Comments at the start of the file with ## caused YARD to think the
comment was documenting the require call. By removing the ##, the
warning disappeared. I did not determine what is special about ## in
file comments.
created 4 cmd stagers (instead of just one): CmdStagerVBS, CmdStagerDebugAsm, CmdStagerDebugWrite, CmdStagerTFTP
created a TFTPServer mixin
created Msf::Exploit::EXE mixin to generate executables
updated all uses of CmdStager to use CmdStagerVBS for the time being
add exploit for cve-2001-0333 using CmdStagerTFTP
updated tftp server to wait for transfers to finish (up to 30 seconds) before shutting down
write debug.exe stager stub in 16-bit assembly (used in CmdStagerDebugAsm)
git-svn-id: file:///home/svn/framework3/trunk@9375 4d416f70-5f16-0410-b530-b9f4589650da