port => datastore['RPORT'], :type => 'MSSQL_ENUM', :data => "Disabled User: #{acc.join}") end else print_status("\tNo Disabled Logins Found") report_note(:host => datastore['RHOST'], :proto => 'TCP', :port => datastore['RPORT'], :type => 'MSSQL_ENUM', :data => "No Disabled Logins Found") end end #------------------------------------------------------- # Get list of accounts for which password policy does not apply on System if vernum.join != "2000" print_status("No Accounts Policy is set for:") nopolicysyslogins = mssql_query("select name from master.sys.sql_logins where is_policy_checked = 0")[:rows] if nopolicysyslogins != nil nopolicysyslogins.each do |acc| print_status("\t#{acc.join}") report_note(:host => datastore['RHOST'], :proto => 'TCP', :port => datastore['RPORT'], :type => 'MSSQL_ENUM', :data => "None Policy Checked User: #{acc.join}") end else print_status("\tAll System Accounts have the Windows Account Policy Applied to them.") report_note(:host => datastore['RHOST'], :proto => 'TCP', :port => datastore['RPORT'], :type => 'MSSQL_ENUM', :data => "All System Accounts have the Windows Account Policy Applied to them") end end #------------------------------------------------------- # Get list of accounts for which password expiration is not checked if vernum.join != "2000" print_status("Password Expiration is not checked for:") passexsyslogins = mssql_query("select name from master.sys.sql_logins where is_expiration_checked = 0")[:rows] if passexsyslogins != nil passexsyslogins.each do |acc| print_status("\t#{acc.join}") report_note(:host => datastore['RHOST'], :proto => 'TCP', :port => datastore['RPORT'], :type => 'MSSQL_ENUM', :data => "None Password Expiration User: #{acc.join}") end else print_status("\tAll System Accounts are checked for Password Expiration.") report_note(:host => datastore['RHOST'], :proto => 'TCP', :port => datastore['RPORT'], :type => 'MSSQL_ENUM', :data => "All System Accounts are checked for Password Expiration") end end #------------------------------------------------------- # Get list of sysadmin logins on System print_status("System Admin Logins on this Server:") if vernum.join != "2000" sysadmins = mssql_query("select name from master.sys.syslogins where sysadmin = 1")[:rows] else sysadmins = mssql_query("select name from master..syslogins where sysadmin = 1")[:rows] end if sysadmins != nil sysadmins.each do |acc| print_status("\t#{acc.join}") report_note(:host => datastore['RHOST'], :proto => 'TCP', :port => datastore['RPORT'], :type => 'MSSQL_ENUM', :data => "Sysdba: #{acc.join}") end else print_error("\tCould not enumerate sysadmin accounts!") report_note(:host => datastore['RHOST'], :proto => 'TCP', :port => datastore['RPORT'], :type => 'MSSQL_ENUM', :data => "Could not enumerate sysadmin accounts") end #------------------------------------------------------- # Get list of Windows logins on System print_status("Windows Logins on this Server:") if vernum.join != "2000" winusers = mssql_query("select name from master.sys.syslogins where isntuser = 1")[:rows] else winusers = mssql_query("select name from master..syslogins where isntuser = 1")[:rows] end if winusers != nil winusers.each do |acc| print_status("\t#{acc.join}") report_note(:host => datastore['RHOST'], :proto => 'TCP', :port => datastore['RPORT'], :type => 'MSSQL_ENUM', :data => "Windows Logins: #{acc.join}") end else print_status("\tNo Windows logins found!") report_note(:host => datastore['RHOST'], :proto => 'TCP', :port => datastore['RPORT'], :type => 'MSSQL_ENUM', :data => "No Windows logins found") end #------------------------------------------------------- # Get list of windows groups that can logins on the System print_status("Windows Groups that can logins on this Server:") if vernum.join != "2000" wingroups = mssql_query("select name from master.sys.syslogins where isntgroup = 1")[:rows] else wingroups = mssql_query("select name from master..syslogins where isntgroup = 1")[:rows] end if wingroups != nil wingroups.each do |acc| print_status("\t#{acc.join}") report_note(:host => datastore['RHOST'], :proto => 'TCP', :port => datastore['RPORT'], :type => 'MSSQL_ENUM', :data => "Windows Groups: #{acc.join}") end else print_status("\tNo Windows Groups where found with permission to login to system.") report_note(:host => datastore['RHOST'], :proto => 'TCP', :port => datastore['RPORT'], :type => 'MSSQL_ENUM', :data => "No Windows Groups where found with permission to login to system") end #------------------------------------------------------- #Check for local accounts with same username as password sameasuser = [] if vernum.join != "2000" sameasuser = mssql_query("SELECT name FROM sys.sql_logins WHERE PWDCOMPARE\(name, password_hash\) = 1")[:rows] else sameasuser = mssql_query("SELECT name FROM master.dbo.syslogins WHERE PWDCOMPARE\(name, password\) = 1")[:rows] end print_status("Accounts with Username and Password being the same:") if sameasuser != nil sameasuser.each do |up| print_status("\t#{up.join}") report_note(:host => datastore['RHOST'], :proto => 'TCP', :port => datastore['RPORT'], :type => 'MSSQL_ENUM', :data => "Username: #{up.join} Password: #{up.join}") end else print_status("\tNo Account with its password being the same as its username was found.") report_note(:host => datastore['RHOST'], :proto => 'TCP', :port => datastore['RPORT'], :type => 'MSSQL_ENUM', :data => "No Account with its password being the same as its username was found") end #------------------------------------------------------- #Check for local accounts with empty password blankpass = [] if vernum.join != "2000" blankpass = mssql_query("SELECT name FROM sys.sql_logins WHERE PWDCOMPARE\(\'\', password_hash\) = 1")[:rows] else blankpass = mssql_query("SELECT name FROM master.dbo.syslogins WHERE password IS NULL AND isntname = 0")[:rows] end print_status("Accounts with empty password:") if blankpass != nil blankpass.each do |up| print_status("\t#{up.join}") report_note(:host => datastore['RHOST'], :proto => 'TCP', :port => datastore['RPORT'], :type => 'MSSQL_ENUM', :data => "Username: #{up.join} Password: EMPTY ") end else print_status("\tNo Accounts with empty passwords where found.") report_note(:host => datastore['RHOST'], :proto => 'TCP', :port => datastore['RPORT'], :type => 'MSSQL_ENUM', :data => "No Accounts with empty passwords where found") end #------------------------------------------------------- #Check for dangerous stored procedures fountsp = [] dangeroussp = [ 'sp_createorphan', 'sp_droporphans', 'sp_getschemalock', 'sp_prepexec', 'sp_prepexecrpc', 'sp_refreshview', 'sp_releaseschemalock', 'sp_replpostschema', 'sp_replsendtoqueue', 'sp_replsetsyncstatus', 'sp_replwritetovarbin', 'sp_resyncexecute', 'sp_resyncexecutesql', 'sp_resyncprepare', 'sp_resyncuniquetable', 'sp_unprepare', 'sp_xml_preparedocument', 'sp_xml_removedocument', 'sp_fulltext_getdata', 'sp_getbindtoken', 'sp_replcmds', 'sp_replcounters', 'sp_repldone', 'sp_replflush', 'sp_replincrementlsn', 'sp_replpostcmd', 'sp_replsetoriginator', 'sp_replstatus', 'sp_repltrans', 'sp_replupdateschema', 'sp_reset_connection', 'sp_sdidebug', 'xp_availablemedia', 