- [ ] Fire up tcpdump on the listening interface
- [ ] Run the module and see the pcap:
listening on vmnet8, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 65535
20:56:02.592331 IP > UDP, length
So in the previous refactor, we made the dedicated method to parse
usernames and passwords from the split up config values. However, that
didn't work, because on a single iteration of the loop, you only have
access to a possible username OR password. The other matching key will
be another iteration of the loop. Because of this, no credential pairs
were being reported.
The only way I can see around this (maybe because I'm a ruby newb) would
be to iterate over configs, and if the user or password regex matches,
add the matching value to a hash, which is identified by a key for both
user & pass. Then upon completion of the loop, it'd iterate over the
hash, finding keys that had both user & pass values.
The get_once would *only* return "MMcS", and stop. I
modified it to be a get(3, 3). Additionally, the command
length was set to 0x01 when it needed to be 0x00.