1.) Now grabs clear-text user hint from XP systems in addition to
Win7/Win8 systems
2.) Changes output so it's no longer inline with hashes as not to
affect copy/paste of hashes output
3.) Adding alternate text in cases when no user hints are available
* UserPasswordHint, a key that is used to store the users password
hint, can be easily decoded to clear-text to get the users hint
(Example: "My Favorite Color")
* Added decode_windows_hint() method to perform the decode process
* Added decoded hint output for hashdump.rb and smart_hashdump.rb
-This commit Addresses Metasploit Bug #4402 that notes corrupted (aka:
incorrect) hashes yielded from hashdump
-Fail case can be reliably reproduced on a Windows system where (1) a
user is not storing an LM hash and (2) password histories are enabled
on the system
-This issue along with other extraction tools that are affected in a
similar way will be discussed at BlackHat USA 2012 and DEFCON 20 in 2
If you have questions, please let us know.
-Jonathan Claudius (@claudijd)
-Ryan Reynolds (@reynoldsrb)
Under certain conditions, the module may run into an "The handle
is invalid" while obtaining registry keys and values from the
victim machine. The fix is to retry a couple of times, and hope
we don't hit the race condition again.