'xp_check_query_results', 'xp_cleanupwebtask', 'xp_cmdshell', 'xp_convertwebtask', 'xp_deletemail', 'xp_dirtree', 'xp_displayparamstmt', 'xp_dropwebtask', 'xp_dsninfo', 'xp_enum_activescriptengines', 'xp_enum_oledb_providers', 'xp_enumcodepages', 'xp_enumdsn', 'xp_enumerrorlogs', 'xp_enumgroups', 'xp_enumqueuedtasks', 'xp_eventlog', 'xp_execresultset', 'xp_fileexist', 'xp_findnextmsg', 'xp_fixeddrives', 'xp_get_mapi_default_profile', 'xp_get_mapi_profiles', 'xp_get_tape_devices', 'xp_getfiledetails', 'xp_getnetname', 'xp_grantlogin', 'xp_initcolvs', 'xp_intersectbitmaps', 'xp_logevent', 'xp_loginconfig', 'xp_logininfo', 'xp_makewebtask', 'xp_mergexpusage', 'xp_monitorsignal', 'xp_msver any user', 'xp_msx_enlist', 'xp_ntsec_enumdomains', 'xp_ntsec_enumgroups', 'xp_ntsec_enumusers', 'xp_oledbinfo', 'xp_perfend', 'xp_perfmonitor', 'xp_perfsample', 'xp_perfstart', 'xp_printstatements', 'xp_prop_oledb_provider', 'xp_proxiedmetadata', 'xp_qv', 'xp_readerrorlog', 'xp_readmail', 'xp_readwebtask', 'xp_regaddmultistring', 'xp_regdeletekey', 'xp_regdeletevalue', 'xp_regenumvalues', 'xp_regread', 'xp_regremovemultistring', 'xp_regwrite', 'xp_repl_encrypt', 'xp_revokelogin', 'xp_runwebtask', 'xp_schedulersignal', 'xp_sendmail', 'xp_servicecontrol', 'xp_showcolv', 'xp_showlineage', 'xp_snmp_getstate', 'xp_snmp_raisetrap', 'xp_sprintf any user', # huh? 'xp_sqlagent_enum_jobs', 'xp_sqlagent_is_starting', 'xp_sqlagent_monitor', 'xp_sqlagent_notify', 'xp_sqlinventory', 'xp_sqlmaint', 'xp_sqlregister', 'xp_sqltrace', 'xp_startmail', 'xp_stopmail', 'xp_subdirs', 'xp_terminate_process', 'xp_test_mapi_profile', 'xp_trace_addnewqueue', 'xp_trace_deletequeuedefinition', 'xp_trace_destroyqueue', 'xp_trace_enumqueuedefname', 'xp_trace_enumqueuehandles', 'xp_trace_eventclassrequired', 'xp_trace_flushqueryhistory', 'xp_trace_generate_event', 'xp_trace_getappfilter', 'xp_trace_getconnectionidfilter', 'xp_trace_getcpufilter', 'xp_trace_getdbidfilter', 'xp_trace_getdurationfilter', 'xp_trace_geteventfilter', 'xp_trace_geteventnames', 'xp_trace_getevents', 'xp_trace_gethostfilter', 'xp_trace_gethpidfilter', 'xp_trace_getindidfilter', 'xp_trace_getntdmfilter', 'xp_trace_getntnmfilter', 'xp_trace_getobjidfilter', 'xp_trace_getqueueautostart', 'xp_trace_getqueuecreateinfo', 'xp_trace_getqueuedestination', 'xp_trace_getqueueproperties', 'xp_trace_getreadfilter', 'xp_trace_getserverfilter', 'xp_trace_getseverityfilter', 'xp_trace_getspidfilter', 'xp_trace_getsysobjectsfilter', 'xp_trace_gettextfilter', 'xp_trace_getuserfilter', 'xp_trace_getwritefilter', 'xp_trace_loadqueuedefinition', 'xp_trace_opentracefile', 'xp_trace_pausequeue', 'xp_trace_restartqueue', 'xp_trace_savequeuedefinition', 'xp_trace_setappfilter', 'xp_trace_setconnectionidfilter', 'xp_trace_setcpufilter', 'xp_trace_setdbidfilter', 'xp_trace_setdurationfilter', 'xp_trace_seteventclassrequired', 'xp_trace_seteventfilter', 'xp_trace_sethostfilter', 'xp_trace_sethpidfilter', 'xp_trace_setindidfilter', 'xp_trace_setntdmfilter', 'xp_trace_setntnmfilter', 'xp_trace_setobjidfilter', 'xp_trace_setqueryhistory', 'xp_trace_setqueueautostart', 'xp_trace_setqueuecreateinfo', 'xp_trace_setqueuedestination', 'xp_trace_setreadfilter', 'xp_trace_setserverfilter', 'xp_trace_setseverityfilter', 'xp_trace_setspidfilter', 'xp_trace_setsysobjectsfilter', 'xp_trace_settextfilter', 'xp_trace_setuserfilter', 'xp_trace_setwritefilter', 'xp_trace_startconsumer', 'xp_unc_to_drive', 'xp_updatecolvbm', 'xp_updateFTSSQLAccount', 'xp_updatelineage', 'xp_varbintohexstr', 'xp_writesqlinfo', 'xp_MSplatform', 'xp_MSnt2000', 'xp_MSLocalSystem', 'xp_IsNTAdmin', 'xp_mapdown_bitmap' ] query = <<-EOS SELECT CAST(SYSOBJECTS.NAME AS CHAR) FROM SYSOBJECTS, SYSPROTECTS WHERE SYSPROTECTS.UID = 0 AND XTYPE IN ('X','P') AND SYSOBJECTS.ID = SYSPROTECTS.ID EOS fountsp = mssql_query(query)[:rows] if fountsp != nil fountsp.flatten! print_status("Stored Procedures with Public Execute Permission found:") fountsp.each do |strp| if dangeroussp.include?