#!/usr/bin/env ruby # # This script converts an EXE to a VBA script for Word/Excel # Credit to PriestMaster for the original C code # msfbase = File.symlink?(__FILE__) ? File.readlink(__FILE__) : __FILE__ $:.unshift(File.join(File.dirname(msfbase), '..', 'lib')) require 'rex' require 'msf/base' def usage $stderr.puts(" Usage: #{$0} [exe] [vba]\n") exit end exe = ARGV.shift vba = ARGV.shift if (not (exe and vba)) usage end out = File.new(vba, "w") inp = File.open(exe, "rb") dat = "" while(buf = inp.read(8192)) dat << buf end out.write(Msf::Util::EXE.to_exe_vba(dat)) out.close inp.close $stderr.puts "[*] Converted #{dat.length} bytes of EXE into a VBA script"