require 'swagger/blocks' # TODO: Complete this documentation when the credential model is fully implemented in the API. module CredentialApiDoc include Swagger::Blocks ORIGIN_ID_DESC = 'The ID of the origin record associated with this credential.' ORIGIN_TYPE_DESC = 'The class name within Metasploit::Credential that indicates where this credential came from.' PRIVATE_ID_DESC = 'The ID of the Metasploit::Credential::Private record associated with this credential.' PUBLIC_ID_DESC = 'The ID of the Metasploit::Credential::Public record associated with this credential.' REALM_ID_DESC = 'The ID of the Metasploit::Credential::Realm from where the credential was gathered.' LOGINS_COUNT_DESC = 'The number of successful login attempts that were completed using this credential.' ADDRESS_DESC = 'The IP address of the host this credential was collected from.' ADDRESS_EXAMPLE = '' SERVICE_NAME_DESC = 'The name of the service from which this credential was collected from.' SERVICE_NAME_EXAMPLE = 'ssh' PORT_DESC = 'The port on which the service was listening where this credential was collected from.' PORT_EXAMPLE = '22' PROTOCOL_DESC = 'The protocol the service was using.' PROTOCOL_ENUM = [ 'tcp', 'udp' ] MODULE_FULLNAME_DESC = 'The full name of the Metasploit module that was used to collect this credential.' MODULE_FULLNAME_EXAMPLE = 'auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_login' FILENAME_DESC = 'The filename of the file that was imported. This is necessary when the origin_type is import.' FILENAME_EXAMPLE = '/etc/shadow' POST_REFERENCE_NAME_DESC = 'The reference name of the Metasploit Post module used to collect this credential.' POST_REFERENCE_NAME_EXAMPLE = 'post/linux/gather/hashdump' SESSION_ID_DESC = 'The ID of the session where this credential was collected from.' USERNAME_DESC = 'The username for this credential.' USERNAME_EXAMPLE = 'administrator' PUBLIC_TYPE_DESC = 'The type of username that this falls into. This is used for searching for similar credentials.' PRIVATE_TYPE_DESC = 'The type of password data for this credential.' DATA_DESC = 'The private data for this credential. The semantic meaning of this data varies based on the type.' DATA_EXAMPLE = "'password123', '$1$5nfRD/bA$y7ZZD0NimJTbX9FtvhHJX1', or '$NT$7f8fe03093cc84b267b109625f6bbf4b'" JTR_FORMAT_DESC = 'Comma-separated list of the formats for John the ripper to use to try and crack this.' JTR_FORMAT_EXAMPLE = 'md5,des,bsdi,crypt' PUBLIC_TYPE_ENUM = [ 'Metasploit::Credential::BlankUsername', 'Metasploit::Credential::Username' ] PRIVATE_TYPE_CLASS_ENUM = [ 'Metasploit::Credential::ReplayableHash', 'Metasploit::Credential::NonreplayableHash', 'Metasploit::Credential::NTLMHash', 'Metasploit::Credential::Password', 'Metasploit::Credential::PasswordHash', 'Metasploit::Credential::SSHKey', 'Metasploit::Credential::PostgresMD5', 'Metasploit::Credential::BlankPassword' ] PRIVATE_TYPE_ENUM = [ 'password', 'ssh_key', 'ntlm_hash', 'postgres_md5', 'nonreplayable_hash', '' ] ORIGIN_TYPE_CLASS_ENUM = [ 'Metasploit::Credential::Origin::Import', 'Metasploit::Credential::Origin::Manual', 'Metasploit::Credential::Origin::Service', 'Metasploit::Credential::Origin::Session' ] ORIGIN_TYPE_ENUM = [ 'import', 'manual', 'service', 'session' ] # Swagger documentation for Credential model swagger_schema :Credential do key :required, [:origin_id] property :id, type: :integer, format: :int32, description: RootApiDoc::ID_DESC property :origin_id, type: :integer, format: :int32, description: ORIGIN_ID_DESC property :origin_type, type: :string, description: ORIGIN_TYPE_DESC, enum: ORIGIN_TYPE_CLASS_ENUM property :private_id, type: :integer, format: :int32, description: PRIVATE_ID_DESC property :public_id, type: :integer, format: :int32, description: PUBLIC_ID_DESC property :realm_id, type: :integer, format: :int32, description: REALM_ID_DESC property :workspace_id, type: :integer, format: :int32, required: true, description: RootApiDoc::WORKSPACE_ID_DESC property :logins_count, type: :integer, format: :int32, description: LOGINS_COUNT_DESC property :logins do key :type, :array items do key :'$ref', :Login end end property :public, '$ref': :Public property :private, '$ref': :Private property :created_at, type: :string, format: :date_time, description: RootApiDoc::CREATED_AT_DESC property :updated_at, type: :string, format: :date_time, description: RootApiDoc::UPDATED_AT_DESC end swagger_schema :Public do key :required, [:username, :type] property :id, type: :integer, format: :int32, description: RootApiDoc::ID_DESC property :username, type: :string, description: USERNAME_DESC, example: USERNAME_EXAMPLE property :type, type: :string, description: PUBLIC_TYPE_DESC, enum: PUBLIC_TYPE_ENUM property :created_at, type: :string, format: :date_time, description: RootApiDoc::CREATED_AT_DESC property :updated_at, type: :string, format: :date_time, description: RootApiDoc::UPDATED_AT_DESC end swagger_schema :Private do key :required, [:data, :type] property :id, type: :integer, format: :int32, description: RootApiDoc::ID_DESC property :data, type: :string, description: DATA_DESC, example: DATA_EXAMPLE property :type, type: :string, description: PRIVATE_TYPE_DESC, enum: PRIVATE_TYPE_CLASS_ENUM property :jtr_format, type: :string, description: JTR_FORMAT_DESC, example: JTR_FORMAT_EXAMPLE property :created_at, type: :string, format: :date_time, description: RootApiDoc::CREATED_AT_DESC property :updated_at, type: :string, format: :date_time, description: RootApiDoc::UPDATED_AT_DESC end swagger_path '/api/v1/credentials' do # Swagger documentation for /api/v1/credentials GET operation :get do key :description, 'Return credentials that are stored in the database.' key :tags, [ 'credential' ] parameter :workspace parameter do key :in, :query key :name, :svcs key :description, 'Only return credentials of the specified service.' key :example, ['ssh', 'owa', 'smb'] key :type, :array key :required, false items do key :type, :string end end parameter do key :in, :query key :name, :type key :description, 'The type of credential to return.' key :type, :string key :required, false key :enum, PRIVATE_TYPE_CLASS_ENUM end parameter do key :in, :query key :name, :user key :description, 'Only return credentials where the user matches this regex.' key :example, 'administrator' key :type, :string key :required, false end parameter do key :in, :query key :name, :pass key :description, 'Only return credentials where the password matches this regex.' key :example, 'password123' key :type, :string key :required, false end response 200 do key :description, 'Returns credential data.' schema do key :type, :array items do key :'$ref', :Credential end end end end # Swagger documentation for /api/v1/credentials POST operation :post do key :description, 'Create a credential.' key :tags, [ 'credential' ] parameter do key :in, :body key :name, :body key :description, 'The attributes to assign to the credential.' key :required, true schema do property :workspace_id, type: :integer, format: :int32, required: true, description: RootApiDoc::WORKSPACE_ID_DESC property :username, type: :string, description: USERNAME_DESC, example: USERNAME_EXAMPLE property :private_data, type: :string, description: DATA_DESC, example: DATA_EXAMPLE property :private_type, type: :string, description: PRIVATE_TYPE_DESC, enum: PRIVATE_TYPE_ENUM property :jtr_format, type: :string, description: JTR_FORMAT_DESC, example: JTR_FORMAT_EXAMPLE property :address, type: :string, format: :ipv4, required: true, description: ADDRESS_DESC, example: ADDRESS_EXAMPLE property :port, type: :int32, format: :int32, description: PORT_DESC, example: PORT_EXAMPLE property :service_name, type: :string, description: SERVICE_NAME_DESC, example: SERVICE_NAME_EXAMPLE property :protocol, type: :string, description: PROTOCOL_DESC, enum: PROTOCOL_ENUM property :origin_type, type: :string, description: ORIGIN_TYPE_DESC, enum: ORIGIN_TYPE_ENUM property :module_fullname, type: :string, description: MODULE_FULLNAME_DESC, example: MODULE_FULLNAME_EXAMPLE property :filename, type: :string, description: FILENAME_DESC, example: FILENAME_EXAMPLE property :session_id, type: :integer, format: :int32, description: SESSION_ID_DESC property :post_reference_name, type: :string, description: POST_REFERENCE_NAME_DESC, example: POST_REFERENCE_NAME_EXAMPLE end end response 200 do key :description, 'Successful operation.' schema do key :type, :object key :'$ref', :Credential end end end # Swagger documentation for /api/v1/credentials/ DELETE operation :delete do key :description, 'Delete the specified credentials.' key :tags, [ 'credential' ] parameter :delete_opts response 200 do key :description, 'Successful operation.' schema do key :type, :array items do key :'$ref', :Credential end end end end end swagger_path '/api/v1/credentials/{id}' do # Swagger documentation for api/v1/credentials/:id GET operation :get do key :description, 'Return credentials that are stored in the database.' key :tags, [ 'credential' ] parameter :workspace parameter :non_dead parameter :address parameter do key :name, :id key :in, :path key :description, 'ID of credential to retrieve.' key :required, true key :type, :integer key :format, :int32 end response 200 do key :description, 'Returns credential data.' schema do key :type, :array items do key :'$ref', :Credential end end end end #Swagger documentation for /api/v1/credentials/:id PUT operation :put do key :description, 'Update the attributes an existing credential.' key :tags, [ 'credential' ] parameter :update_id parameter do key :in, :body key :name, :body key :description, 'The updated attributes to overwrite to the credential.' key :required, true schema do key :'$ref', :Credential end end response 200 do key :description, 'Successful operation.' schema do key :type, :object key :'$ref', :Credential end end end end end