Array2Hex in the automotive extension how supports passing an array or integers or string hexes
Added some extra error handling for UDS calls to non-supported pids
the target selection actually adjust the datastore
as if a user selected the target, this prevents
a mismatch between the target and the target index
if the module authour added an automatic target
we skip our routine, to let the module's own automatic targeting
take over as it likely be better
targets now filtered by OS name, but a little
more processing may be needed on this part because
it looks like what you'd expect in os_flavor gets jammed
into name instead
1. Fix crash when no arguments are specified
2. Print history index starting at 1 like every shell
3. Fixed wording/phrasing
4. Fixed formatting/whitespace
Added the "history" command to see a list of commands used before.
msf exploit(handler) > history -n 4
2344 set PAYLOAD windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
2345 set LHOST
2346 exploit
2347 history -n 4
msf exploit(handler) > history -h
Usage: history [options]
Show the command history
-a Show length commands in history
-h Help banner.
-n <opt> Show the last n commands
msf exploit(handler) >
This commit adds a "to_handler" command to msfconsole when "using" a payload.
After generating a payload from msfconsole, we needed to set multi/handler and the payload with the same param as we used to generate it. That was really boring...
The to_handler command creates the handler and sets the payload and the options set for it.
### Example Output:
msf > use payload/windows/meterpreter_reverse_tcp
msf payload(meterpreter_reverse_tcp) > set LHOST
msf payload(meterpreter_reverse_tcp) > set LPORT 3377
LPORT => 3377
msf payload(meterpreter_reverse_tcp) > show options
Module options (payload/windows/meterpreter_reverse_tcp):
Name Current Setting Required Description
---- --------------- -------- -----------
EXITFUNC process yes Exit technique (Accepted: '', seh, thread, process, none)
EXTENSIONS no Comma-separate list of extensions to load
EXTINIT no Initialization strings for extensions
LHOST yes The listen address
LPORT 3377 yes The listen port
msf payload(meterpreter_reverse_tcp) > to_handler
[*] Payload Handler Started as Job 0
[*] Started reverse TCP handler on
[*] Starting the payload handler...
msf payload(meterpreter_reverse_tcp) >
msf > use auxiliary/admin/http/nuuo_nvrmini_reset
msf auxiliary(nuuo_nvrmini_reset) > show
show actions show all show encoders show exploits show missing show options show plugins show targets
show advanced show auxiliary show evasion show info show nops show payloads show post