# -*- coding: binary -*- require 'digest/md5' require 'digest/sha1' require 'stringio' require 'cgi' %W{ iconv zlib }.each do |libname| begin old_verbose = $VERBOSE $VERBOSE = nil require libname rescue ::LoadError ensure $VERBOSE = old_verbose end end module Rex ### # # This class formats text in various fashions and also provides # a mechanism for wrapping text at a given column. # ### module Text @@codepage_map_cache = nil ## # # Constants # ## States = ["AK", "AL", "AR", "AZ", "CA", "CO", "CT", "DE", "FL", "GA", "HI", "IA", "ID", "IL", "IN", "KS", "KY", "LA", "MA", "MD", "ME", "MI", "MN", "MO", "MS", "MT", "NC", "ND", "NE", "NH", "NJ", "NM", "NV", "NY", "OH", "OK", "OR", "PA", "RI", "SC", "SD", "TN", "TX", "UT", "VA", "VT", "WA", "WI", "WV", "WY"] UpperAlpha = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" LowerAlpha = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" Numerals = "0123456789" Base32 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ234567" Alpha = UpperAlpha + LowerAlpha AlphaNumeric = Alpha + Numerals HighAscii = [*(0x80 .. 0xff)].pack("C*") LowAscii = [*(0x00 .. 0x1f)].pack("C*") DefaultWrap = 60 AllChars = [*(0x00 .. 0xff)].pack("C*") Punctuation = ( [*(0x21 .. 0x2f)] + [*(0x3a .. 0x3F)] + [*(0x5b .. 0x60)] + [*(0x7b .. 0x7e)] ).flatten.pack("C*") DefaultPatternSets = [ Rex::Text::UpperAlpha, Rex::Text::LowerAlpha, Rex::Text::Numerals ] # In case Iconv isn't loaded Iconv_EBCDIC = [ "\x00", "\x01", "\x02", "\x03", "7", "-", ".", "/", "\x16", "\x05", "%", "\v", "\f", "\r", "\x0E", "\x0F", "\x10", "\x11", "\x12", "\x13", "<", "=", "2", "&", "\x18", "\x19", "?", "'", "\x1C", "\x1D", "\x1E", "\x1F", "@", "Z", "\x7F", "{", "[", "l", "P", "}", "M", "]", "\\", "N", "k", "`", "K", "a", "\xF0", "\xF1", "\xF2", "\xF3", "\xF4", "\xF5", "\xF6", "\xF7", "\xF8", "\xF9", "z", "^", "L", "~", "n", "o", "|", "\xC1", "\xC2", "\xC3", "\xC4", "\xC5", "\xC6", "\xC7", "\xC8", "\xC9", "\xD1", "\xD2", "\xD3", "\xD4", "\xD5", "\xD6", "\xD7", "\xD8", "\xD9", "\xE2", "\xE3", "\xE4", "\xE5", "\xE6", "\xE7", "\xE8", "\xE9", nil, "\xE0", nil, nil, "m", "y", "\x81", "\x82", "\x83", "\x84", "\x85", "\x86", "\x87", "\x88", "\x89", "\x91", "\x92", "\x93", "\x94", "\x95", "\x96", "\x97", "\x98", "\x99", "\xA2", "\xA3", "\xA4", "\xA5", "\xA6", "\xA7", "\xA8", "\xA9", "\xC0", "O", "\xD0", "\xA1", "\a", nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil ] Iconv_ASCII = [ "\x00", "\x01", "\x02", "\x03", "\x04", "\x05", "\x06", "\a", "\b", "\t", "\n", "\v", "\f", "\r", "\x0E", "\x0F", "\x10", "\x11", "\x12", "\x13", "\x14", "\x15", "\x16", "\x17", "\x18", "\x19", "\x1A", "\e", "\x1C", "\x1D", "\x1E", "\x1F", " ", "!", "\"", "#", "$", "%", "&", "'", "(", ")", "*", "+", ",", "-", ".", "/", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", ":", ";", "<", "=", ">", "?", "@", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", nil, "\\", nil, nil, "_", "`", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z", "{", "|", "}", "~", "\x7F", nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil ] ## # # Serialization # ## # # Converts a raw string into a ruby buffer # def self.to_ruby(str, wrap = DefaultWrap, name = "buf") return hexify(str, wrap, '"', '" +', "#{name} = \n", '"') end # # Creates a ruby-style comment # def self.to_ruby_comment(str, wrap = DefaultWrap) return wordwrap(str, 0, wrap, '', '# ') end # # Converts a raw string into a C buffer # def self.to_c(str, wrap = DefaultWrap, name = "buf") return hexify(str, wrap, '"', '"', "unsigned char #{name}[] = \n", '";') end def self.to_csharp(str, wrap = DefaultWrap, name = "buf") ret = "byte[] #{name} = new byte[#{str.length}] {" i = -1; while (i += 1) < str.length ret << "\n" if i%(wrap/4) == 0 ret << "0x" << str[i].unpack("H*")[0] << "," end ret = ret[0..ret.length-2] #cut off last comma ret << " };\n" end # # Creates a c-style comment # def self.to_c_comment(str, wrap = DefaultWrap) return "/*\n" + wordwrap(str, 0, wrap, '', ' * ') + " */\n" end # # Creates a javascript-style comment # def self.to_js_comment(str, wrap = DefaultWrap) return wordwrap(str, 0, wrap, '', '// ') end # # Converts a raw string into a perl buffer # def self.to_perl(str, wrap = DefaultWrap, name = "buf") return hexify(str, wrap, '"', '" .', "my $#{name} = \n", '";') end # # Converts a raw string into a python buffer # def self.to_python(str, wrap = DefaultWrap, name = "buf") return hexify(str, wrap, "#{name} += \"", '"', "#{name} = \"\"\n", '"') end # # Converts a raw string into a Bash buffer # def self.to_bash(str, wrap = DefaultWrap, name = "buf") return hexify(str, wrap, '$\'', '\'\\', "export #{name}=\\\n", '\'') end # # Converts a raw string into a java byte array # def self.to_java(str, name = "shell") buff = "byte #{name}[] = new byte[]\n{\n" cnt = 0 max = 0 str.unpack('C*').each do |c| buff << ", " if max > 0 buff << "\t" if max == 0 buff << sprintf('(byte) 0x%.2x', c) max +=1 cnt +=1 if (max > 7) buff << ",\n" if cnt != str.length max = 0 end end buff << "\n};\n" return buff end # # Converts a raw string to a powershell byte array # def self.to_powershell(str, name = "buf") code = str.unpack('C*') buff = "[Byte[]]$#{name} = 0x#{code[0].to_s(16)}" 1.upto(code.length-1) do |byte| if(byte % 10 == 0) buff << "\r\n$#{name} += 0x#{code[byte].to_s(16)}" else buff << ",0x#{code[byte].to_s(16)}" end end return buff end # # Converts a raw string to a vbscript byte array # def self.to_vbscript(str, name = "buf") code = str.unpack('C*') buff = "#{name}=Chr(#{code[0]})" 1.upto(code.length-1) do |byte| if(byte % 100 == 0) buff << "\r\n#{name}=#{name}" end # exe is an Array of bytes, not a String, thanks to the unpack # above, so the following line is not subject to the different # treatments of String#[] between ruby 1.8 and 1.9 buff << "&Chr(#{code[byte]})" end return buff end # # Converts a raw string into a vba buffer # def self.to_vbapplication(str, name = "buf") code = str.unpack('C*') buff = "#{name} = Array(" maxbytes = 20 1.upto(code.length) do |idx| buff << code[idx].to_s buff << "," if idx < code.length - 1 buff << " _\r\n" if (idx > 1 and (idx % maxbytes) == 0) end buff << ")\r\n" return buff end # # Creates a perl-style comment # def self.to_perl_comment(str, wrap = DefaultWrap) return wordwrap(str, 0, wrap, '', '# ') end # # Creates a Bash-style comment # def self.to_bash_comment(str, wrap = DefaultWrap) return wordwrap(str, 0, wrap, '', '# ') end # # Returns the raw string # def self.to_raw(str) return str end # # Converts ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8 # def self.to_utf8(str) if str.respond_to?(:encode) # Skip over any bytes that fail to convert to UTF-8 return str.encode('utf-8', { :invalid => :replace, :undef => :replace, :replace => '' }) end begin Iconv.iconv("utf-8","iso-8859-1", str).join(" ") rescue raise ::RuntimeError, "Your installation does not support iconv (needed for utf8 conversion)" end end # # Converts ASCII to EBCDIC # class IllegalSequence < ArgumentError; end # A native implementation of the ASCII->EBCDIC table, used to fall back from using # Iconv def self.to_ebcdic_rex(str) new_str = [] str.each_byte do |x| if Iconv_ASCII.index(x.chr) new_str << Iconv_EBCDIC[Iconv_ASCII.index(x.chr)] else raise Rex::Text::IllegalSequence, ("\\x%x" % x) end end new_str.join end # A native implementation of the EBCDIC->ASCII table, used to fall back from using # Iconv def self.from_ebcdic_rex(str) new_str = [] str.each_byte do |x| if Iconv_EBCDIC.index(x.chr) new_str << Iconv_ASCII[Iconv_EBCDIC.index(x.chr)] else raise Rex::Text::IllegalSequence, ("\\x%x" % x) end end new_str.join end def self.to_ebcdic(str) begin Iconv.iconv("EBCDIC-US", "ASCII", str).first rescue ::Iconv::IllegalSequence => e raise e rescue self.to_ebcdic_rex(str) end end # # Converts EBCIDC to ASCII # def self.from_ebcdic(str) begin Iconv.iconv("ASCII", "EBCDIC-US", str).first rescue ::Iconv::IllegalSequence => e raise e rescue self.from_ebcdic_rex(str) end end # # Returns the words in +str+ as an Array. # # strict - include *only* words, no boundary characters (like spaces, etc.) # def self.to_words( str, strict = false ) splits = str.split( /\b/ ) splits.reject! { |w| !(w =~ /\w/) } if strict splits end # # Removes noise from 2 Strings and return a refined String version. # def self.refine( str1, str2 ) return str1 if str1 == str2 # get the words of the first str in an array s_words = to_words( str1 ) # get the words of the second str in an array o_words = to_words( str2 ) # get what hasn't changed (the rdiff, so to speak) as a string (s_words - (s_words - o_words)).join end # # Returns a unicode escaped string for Javascript # def self.to_unescape(data, endian=ENDIAN_LITTLE) data << "\x41" if (data.length % 2 != 0) dptr = 0 buff = '' while (dptr < data.length) c1 = data[dptr,1].unpack("C*")[0] dptr += 1 c2 = data[dptr,1].unpack("C*")[0] dptr += 1 if (endian == ENDIAN_LITTLE) buff << sprintf('%%u%.2x%.2x', c2, c1) else buff << sprintf('%%u%.2x%.2x', c1, c2) end end return buff end # # Returns the escaped octal version of the supplied string # # @example # Rex::Text.to_octal("asdf") # => "\\141\\163\\144\\146" # # @param str [String] The string to be converted # @param prefix [String] # @return [String] The escaped octal version of +str+ def self.to_octal(str, prefix = "\\") octal = "" str.each_byte { |b| octal << "#{prefix}#{b.to_s 8}" } return octal end # # Returns the escaped hex version of the supplied string # # @example # Rex::Text.to_hex("asdf") # => "\\x61\\x73\\x64\\x66" # # @param str (see to_octal) # @param prefix (see to_octal) # @param count [Fixnum] Number of bytes to put in each escape chunk # @return [String] The escaped hex version of +str+ def self.to_hex(str, prefix = "\\x", count = 1) raise ::RuntimeError, "unable to chunk into #{count} byte chunks" if ((str.length % count) > 0) # XXX: Regexp.new is used here since using /.