(strp.strip) print_status("\t#{strp.strip}") report_note(:host => datastore['RHOST'], :proto => 'TCP', :port => datastore['RPORT'], :type => 'MSSQL_ENUM', :data => "Stored Procedures with Public Execute Permission #{strp.strip}") end end else print_status("\tNo Dangerous Stored Procedure found with Public Execute.") report_note(:host => datastore['RHOST'], :proto => 'TCP', :port => datastore['RPORT'], :type => 'MSSQL_ENUM', :data => "No Dangerous Stored Procedure found with Public Execute") end #------------------------------------------------------- #Enumerate Instances instances =[] if vernum.join != "2000" querykey = "EXEC master..xp_regenumvalues \'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\',\'SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Microsoft SQL Server\\Instance Names\\SQL\'" instance_res = mssql_query(querykey)[:rows] if instance_res != nil instance_res.each do |i| instances << i[0] end end else querykey = "exec xp_regread \'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\',\'SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Microsoft SQL Server\', \'InstalledInstances\'" instance_res = mssql_query(querykey)[:rows] if instance_res != nil instance_res.each do |i| instances << i[1] end end end print_status("Instances found on this server:") instancenames = [] if instances != nil instances.each do |i| print_status("\t#{i}") instancenames << i.strip report_note(:host => datastore['RHOST'], :proto => 'TCP', :port => datastore['RPORT'], :type => 'MSSQL_ENUM', :data => "Instance Name: #{i}") end else print_status("No instances found, possible permission problem") end #--------------------------------------------------------- #Enumerate under what accounts the instance services are running under print_status("Default Server Instance SQL Server Service is running under the privilege of:") privdflt = mssql_query("EXEC master..xp_regread \'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\' ,\'SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\MSSQLSERVER\',\'ObjectName\'")[:rows] if privdflt != nil privdflt.each do |priv| print_status("\t#{priv[1]}") report_note(:host => datastore['RHOST'], :proto => 'TCP', :port => datastore['RPORT'], :type => 'MSSQL_ENUM', :data => "Default Instance SQL Server running as: #{priv[1]}") end else print_status("\txp_regread might be disabled in this system") end #------------------------------------------------------------ if instancenames.length > 1 instancenames.each do |i| if i.strip != "MSSQLSERVER" privinst = mssql_query("EXEC master..xp_regread \'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\' ,\'SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\MSSQL$#{i.strip}\',\'ObjectName\'")[:rows] if privinst != nil print_status("Instance #{i} SQL Server Service is running under the privilege of:") privinst.each do |p| print_status("\t#{p[1]}") report_note(:host => datastore['RHOST'], :proto => 'TCP', :port => datastore['RPORT'], :type => 'MSSQL_ENUM', :data => "#{i} Instance SQL Server running as: #{p[1]}") end else print_status("\tCould not enumerate credentials for Instance.") end end end end disconnect end end