Added the "history" command to see a list of commands used before.
msf exploit(handler) > history -n 4
2344 set PAYLOAD windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
2345 set LHOST
2346 exploit
2347 history -n 4
msf exploit(handler) > history -h
Usage: history [options]
Show the command history
-a Show length commands in history
-h Help banner.
-n <opt> Show the last n commands
msf exploit(handler) >
msf > use auxiliary/admin/http/nuuo_nvrmini_reset
msf auxiliary(nuuo_nvrmini_reset) > show
show actions show all show encoders show exploits show missing show options show plugins show targets
show advanced show auxiliary show evasion show info show nops show payloads show post
This commit changes the post mixin so that the session compat check only
shows a warning rather than throwing an exception and stopping the
module from working completely.
This is off the back of the discussion involved with #7736
This streamlines the check for whether the currently-selected payload is
compatible on assignment. Rather than building the entire list of
compatible payloads, and seeing if what the user typed is in it (and
making multiple giant lists on the way), we simply check the module the
user typed directly.
Lots of people have been frustrated by the `sess` command as it mucks
with the autocomplete for `sessions`. This is a fair concern, especially
given that `sess` was intended to be a non-annoying shortcut.
This commit changes the `sess` command so that it is instead called
`terminal`. I couldn't think of a better option that didn't already
clash with another name or meaning. At least `terminal` is something
that doesn't clash, doesn't muck with any existin autocomplete rules,
and is in some way another name for the existing sessions.
Feedback appreciated!
Line originally references the read_timeout instance variable associated with the smb variable (line 118 || 120), which is an object of the simpleclient class that doesn't have a read_timeout instance variable. Updated the line to reference the client instance variable of smb, which does have a read_timeout variable. Testing this change appears to result in expected behavior.