{#{count}}/o would compile # the regex the first time it is used and never check again. Since we # want to know how many to capture on every instance, we do it this # way. return str.unpack('H*')[0].gsub(Regexp.new(".{#{count * 2}}", nil, 'n')) { |s| prefix + s } end # # Returns the string with nonprintable hex characters sanitized to ascii. # Similiar to {.to_hex}, but regular ASCII is not translated if +count+ is 1. # # @example # Rex::Text.to_hex_ascii("\x7fABC\0") # => "\\x7fABC\\x00" # # @param str (see to_hex) # @param prefix (see to_hex) # @param count (see to_hex) # @param suffix [String,nil] A string to append to the converted bytes # @return [String] The original string with non-printables converted to # their escaped hex representation def self.to_hex_ascii(str, prefix = "\\x", count = 1, suffix=nil) raise ::RuntimeError, "unable to chunk into #{count} byte chunks" if ((str.length % count) > 0) return str.unpack('H*')[0].gsub(Regexp.new(".{#{count * 2}}", nil, 'n')) { |s| (0x20..0x7e) === s.to_i(16) ? s.to_i(16).chr : prefix + s + suffix.to_s } end # # Converts standard ASCII text to a unicode string. # # Supported unicode types include: utf-16le, utf16-be, utf32-le, # utf32-be, utf-7, and utf-8 # # Providing 'mode' provides hints to the actual encoder as to how it # should encode the string. # # Only UTF-7 and UTF-8 use "mode". # # utf-7 by default does not encode alphanumeric and a few other # characters. By specifying the mode of "all", then all of the # characters are encoded, not just the non-alphanumeric set. # to_unicode(str, 'utf-7', 'all') # # utf-8 specifies that alphanumeric characters are used directly, eg # "a" is just "a". However, there exist 6 different overlong # encodings of "a" that are technically not valid, but parse just fine # in most utf-8 parsers. (0xC1A1, 0xE081A1, 0xF08081A1, 0xF8808081A1, # 0xFC80808081A1, 0xFE8080808081A1). How many bytes to use for the # overlong enocding is specified providing 'size'. to_unicode(str, # 'utf-8', 'overlong', 2) # # Many utf-8 parsers also allow invalid overlong encodings, where bits # that are unused when encoding a single byte are modified. Many # parsers will ignore these bits, rendering simple string matching to # be ineffective for dealing with UTF-8 strings. There are many more # invalid overlong encodings possible for "a". For example, three # encodings are available for an invalid 2 byte encoding of "a". # (0xC1E1 0xC161 0xC121). # # By specifying "invalid", a random invalid encoding is chosen for the # given byte size. to_unicode(str, 'utf-8', 'invalid', 2) # # utf-7 defaults to 'normal' utf-7 encoding utf-8 defaults to 2 byte # 'normal' encoding def self.to_unicode(str='', type = 'utf-16le', mode = '', size = '') return '' if not str case type when 'utf-16le' return str.unpack('C*').pack('v*') when 'utf-16be' return str.unpack('C*').pack('n*') when 'utf-32le' return str.unpack('C*').pack('V*') when 'utf-32be' return str.unpack('C*').pack('N*') when 'utf-7' case mode when 'all' return str.gsub(/./){ |a| out = '' if 'a' != '+' out = encode_base64(to_unicode(a, 'utf-16be')).gsub(/[=\r\n]/, '') end '+' + out + '-' } else return str.gsub(/[^\n\r\t\ A-Za-z0-9\'\(\),-.\/\:\?]/){ |a| out = '' if a != '+' out = encode_base64(to_unicode(a, 'utf-16be')).gsub(/[=\r\n]/, '') end '+' + out + '-' } end when 'utf-8' if size == '' size = 2 end if size >= 2 and size <= 7 string = '' str.each_byte { |a| if (a < 21 || a > 0x7f) || mode != '' # ugh. turn a single byte into the binary representation of it, in array form bin = [a].pack('C').unpack('B8')[0].split(//) # even more ugh. bin.collect!