- Many code duplications are eliminated from modules in favor of shared
implementations in the framework.
- Paths are properly quoted in shell operations and duplicate operations are
- Various subtle bugs in error handling are fixed.
- Error handling is simpler.
- Windows services API is revised and modules are updated to use it.
- various API docs added
- railgun API constants are organized and readable now.
This commit contains a bunch of work that comes from Meatballs1 and
Lesage, and updates the bypassuac_inject module so that it works on
Windows 8.x and Windows 2012. Almost zero of the code in this module
can be attributed to me. Most of it comes from Ben's work.
I did do some code tidying, adjustment of style, etc. but other than
that it's all down to other people.
created stub methods around the credential
creation methods modules would use from
Metasploit::Credential, they try to call the real ones
but rescue a NoMethodError that arises if framework is setup
without the db. it just prints a message to the console
telling the user the cred data will not be saved
did not. working on fixing that.
This commit also does some nice DRY work in the auth_brute mixin
Since Ruby 2.1, the respond_to? method is more strict because it does
not check protected methods. So when you use send(), clearly you're
ignoring this type of access control. The patch is meant to preserve
this behavior to avoid potential breakage.
response_timeout is a method specific to a meterpreter session, not
shell. So if the user is using a shell type payload, he will never
see a backtrace before interacting with the sessions.
Rather than literally returning the default Regex object, override the accessor
to return the string representation. This allows the RPC backend to properly
serialize the options hash values, since msgpack does not know how to serialize
a Regexp object. Fixes#3798.
To verify the fix, run the steps for issue #3798 and ensure that the module
options are returned instead of a backtrace. Also, ensure that the module
continues to work as expected:
$ ./msfconsole -q
msf > use auxiliary/scanner/http/scraper
msf auxiliary(scraper) > info
Name: HTTP Page Scraper
Module: auxiliary/scanner/http/scraper
License: Metasploit Framework License (BSD)
Rank: Normal
Provided by:
et <et@metasploit.com>
Basic options:
Name Current Setting Required Description
---- --------------- -------- -----------
PATH / yes The test path to the page to analize
PATTERN (?i-mx:<title>(.*)<\/title>) yes The regex to use (default regex is a sample to grab page title)
Proxies no Use a proxy chain
RHOSTS yes The target address range or CIDR identifier
RPORT 80 yes The target port
THREADS 1 yes The number of concurrent threads
VHOST no HTTP server virtual host
override default attr for OptRegexp
Scrap defined data from a specific web page based on a regular
msf auxiliary(scraper) > set RHOSTS lwn.net
RHOSTS => lwn.net
msf auxiliary(scraper) > set RHOSTS
msf auxiliary(scraper) > set VHOST lwn.net
VHOST => lwn.net
msf auxiliary(scraper) > run
[*] [] / [Welcome to LWN.net [LWN.net]]
[*] Scanned 1 of 1 hosts (100% complete)
[*] Auxiliary module execution completed