Instead of editing the datastore['PATH'], use normalize_uri.
Since the purpose of this module is quite fuzz-like, I didn't want to
apply the normalize_uri to the whole uri -- the original code merely
applied to datastore['PATH'] (which seems like it should be
datastore['URI'] really) and then added on a bunch of other stuff to
test for traversals.
If the user wants to use downcased or mixed case HTTP methods, heck,
more power to them. If it doesn't work, it doesn't work. No other HTTP
module makes this call.
Looks like copypasta artifacts. DBUSER and DBPASS aren't ever set as
options in the module, and the module doesn't include MC's
Exploit::ORACLE mixin. It's also from four years ago and doesn't
report_auth or anything useful like that, but that's out of scope for
this branch.
As far as I can tell, there is no purpose for this cleanup. No other CMD
exec module takes pains to clear out CMD after run, and it looks like a
bad idea -- what happens when you rexploit?
This module was written in an era where the defaults for bruteforcing
included a lot of lock-inducing behavior, thus, it was quite serious
about setting datastore options directly. Also, there was apparently a
bug in USER_AS_PASS that this module attempted to avoid by setting the
datastore directly, rather than fixing the bug directly. As far as I
know, this bug has been long since resolved.
It's often you want counts of just WARN and ERROR messages, and don't
want to spam yourself with INFO messages that you don't intend to
address anyway. This is most often the case with CI, such as with
1. Added embed-element to work with IE11 (and Firefox). Removed browser-requirements for ActiveX (clsid and method).
2. Added Cache-Control header on SWF-download to avoid AV-detection (no disk caching = no antivirus-analysis :).
Testing performed:
Successfully tested with Adobe Flash Player with IE9, IE10 and IE11 running on Windows 7SP1. (Exploit will trigger on FF29, although sandboxed.)