{|a_| a_.to_i} out = Array.new(8 * size, 0) 0.upto(size - 1) { |i| out[i] = 1 out[i * 8] = 1 } i = 0 byte = 0 bin.reverse.each { |bit| if i < 6 mod = (((size * 8) - 1) - byte * 8) - i out[mod] = bit else byte = byte + 1 i = 0 redo end i = i + 1 } if mode != '' case mode when 'overlong' # do nothing, since we already handle this as above... when 'invalid' done = 0 while done == 0 # the ghetto... bits = [7, 8, 15, 16, 23, 24, 31, 32, 41] bits.each { |bit| bit = (size * 8) - bit if bit > 1 set = rand(2) if out[bit] != set out[bit] = set done = 1 end end } end else raise TypeError, 'Invalid mode. Only "overlong" and "invalid" are acceptable modes for utf-8' end end string << [out.join('')].pack('B*') else string << [a].pack('C') end } return string else raise TypeError, 'invalid utf-8 size' end when 'uhwtfms' # suggested name from HD :P load_codepage() string = '' # overloading mode as codepage if mode == '' mode = 1252 # ANSI - Latan 1, default for US installs of MS products else mode = mode.to_i end if @@codepage_map_cache[mode].nil? raise TypeError, "Invalid codepage #{mode}" end str.each_byte {|byte| char = [byte].pack('C*') possible = @@codepage_map_cache[mode]['data'][char] if possible.nil? raise TypeError, "codepage #{mode} does not provide an encoding for 0x#{char.unpack('H*')[0]}" end string << possible[ rand(possible.length) ] } return string when 'uhwtfms-half' # suggested name from HD :P load_codepage() string = '' # overloading mode as codepage if mode == '' mode = 1252 # ANSI - Latan 1, default for US installs of MS products else mode = mode.to_i end if mode != 1252 raise TypeError, "Invalid codepage #{mode}, only 1252 supported for uhwtfms_half" end str.each_byte {|byte| if ((byte >= 33 && byte <= 63) || (byte >= 96 && byte <= 126)) string << "\xFF" + [byte ^ 32].pack('C') elsif (byte >= 64 && byte <= 95) string << "\xFF" + [byte ^ 96].pack('C') else char = [byte].pack('C') possible = @@codepage_map_cache[mode]['data'][char] if possible.nil? raise TypeError, "codepage #{mode} does not provide an encoding for 0x#{char.unpack('H*')[0]}" end string << possible[ rand(possible.length) ] end } return string else raise TypeError, 'invalid utf type' end end # # Converts a unicode string to standard ASCII text. # def self.to_ascii(str='', type = 'utf-16le', mode = '', size = '') return '' if not str case type when 'utf-16le' return str.unpack('v*').pack('C*') when 'utf-16be' return str.unpack('n*').pack('C*') when 'utf-32le' return str.unpack('V*').pack('C*') when 'utf-32be' return str.unpack('N*').pack('C*') when 'utf-7' raise TypeError, 'invalid utf type, not yet implemented' when 'utf-8' raise TypeError, 'invalid utf type, not yet implemented' when 'uhwtfms' # suggested name from HD :P raise TypeError, 'invalid utf type, not yet implemented' when 'uhwtfms-half' # suggested name from HD :P raise TypeError, 'invalid utf type, not yet implemented' else raise TypeError, 'invalid utf type' end end # # Encode a string in a manor useful for HTTP URIs and URI Parameters. # def self.uri_encode(str, mode = 'hex-normal') return "" if str == nil return str if mode == 'none' # fast track no encoding all = /[^\/\\]+/ normal = /[^a-zA-Z0-9\/\\\.\-]+/ normal_na = /[a-zA-Z0-9\/\\\.\-]/ case mode when 'hex-normal' return str.gsub(normal) { |s| Rex::Text.to_hex(s, '%') } when 'hex-all' return str.gsub(all) { |s| Rex::Text.to_hex(s, '%') } when 'hex-random' res = '' str.each_byte do |c| b = c.chr res << ((rand(2) == 0) ? b.gsub(all) { |s| Rex::Text.to_hex(s, '%') } : b.gsub(normal){ |s| Rex::Text.to_hex(s, '%') } ) end return res when 'u-normal' return str.gsub(normal) { |s| Rex::Text.to_hex(Rex::Text.to_unicode(s, 'uhwtfms'), '%u', 2) } when 'u-all' return str.gsub(all) { |s| Rex::Text.to_hex(Rex::Text.to_unicode(s, 'uhwtfms'), '%u', 2) } when 'u-random' res = '' str.each_byte do |c| b = c.chr res << ((rand(2) == 0) ? b.gsub(all) { |s| Rex::Text.to_hex(Rex::Text.to_unicode(s, 'uhwtfms'), '%u', 2) } : b.gsub(normal){ |s| Rex::Text.to_hex(Rex::Text.to_unicode(s, 'uhwtfms'), '%u', 2) } ) end return res when 'u-half' return str.gsub(all) { |s| Rex::Text.to_hex(Rex::Text.to_unicode(s, 'uhwtfms-half'), '%u', 2) } else raise TypeError, "invalid mode #{mode.inspect}" end end # # Encode a string in a manner useful for HTTP URIs and URI Parameters. # # @param str [String] The string to be encoded # @param mode ["hex","int","int-wide"] # @return [String] # @raise [TypeError] if +mode+ is not one of the three available modes def self.html_encode(str, mode = 'hex') case mode when 'hex' return str.unpack('C*').collect{ |i| "&#x" + ("%.2x" % i) + ";"}.join when 'int' return str.unpack('C*').collect{ |i| "&#" + i.to_s + ";"}.join when 'int-wide' return str.unpack('C*').collect{ |i| "&#" + ("0" * (7 - i.to_s.length)) + i.to_s + ";" }.join else raise TypeError, 'invalid mode' end end # # Decode a string that's html encoded # def self.html_decode(str) decoded_str = CGI.unescapeHTML(str) return decoded_str end # # Encode an ASCII string so it's safe for XML. It's a wrapper for to_hex_ascii. # def self.xml_char_encode(str) self.to_hex_ascii(str, "&#x", 1, ";") end # # Decode a URI encoded string # def self.uri_decode(str) str.gsub(/(%[a-z0-9]{2})/i){ |c| [c[1,2]].pack("H*") } end # # Converts a string to random case # # @example # Rex::Text.to_rand_case("asdf") # => "asDf" # # @param str [String] The string to randomize # @return [String] # @see permute_case # @see