None of the lorcon / lorcon2 modules have been functional for a long
time, due to the lack of a "Lorcon" gem. It's unclear where it went.
I'm happy to include it and get these working again, but until someone
comes up with some functional code (hint: 'gem install' doesn't work) I
don't see any reason to keep shipping these.
Is there some trick people are doing to make these work? As far as I can
see, they are broken by default.
msf auxiliary(wifun) > show options
Module options (auxiliary/dos/wifi/wifun):
Name Current Setting Required Description
---- --------------- -------- -----------
CHANNEL 11 yes The initial channel
DRIVER autodetect yes The name of the wireless driver
for lorcon
INTERFACE wlan0 yes The name of the wireless
msf auxiliary(wifun) > run
[*] The Lorcon2 module is not available: cannot load such file --
[-] Auxiliary failed: RuntimeError Lorcon2 not available
[-] Call stack:
[*] Auxiliary module execution completed
Merge remote-tracking branch 'ChrisJohnRiley/set_normalize_uri_on_modules'
into set_normalize_uri_on_modules
Note that this trips all kinds of msftidy warnings, but that's for another
Bug fixes including:
* Unnecessary headers being manually added. Sometimes may cause
a 400 Bad Request against specific web servers. See issue 7165
on Redmine for details.
* Regex fix
* URI path fix
auxiliary/fuzzers/wifi/fuzz_beacon offers ADDR_DST option, probably
copy-pasted from some other wifi modules, but does not use it, likely
because beacons are meant to be sent to broadcast address only. Since
this is a fuzzer, changing the destination address may be desirable.
Used the option in building the frame to be sent.
This commit adds back the bit-struct library because in the end,
it is useful for some modules, especially pello's. It's small
and it has a nice license, so why not. After all, it /is/
useful for quicky application headers. Eventually, should
be replaced by StructFu, but that requires some doc work
on my part to get that transition in place.
This also adds pello's DNS fuzzer module which makes use of
BitStruct to create sometimes malformed-on-purpose DNS headers.
Tested against 3 different DNS servers, caused one to reboot,
so I'd say it works.