## # This module requires Metasploit: https://metasploit.com/download # Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework ## class MetasploitModule < Msf::Auxiliary include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HttpClient include Msf::Auxiliary::Report def initialize(info = {}) super(update_info(info, 'Name' => 'Search Engine Subdomains Collector', 'Description' => %q( This module can be used to gather subdomains about a domain from Yahoo, Bing. ), 'Author' => [ 'Nixawk' ], 'License' => MSF_LICENSE)) register_options( [ OptString.new('TARGET', [ true, "The target to locate subdomains for, ex: rapid7.com,"]), OptBool.new('IP_SEARCH', [ false, "Enable ip of subdomains to locate subdomains", true]), OptBool.new('ENUM_BING', [ true, "Enable Bing Search Subdomains", true]), OptBool.new('ENUM_YAHOO', [ true, "Enable Yahoo Search Subdomains", true]) ]) deregister_options('RHOST', 'RHOSTS', 'RPORT', 'VHOST', 'SSL', 'Proxies') end def rhost_yahoo 'search.yahoo.com' end def rport_yahoo 80 end def rhost_bing 'global.bing.com' end def rport_bing 80 end def valid_result?(target, subdomain) data = Rex::Socket.is_ipv4?(target) ? domain2ip(subdomain) : subdomain data && data.include?(target) ? true : false end def domain2ip(domain) ips = [] begin ips = Rex::Socket.getaddresses(domain) rescue SocketError end ips end def uri2domain(uri) begin URI(uri).host rescue URI::InvalidURIError nil end end def bing_search(dork) print_status("Searching Bing for subdomains from #{dork}") results = [] begin searches = ['1', '51', '101', '151', '201', '251', '301', '351', '401', '451'] searches.each do |num| resp = send_request_cgi!( 'rhost' => rhost_bing, 'rport' => rport_bing, 'vhost' => rhost_bing, 'method' => 'GET', 'uri' => '/search', 'vars_get' => { 'FROM' => 'HPCNEN', 'setmkt' => 'en-us', 'setlang' => 'en-us', 'first' => num, 'q' => dork }) next unless resp && resp.code == 200 html = resp.get_html_document matches = html.search('cite') matches.each do |match| result = uri2domain(match.text) next unless result result.to_s.downcase! results << result end end rescue ::Exception => e print_error("#{dork} - #{e.message}") end results end def yahoo_search(dork) print_status("Searching Yahoo for subdomains from #{dork}") results = [] begin searches = ["1", "101", "201", "301", "401", "501"] searches.each do |num| resp = send_request_cgi!( 'rhost' => rhost_yahoo, 'rport' => rport_yahoo, 'vhost' => rhost_yahoo, 'method' => 'GET', 'uri' => '/search', 'vars_get' => { 'pz' => 100, 'p' => dork, 'b' => num }) next unless resp && resp.code == 200 html = resp.get_html_document matches = html.search('span[@class=" fz-15px fw-m fc-12th wr-bw lh-15"]') matches.each do |match| result = match.text result = result.split('/')[0] result = result.split(':')[0] next unless result result.to_s.downcase! results << result end end rescue ::Exception => e print_error("#{dork} - #{e.message}") end results end def search_subdomains(target) domains = {} ipv4 = Rex::Socket.is_ipv4?(target) dork = ipv4 ? "ip:#{target}" : "domain:#{target}" results = [] # merge results to reduce query times results |= bing_search(dork) if datastore['ENUM_BING'] results |= yahoo_search(dork) if datastore['ENUM_YAHOO'] return domains if results.nil? || results.empty? results.each do |subdomain| next if domains.include?(subdomain) next unless valid_result?(target, subdomain) print_good("#{dork} subdomain: #{subdomain}") if ipv4 domains[subdomain] = [target] else ips = domain2ip(subdomain) next if ips.empty? domains[subdomain] = ips ips.each { |ip| search_subdomains(ip) } if !ips.empty? && datastore['IP_SEARCH'] end end return if domains.empty? report_note(host: target, type: 'Subdomains', update: :unique_data, data: domains) end def run search_subdomains(datastore['TARGET']) end end