to_mixed_case_array def self.to_rand_case(str) buf = str.dup 0.upto(str.length) do |i| buf[i,1] = rand(2) == 0 ? str[i,1].upcase : str[i,1].downcase end return buf end # # Takes a string, and returns an array of all mixed case versions. # # @example # >> Rex::Text.to_mixed_case_array "abc1" # => ["abc1", "abC1", "aBc1", "aBC1", "Abc1", "AbC1", "ABc1", "ABC1"] # # @param str [String] The string to randomize # @return [Array] # @see permute_case def self.to_mixed_case_array(str) letters = [] str.scan(/./).each { |l| letters << [l.downcase, l.upcase] } coords = [] (1 << str.size).times { |i| coords << ("%0#{str.size}b" % i) } mixed = [] coords.each do |coord| c = coord.scan(/./).map {|x| x.to_i} this_str = "" c.each_with_index { |d,i| this_str << letters[i][d] } mixed << this_str end return mixed.uniq end # # Converts a string to a nicely formatted hex dump # # @param str [String] The string to convert # @param width [Fixnum] Number of bytes to convert before adding a newline # @param base [Fixnum] The base address of the dump def self.to_hex_dump(str, width=16, base=nil) buf = '' idx = 0 cnt = 0 snl = false lst = 0 lft_col_len = (base.to_i+str.length).to_s(16).length lft_col_len = 8 if lft_col_len < 8 while (idx < str.length) chunk = str[idx, width] addr = base ? "%0#{lft_col_len}x " %(base.to_i + idx) : '' line = chunk.unpack("H*")[0].scan(/../).join(" ") buf << addr + line if (lst == 0) lst = line.length buf << " " * 4 else buf << " " * ((lst - line.length) + 4).abs end buf << "|" chunk.unpack("C*").each do |c| if (c > 0x1f and c < 0x7f) buf << c.chr else buf << "." end end buf << "|\n" idx += width end buf << "\n" end # # Converts a hex string to a raw string # # @example # Rex::Text.hex_to_raw("\\x41\\x7f\\x42") # => "A\x7fB" # def self.hex_to_raw(str) [ str.downcase.gsub(/'/,'').gsub(/\\?x([a-f0-9][a-f0-9])/, '\1') ].pack("H*") end # # Turn non-printable chars into hex representations, leaving others alone # # If +whitespace+ is true, converts whitespace (0x20, 0x09, etc) to hex as # well. # # @see hexify # @see to_hex Converts all the chars # def self.ascii_safe_hex(str, whitespace=false) if whitespace str.gsub(/([\x00-\x20\x80-\xFF])/){ |x| "\\x%.2x" % x.unpack("C*")[0] } else str.gsub(/([\x00-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f\x80-\xFF])/n){ |x| "\\x%.2x" % x.unpack("C*")[0]} end end # # Wraps text at a given column using a supplied indention # def self.wordwrap(str, indent = 0, col = DefaultWrap, append = '', prepend = '') return str.gsub(/.{1,#{col - indent}}(?:\s|\Z)/){ ( (" " * indent) + prepend + $& + append + 5.chr).gsub(/\n\005/,"\n").gsub(/\005/,"\n")} end # # Converts a string to a hex version with wrapping support # def self.hexify(str, col = DefaultWrap, line_start = '', line_end = '', buf_start = '', buf_end = '') output = buf_start cur = 0 count = 0 new_line = true # Go through each byte in the string str.each_byte { |byte| count += 1 append = '' # If this is a new line, prepend with the # line start text if (new_line == true) append << line_start new_line = false end # Append the hexified version of the byte append << sprintf("\\x%.2x", byte) cur += append.length # If we're about to hit the column or have gone past it, # time to finish up this line if ((cur + line_end.length >= col) or (cur + buf_end.length >= col)) new_line = true cur = 0 # If this is the last byte, use the buf_end instead of # line_end if (count == str.length) append << buf_end + "\n" else append << line_end + "\n" end end output << append } # If we were in the middle of a line, finish the buffer at this point if (new_line == false) output << buf_end + "\n" end return output end ## # # Transforms # ## # # Base32 code # # Based on --> https://github.com/stesla/base32 # Copyright (c) 2007-2011 Samuel Tesla # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # # Base32 encoder # def self.b32encode(bytes_in) n = (bytes_in.length * 8.0 / 5.0).ceil p = n < 8 ? 5 - (bytes_in.length * 8) % 5 : 0 c = bytes_in.inject(0) {|m,o| (m << 8) + o} << p [(0..n-1).to_a.reverse.collect {|i| Base32[(c >> i * 5) & 0x1f].chr}, ("=" * (8-n))] end def self.encode_base32(str) bytes = str.bytes result = '' size= 5 while bytes.any? do bytes.each_slice(size) do |a| bytes_out = b32encode(a).flatten.join result << bytes_out bytes = bytes.drop(size) end end return result end # # Base32 decoder # def self.b32decode(bytes_in) bytes = bytes_in.take_while {|c| c != 61} # strip padding n = (bytes.length * 5.0 / 8.0).floor p = bytes.length < 8 ? 