Installing a trap for "INT" is still wrong, it should be rescuing
Interrupt instead. This is just a bandaid to keep it from crashing
msfconsole any time ctrl-c is used after running wmap_run for the first
These three modules are well over their deprecation dates. Making good
on that threat now.
* service_permissions: Marked for removal on 2013-01-10
* bypassuac: Marked for removal on 2013-01-04
* ms10_092_schelevator: Marked for removal on 2013-06-01
This reverts commit d66779ba4c.
Specifically, this commit was causing trouble when a datastore was
getting an Integer. For some reason (as yet undiscovered), the option
normalizer wasn't trying to Integer#to_s such arguments.
This kind of thing is going to happen a lot. For now, I'd rather just
end up with the ducktype, and attack the normalizer in a seperate fix.
From @joernchen, leverages an infoleak to gain a shell on rails
applications. There is no patch, since you are expected to keep your
secrets, well, secret.
I'm just worried about all those naked classes just hanging around in
the top namespace. This shouldn't impact functionality at all.
While most modules don't define their own classes (this is usually the
job of Msf::Exploit and Rex), I can't think of a reason why you
shouldn't (well, aside from reusability). And yet, very rarely do
modules do it. It's not unknown, though -- the drda.rb capture module
defines a bunch of Constants, and the
post/windows/gather/credentials/bulletproof_ftp.rb module defines some
more interesting things.
So, this should be okay, as long as things are defined in the context of
the Metasploit module proper.