Edited modules/auxiliary/dos/http/ms15_034_ulonglongadd.rb first landed
in #5150, @wchen-r7's DOS module for CVE-2015-1635 HTTP.sys
Edited modules/auxiliary/gather/apple_safari_ftp_url_cookie_theft.rb
first landed in #5192, @joevennix's module for Safari CVE-2015-1126
Edited modules/auxiliary/gather/java_rmi_registry.rb first landed in
Edited modules/auxiliary/gather/ssllabs_scan.rb first landed in #5016,
add SSL Labs scanner
Edited modules/auxiliary/scanner/http/goahead_traversal.rb first landed
in #5101, Add Directory Traversal for GoAhead Web Server
Edited modules/auxiliary/scanner/http/owa_iis_internal_ip.rb first
landed in #5158, OWA internal IP disclosure scanner
Edited modules/auxiliary/scanner/http/wp_mobileedition_file_read.rb
first landed in #5159, WordPress Mobile Edition Plugin File Read Vuln
Edited modules/exploits/linux/http/multi_ncc_ping_exec.rb first landed
in #4924, @m-1-k-3's DLink CVE-2015-1187 exploit
Edited modules/exploits/unix/webapp/wp_slideshowgallery_upload.rb first
landed in #5131, WordPress Slideshow Upload
Edited modules/exploits/windows/local/run_as.rb first landed in #4649,
improve post/windows/manage/run_as and as an exploit
(These results courtesy of a delightful git alias, here:
cleanup-prs = !"for i in `git status | grep modules | sed
s/#.*modules/modules/`; do echo -n \"Edited $i first landed in \" && git
log --oneline --first-parent $i | tail -1 | sed 's/.*Land //' && echo
''; done"
So that's kind of fun.
Rather than duplicate the entire telnet scanner, add a pre-login hook that a
module can use to extend the behavior on connect. This also adds a local
pass-through print_error method like http has.
There were some issues with this module that caused backtraces when run outside
of msfconsole. Reverting it for now so we can add some specs and ensure that it
works like the other login scanners.