5 - (n * 8) % 5 : 0 c = bytes.inject(0) {|m,o| (m << 5) + Base32.index(o.chr)} >> p (0..n-1).to_a.reverse.collect {|i| ((c >> i * 8) & 0xff).chr} end def self.decode_base32(str) bytes = str.bytes result = '' size= 8 while bytes.any? do bytes.each_slice(size) do |a| bytes_out = b32decode(a).flatten.join result << bytes_out bytes = bytes.drop(size) end end return result end # # Base64 encoder # def self.encode_base64(str, delim='') [str.to_s].pack("m").gsub(/\s+/, delim) end # # Base64 decoder # def self.decode_base64(str) str.to_s.unpack("m")[0] end # # Raw MD5 digest of the supplied string # def self.md5_raw(str) Digest::MD5.digest(str) end # # Hexidecimal MD5 digest of the supplied string # def self.md5(str) Digest::MD5.hexdigest(str) end # # Raw SHA1 digest of the supplied string # def self.sha1_raw(str) Digest::SHA1.digest(str) end # # Hexidecimal SHA1 digest of the supplied string # def self.sha1(str) Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(str) end # # Convert hex-encoded characters to literals. # # @example # Rex::Text.dehex("AA\\x42CC") # => "AABCC" # # @see hex_to_raw # @param str [String] def self.dehex(str) return str unless str.respond_to? :match return str unless str.respond_to? :gsub regex = /\x5cx[0-9a-f]{2}/mi if str.match(regex) str.gsub(regex) { |x| x[2,2].to_i(16).chr } else str end end # # Convert and replace hex-encoded characters to literals. # # @param (see dehex) def self.dehex!(str) return str unless str.respond_to? :match return str unless str.respond_to? :gsub regex = /\x5cx[0-9a-f]{2}/mi str.gsub!(regex) { |x| x[2,2].to_i(16).chr } end ## # # Generators # ## # Generates a random character. def self.rand_char(bad, chars = AllChars) rand_text(1, bad, chars) end # Base text generator method def self.rand_base(len, bad, *foo) cset = (foo.join.unpack("C*") - bad.to_s.unpack("C*")).uniq return "" if cset.length == 0 outp = [] len.times { outp << cset[rand(cset.length)] } outp.pack("C*") end # Generate random bytes of data def self.rand_text(len, bad='', chars = AllChars) foo = chars.split('') rand_base(len, bad, *foo) end # Generate random bytes of alpha data def self.rand_text_alpha(len, bad='') foo = [] foo += ('A' .. 'Z').to_a foo += ('a' .. 'z').to_a rand_base(len, bad, *foo ) end # Generate random bytes of lowercase alpha data def self.rand_text_alpha_lower(len, bad='') rand_base(len, bad, *('a' .. 'z').to_a) end # Generate random bytes of uppercase alpha data def self.rand_text_alpha_upper(len, bad='') rand_base(len, bad, *('A' .. 'Z').to_a) end # Generate random bytes of alphanumeric data def self.rand_text_alphanumeric(len, bad='') foo = [] foo += ('A' .. 'Z').to_a foo += ('a' .. 'z').to_a foo += ('0' .. '9').to_a rand_base(len, bad, *foo ) end # Generate random bytes of alphanumeric hex. def self.rand_text_hex(len, bad='') foo = [] foo += ('0' .. '9').to_a foo += ('a' .. 'f').to_a rand_base(len, bad, *foo) end # Generate random bytes of numeric data def self.rand_text_numeric(len, bad='') foo = ('0' .. '9').to_a rand_base(len, bad, *foo ) end # Generate random bytes of english-like data def self.rand_text_english(len, bad='') foo = [] foo += (0x21 .. 0x7e).map{ |c| c.chr } rand_base(len, bad, *foo ) end # Generate random bytes of high ascii data def self.rand_text_highascii(len, bad='') foo = [] foo += (0x80 .. 0xff).map{ |c| c.chr } rand_base(len, bad, *foo ) end # Generate a random GUID # # @example # Rex::Text.rand_guid # => "{ca776ced-4ab8-2ed6-6510-aa71e5e2508e}" # # @return [String] def self.rand_guid "{#{[8,4,4,4,12].map {|a| rand_text_hex(a) }.join("-")}}" end # # Creates a pattern that can be used for offset calculation purposes. This # routine is capable of generating patterns using a supplied set and a # supplied number of identifiable characters (slots). The supplied sets # should not contain any duplicate characters or the logic will fail. # # @param length [Fixnum] # @param sets [Array<(String,String,String)>] The character sets to choose # from. Should have 3 elements, each of which must be a string containing # no characters contained in the other sets. # @return [String] A pattern of +length+ bytes, in which any 4-byte chunk is # unique # @see pattern_offset def self.pattern_create(length, sets = nil) buf = '' offsets = [] # Make sure there's something in sets even if we were given an explicit nil sets ||= [ UpperAlpha, LowerAlpha, Numerals ] # Return stupid uses return "" if length.to_i < 1 return sets[0][0].chr * length if sets.size == 1 and sets[0].size == 1 sets.length.times { offsets << 0 } until buf.length >= length begin buf << converge_sets(sets, 0, offsets, length) end end # Maximum permutations reached, but we need more data if (buf.length < length) buf = buf * (length / buf.length.to_f).ceil end buf[0,length] end # Step through an arbitrary number of sets of bytes to build up a findable pattern. # This is mostly useful for experimentially determining offset lengths into memory # structures. Note that the