Rather than literally returning the default Regex object, override the accessor
to return the string representation. This allows the RPC backend to properly
serialize the options hash values, since msgpack does not know how to serialize
a Regexp object. Fixes#3798.
To verify the fix, run the steps for issue #3798 and ensure that the module
options are returned instead of a backtrace. Also, ensure that the module
continues to work as expected:
$ ./msfconsole -q
msf > use auxiliary/scanner/http/scraper
msf auxiliary(scraper) > info
Name: HTTP Page Scraper
Module: auxiliary/scanner/http/scraper
License: Metasploit Framework License (BSD)
Rank: Normal
Provided by:
et <et@metasploit.com>
Basic options:
Name Current Setting Required Description
---- --------------- -------- -----------
PATH / yes The test path to the page to analize
PATTERN (?i-mx:<title>(.*)<\/title>) yes The regex to use (default regex is a sample to grab page title)
Proxies no Use a proxy chain
RHOSTS yes The target address range or CIDR identifier
RPORT 80 yes The target port
THREADS 1 yes The number of concurrent threads
VHOST no HTTP server virtual host
override default attr for OptRegexp
Scrap defined data from a specific web page based on a regular
msf auxiliary(scraper) > set RHOSTS lwn.net
RHOSTS => lwn.net
msf auxiliary(scraper) > set RHOSTS
msf auxiliary(scraper) > set VHOST lwn.net
VHOST => lwn.net
msf auxiliary(scraper) > run
[*] [] / [Welcome to LWN.net [LWN.net]]
[*] Scanned 1 of 1 hosts (100% complete)
[*] Auxiliary module execution completed
See #4400. This should be all of them, except for, of course, the module
that targets Redmine itself.
Note that this also updates the README.md with more current information
as well.
Auxiiary modules already do this, but looks like we forgot to do the
same for post modules.
I also changed the error to allow "reason" in order to be more
informative about what the user should do.
Rename UDP_SECRET to just SECRET, as it is used for more than just UDP
Rename and properly document GATEWAY option
Introduce an option to configure what UDP port will be probed
If the user supplies an invalid session (as in not on the session
list), it will cause a backtrace, because the setup method from
Msf::PostMixin isn't actually called.
We have thought about implementing this in a new OptSession instead.
But you can't use or even pass framework to option_container.rb, so
this is NOT possible.
The original PR was #3956.
Add command line option --defer-module-loads to msfconsole. It will
stop `Msf::Ui::Console::Driver` from calling
`framework.modules.init_module_paths` AND
`framework.modules.refresh_cache_from_database`. This flag is only
meant to speed up msfconsole boot when modules do not need to accessed,
such as during cucumber testing of command help or command line options.