supplied sets should never contain duplicate bytes, or # else it can become impossible to measure the offset accurately. def self.patt2(len, sets = nil) buf = "" counter = [] sets ||= [ UpperAlpha, LowerAlpha, Numerals ] len ||= len.to_i return "" if len.zero? sets = sets.map {|a| a.split(//)} sets.size.times { counter << 0} 0.upto(len-1) do |i| setnum = i % sets.size #puts counter.inspect end return buf end # # Calculate the offset to a pattern # # @param pattern [String] The pattern to search. Usually the return value # from {.pattern_create} # @param value [String,Fixnum,Bignum] # @return [Fixnum] Index of the given +value+ within +pattern+, if it exists # @return [nil] if +pattern+ does not contain +value+ # @see pattern_create def self.pattern_offset(pattern, value, start=0) if (value.kind_of?(String)) pattern.index(value, start) elsif (value.kind_of?(Fixnum) or value.kind_of?(Bignum)) pattern.index([ value ].pack('V'), start) else raise ::ArgumentError, "Invalid class for value: #{value.class}" end end # # Compresses a string, eliminating all superfluous whitespace before and # after lines and eliminating all lines. # # @param str [String] The string in which to crunch whitespace # @return [String] Just like +str+, but with repeated whitespace characters # trimmed down to a single space def self.compress(str) str.gsub(/\n/m, ' ').gsub(/\s+/, ' ').gsub(/^\s+/, '').gsub(/\s+$/, '') end # # Randomize the whitespace in a string # def self.randomize_space(str) str.gsub(/\s+/) { |s| len = rand(50)+2 set = "\x09\x20\x0d\x0a" buf = '' while (buf.length < len) buf << set[rand(set.length),1] end buf } end # Returns true if zlib can be used. def self.zlib_present? begin temp = Zlib return true rescue return false end end # backwards compat for just a bit... def self.gzip_present? self.zlib_present? end # # Compresses a string using zlib # # @param str [String] The string to be compressed # @param level [Fixnum] One of the Zlib compression level constants # @return [String] The compressed version of +str+ def self.zlib_deflate(str, level = Zlib::BEST_COMPRESSION) if self.zlib_present? z = Zlib::Deflate.new(level) dst = z.deflate(str, Zlib::FINISH) z.close return dst else raise RuntimeError, "Gzip support is not present." end end # # Uncompresses a string using zlib # # @param str [String] Compressed string to inflate # @return [String] The uncompressed version of +str+ def self.zlib_inflate(str) if(self.zlib_present?) zstream = Zlib::Inflate.new buf = zstream.inflate(str) zstream.finish zstream.close return buf else raise RuntimeError, "Gzip support is not present." end end # # Compresses a string using gzip # # @param str (see zlib_deflate) # @param level [Fixnum] Compression level, 1 (fast) to 9 (best) # @return (see zlib_deflate) def self.gzip(str, level = 9) raise RuntimeError, "Gzip support is not present." if (!zlib_present?) raise RuntimeError, "Invalid gzip compression level" if (level < 1 or level > 9) s = "" s.force_encoding('ASCII-8BIT') if s.respond_to?(:encoding) gz = Zlib::GzipWriter.new(StringIO.new(s, 'wb'), level) gz << str gz.close return s end # # Uncompresses a string using gzip # # @param str (see zlib_inflate) # @return (see zlib_inflate) def self.ungzip(str) raise RuntimeError, "Gzip support is not present." if (!zlib_present?) s = "" s.force_encoding('ASCII-8BIT') if s.respond_to?(:encoding) gz = Zlib::GzipReader.new(StringIO.new(str, 'rb')) s << gz.read gz.close return s end # # Return the index of the first badchar in +data+, otherwise return # nil if there wasn't any badchar occurences. # # @param data [String] The string to check for bad characters # @param badchars [String] A list of characters considered to be bad # @return [Fixnum] Index of the first bad character if any exist in +data+ # @return [nil] If +data+ contains no bad characters def self.badchar_index(data, badchars = '') badchars.unpack("C*").each { |badchar| pos = data.index(badchar.chr) return pos if pos } return nil end # # Removes bad characters from a string. # # Modifies +data+ in place # # @param data [#delete] # @param badchars [String] A list of characters considered to be bad def self.remove_badchars(data, badchars = '') data.delete(badchars) end # # Returns all chars that are not in the supplied set # # @param keepers [String] # @return [String] All characters not contained in +keepers+ def self.charset_exclude(keepers) [*(0..255)].pack('C*').delete(keepers) end # # Shuffles a byte stream # # @param str [String] # @return [String] The shuffled result # @see shuffle_a def self.shuffle_s(str) shuffle_a(str.unpack("C*")).pack("C*") end # # Performs a Fisher-Yates shuffle on an array # # Modifies +arr+ in place # # @param arr [Array] The array to be shuffled # @return [Array] def self.shuffle_a(arr) len = arr.length max = len - 1 cyc = [* (0..max) ] for d in cyc e = rand(d+1) next if e == d f = arr[d]; g = arr[e]; arr[d] = g; arr[e] = f; end return arr end # Permute the case of a word def self.permute_case(word, idx=0) res = [] if( (UpperAlpha+LowerAlpha).index(word[idx,1])) word_ucase = word.dup word_ucase[idx, 1] = word[idx, 1].upcase word_lcase = word.dup word_lcase[idx, 1] = word[idx, 1].downcase if (idx == word.length) return [word] else res << permute_case(word_ucase, idx+1) res << permute_case(word_lcase, idx+1) end else res << permute_case(word, idx+1) end res.flatten end # Generate a random hostname # # @return [String] A random string conforming to the rules of FQDNs def self.rand_hostname host = [] (rand(5) + 1).times { host.push(Rex::Text.rand_text_alphanumeric(rand(10) + 1)) } d = ['com', 'net', 'org', 'gov'] host.push(d[rand(d.size)]) host.join('.').downcase end # Generate a state def self.rand_state() States[rand(States.size)] end # # Calculate the ROR13 hash of a given string # # @return [Fixnum] def self.ror13_hash(name) hash = 0 name.unpack("C*").each {|c| hash = ror(hash, 13); hash += c } hash end # # Rotate a 32-bit value to the right by +cnt+ bits # # @param val [Fixnum] The value to rotate # @param cnt [Fixnum] Number of bits to rotate by def self.ror(val, cnt) bits = [val].pack("N").unpack("B32")[0].split(//) 1.upto(cnt) do |c| bits.unshift( bits.pop ) end [bits.join].pack("B32").unpack("N")[0] end # # Rotate a 32-bit value to the left by +cnt+ bits # # @param val (see ror) # @param cnt (see ror) # @return (see ror) def self.rol(val, cnt) bits = [val].pack("N").unpack("B32")[0].split(//) 1.upto(cnt) do |c| bits.push( bits.shift ) end [bits.join].pack("B32").unpack("N")[0] end # # Split a string by n character into an array # def self.split_to_a(str, n) if n > 0 s = str.dup until s.empty? (ret ||= []).push s.slice!(0, n) end else ret = str end ret end # # Pack a value as 64 bit litle endian; does not exist for Array.pack # def self.pack_int64le(val) [val & 0x00000000ffffffff, val >> 32].pack("V2") end # # A custom unicode filter for dealing with multi-byte strings on a 8-bit console # Punycode would have been more "standard", but it requires valid Unicode chars # def self.unicode_filter_encode(str) if (str.to_s.unpack("C*") & ( LowAscii + HighAscii + "\x7f" ).unpack("C*")).length > 0 str = "$U$" + str.unpack("C*").select{|c| c < 0x7f and c > 0x1f and c != 0x2d}.pack("C*") + "-0x" + str.unpack("H*")[0] else str end end def self.unicode_filter_decode(str) str.to_s.gsub( /\$U\$([\x20-\x2c\x2e-\x7E]*)\-0x([A-Fa-f0-9]+)/ ){|m| [$2].pack("H*") } end protected def self.converge_sets(sets, idx, offsets, length) # :nodoc: buf = sets[idx][offsets[idx]].chr # If there are more sets after use, converage with them. if (sets[idx + 1]) buf << converge_sets(sets, idx + 1, offsets, length) else # Increment the current set offset as well as previous ones if we # wrap back to zero. while (idx >= 0 and ((offsets[idx] = (offsets[idx] + 1) % sets[idx].length)) == 0) idx -= 1 end # If we reached the point where the idx fell below zero, then that # means we've reached the maximum threshold for permutations. if (idx < 0) return buf end end buf end def self.load_codepage() return if (!@@codepage_map_cache.nil?) file = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'codepage.map') page = '' name = '' map = {} File.open(file).each { |line| next if line =~ /^#/ next if line =~ /^\s*$/ data = line.split if data[1] =~ /^\(/ page = data.shift.to_i name = data.join(' ').sub(/^\(/,'').sub(/\)$/,'') map[page] = {} map[page]['name'] = name map[page]['data'] = {} else data.each { |entry| wide, char = entry.split(':') char = [char].pack('H*') wide = [wide].pack('H*') if map[page]['data'][char].nil? map[page]['data'][char] = [wide] else map[page]['data'][char].push(wide) end } end } @@codepage_map_cache = map end # @param str [String] Data to checksum # @return [Fixnum] 8-bit checksum def self.checksum8(str) (str.unpack("C*").inject(:+) || 0) % 0x100 end # @param str [String] Little-endian data to checksum # @return [Fixnum] 16-bit checksum def self.checksum16_le(str) (str.unpack("v*").inject(:+) || 0) % 0x10000 end # @param str [String] Big-endian data to checksum # @return [Fixnum] 16-bit checksum def self.checksum16_be(str) (str.unpack("n*").inject(:+) || 0) % 0x10000 end # @param str [String] Little-endian data to checksum # @return [Fixnum] 32-bit checksum def self.checksum32_le(str) (str.unpack("V*").inject(:+) || 0) % 0x100000000 end # @param str [String] Big-endian data to checksum # @return [Fixnum] 32-bit checksum def self.checksum32_be(str) (str.unpack("N*").inject(:+) || 0) % 0x100000000 end end end